Beginners and Beyond


October miles (Read 26 times)



    LOL. That's an impressive streak by any measure. Pretty sure I've never come close. At a bare minimum, I have a sub-200 marathon month twice a year. And when I miss out on a marathon, it's because I've been injured and the picture looks even worse. Anyway, off the the "Reports" tool....


    MTA: it’s 7.


    Hadn't thought about it 'eh? Me neither until the realization that this ride was coming to a stop hit me.


      221 which is a new high for me!


      And I almost beat LRB




      Posse up for November!


        Apparently I'm not a basker... my massage therapist was mad at me when she found out about it halfway through our session because evidently I was supposed to announce it the second I walked into the room. I think I'm so afraid of coming across as a braggart that I do a complete 180!


        But that's unrelated to the fact that I "only" ran 155.4 miles this month, isn't it??


        I feel you.


        Well, it's supposed to provide a bit of perspective!



          Are we there, yet?

            There goes my nascent 3 month streak of 200+ miles. Only 182.3 miles in October.

             2024 Races:

                  03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

                  05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
                  06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour, 35.82 miles





              Only 145.4, thanks to a week on the road, but I really enjoyed my hikes. I'm not a good enough trail runner to run when it's rocky, and I like being able to stop and take pictures.


              delicate flower

                267.7.  That's my third most ever and my most in five years.  Still chump change for this crew!




                  not really. It makes it a better brag.  "I ran a 3:09 on less than 40mpw"


                  IK,R? It seems like Blue is proving what I believe to be true (you can get away with a good HM on low mileage, but not a marathon) to be not so true. But I love it! If you want to bask a bit, you have my blessing!


                    I'm gonna start this thread, because I'm at 291.5. 


                    I hadn't noticed you were pulling numbers like that. WTG!


                      In all probability, this will be the end my 200 mile per month streak. At 11 months, it is a PB by 8 months.


                      Awesome! That's quite a run you're having.


                        6+ this evening will give me >150, which is good for a post-surgery and 2019 best. I'm starting to steer this ship in the right direction, slowly.


                        Pretty soon you'll be posting the highest numbers here again


                          221 which is a new high for me!


                          And I almost beat LRB


                          A new PB! That's great!


                            267.7.  That's my third most ever and my most in five years.  Still chump change for this crew!


                            Nice. That's still a beefy number. Hard to believe it's been that long; seems like you used to be up there all the time, before all that triathlon nonsense.



                              229.5, including taper/race/recovery. Onward and upward!


                              You have new PBs to chase Smile


                                Ginny, WC and FS, nice miles!


                                Baboon, that's a great number for a pure runner. I hear you also have other areas of interest that distract you from running.
