Beginners and Beyond

August goals. (Read 60 times)


    - Continue to drop weight, sub-175 would be nice by the end of the month

    - Continue to rock my Pfitz 18/70 plan

    - Sub-5:30 at my mile race on 8/16


    - 176lbs at last weighin, could be lower now, won't know until Tues morning (traveling at the moment), doing well and still heading in the right direction

    - Dropped my Pfitz plan and I'm opting for increased mileage, going well so far

    - Skipped the mile race while nursing a mild calf strain


    Overall, a great month, set a new monthly mileage PR at 307.1 miles, feel stronger than ever.  With 11 weeks to go until Richmond, I think I'm on track for a huge PR. Smile


    My running blog

    Goals | sub-18 5k | sub-3 marathon 2:56:46!!


      Sorry MM, hopefully September is better!


        1. Average mileage in the mid to high 50's for four weeks while remaining true to my speed work.
        2. Since there are five Sundays in the month, hit the 60's by the end of it.
        3. I have a 10k on the 30th that will be raced on tired legs.  My goal at this point is to run it competitively...that could and probably will change by then though.  lol  


        This was perhaps my best month ever in terms of pure training.  Look for September to kick my ass in return!




            Goal fail.  I finished with 41.  I had to take a week off due to a flare up.  Recovery blows.    Like I said in a previous thread, I have no idea how some of you are able to build back up so quickly.  I guess 2.5 years of injury takes its toll.


            Sorry.  Gotta be so frustrating - the spirit is willing, the body will not cooperate. Others who were able to build back up quickly were not coming back from what you are. Like you said you are basically a noob again, except with some refurbished parts. The miles will come, because you will not give up, but I guess the timetable is that whole "experiment of one" thing.



              1. Stay healthy.

              2. Hit all my target training paces.

              3. 250 miles.


              1. So far so good.

              2. Close enough.

              3. Umm...308. Sandbag much?


              Hip Redux

                I don't think I set any goals?  Therefore, I did not fail at any of them.  Winning!



                  I don't think I set any goals?  Therefore, I did not fail at any of them.  Winning!


                  This thread would not exist if we all won in that manner. 


                  Next month, grow some boy parts. 

                  Hip Redux


                    This thread would not exist if we all won in that manner. 


                    Next month, grow some boy parts. 


                    You can't win in that way.  ONLY ME.


                    And... no.



                      You can't win in that way.  ONLY ME.


                      And... no.


                      I'll tell you what, if I feel as if I am tempting fate then I won't be posting shit either.  lol


                      delicate flower

                        1.  10K PR

                        2.  Keep up with the speed workouts and increase the LR distance

                        3.  251 miles


                        Done, done, and done!  However, my month was a complete failure because DaveMichigan beat my miles.  Life sucks.




                          Done, done, and done!  However, my month was a complete failure because DaveMichigan beat my miles.  Life sucks.


                          You're still way, way faster than me, so there's that.



                          Refurbished Hip


                            Sorry.  Gotta be so frustrating - the spirit is willing, the body will not cooperate. Others who were able to build back up quickly were not coming back from what you are. Like you said you are basically a noob again, except with some refurbished parts. The miles will come, because you will not give up, but I guess the timetable is that whole "experiment of one" thing.


                            Thanks, Dave.  I knew it would be a long road, but it's frustrating to be on that road.  I think Baboon isn't human being able to run those kind of crazy miles after knee surgery.  I kind of hate him now. 

                            Running is dumb.

                            Hip Redux


                              Thanks, Dave.  I knew it would be a long road, but it's frustrating to be on that road.  I think Baboon isn't human being able to run those kind of crazy miles after knee surgery.  I kind of hate him now. 


                              I seem to be going the wrong way.  I had hip surgery and now my knee really hurts. lol   It's like the anti-Baboon.




                                Thanks, Dave.  I knew it would be a long road, but it's frustrating to be on that road.  I think Baboon isn't human being able to run those kind of crazy miles after knee surgery.  I kind of hate him now. 


                                You know who I bet you hate more - people who are perfectly healthy, but are like, "eh, I just can't get myself motivated to go run".
