Beginners and Beyond

Sub-0 windchill WednesDAILIES (Read 36 times)


    We have almost everyone agreeing on's just my youngest who doesn't really like it, but he's only 7, so there's still time. Big grin


    I was him once. I used to look at my family eating some of the things they ate at dinner like they were from outer space (or maybe I was?). The thing that got to me the most was how they could pull a fish out of the water, and then eat it. Omg that thing was JUST alive. And don't even bring up eating fresh chicken when we visited the south, I would get sick to my stomach; "They killed a chicken and then cooked it!" lol


    But yes, to your point, you eventually lose all reservations and join the rest of the world. What the experience did for me as a parent however was not make my kids eat things they didn't want to eat. Unlike me, who was threatened with violence if I didn't eat the vile and disgusting things my family was eating, I gave my kids a choice. The lucky bastards.


      No rashes, and no possible way to have contracted Lyme. Black Death it is.


      In your dreams...wait, you're an insomniac like me.


      Super B****


        Did you get your flu shot? All the cool kids on here got it free at work.


        Yep. I'm all over anything my insurance pays for that I don't!

        chasing the impossible


        because i never shut up ... i blog


        Super B****


          In your dreams...wait, you're an insomniac like me.


          Daydreams are still dreams

          chasing the impossible


          because i never shut up ... i blog


             Daydreams are still dreams


            The one area I excel in...


            Are we there, yet?

              No rashes, and no possible way to have contracted Lyme. Black Death it is.


              Bubonic plague is known to be present in some prairie dog colonies in the western states.

               2024 Races:

                    03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

                    05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
                    06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.





                This ad infers there is something missing with her running attire. If it's a race, she's only missing arm sleeves. 


                Little Blue

                  Reasons for inexplicable fatigue?? Because right about now, sleeping for the next thousand years probably won't be enough...


                  On a radio show the other day they were discussing low testosterone in females. Yes it can happen and it causes extreme fatigue. If you've eliminated everything else have them test that.


                    ^ blast from the past!



                      Maybe tomorrow, we'll see.


                      Did a drive by a few routes today to see what the surfaces look like; ass suck.


                      I have no idea what I'm doing tomorrow. It's not the way one wants to go to bed...

                      Half Crazy K 2.0

                        Reasons for inexplicable fatigue?? Because right about now, sleeping for the next thousand years probably won't be enough...


                        Lack of daylight?


                          I assume the B&B movie buffs such as yourself, Docket, and DaveP will be rushing out to see the new Charlie's Angels movie ASAFP?


                          Hilarious. Although I was a devotee of the original network series and a fan of Jaclyn Smith.



                            Hilarious. Although I was a devotee of the original network series and a fan of Jaclyn Smith.


                            Oh yeah she was the best of the 3.



                              Bailing on run #2. I'm just exhausted. I can make up the miles on Friday and that will so much better than running in the snow tonight after sitting thru 6 meetings at work today.


                              Super B****


                                On a radio show the other day they were discussing low testosterone in females. Yes it can happen and it causes extreme fatigue. If you've eliminated everything else have them test that.


                                That's never been presented as an option, true... thought it would require going back to my doctor and I really don't want to do that. I just want to, you know, not be a zombie all day every day.

                                chasing the impossible


                                because i never shut up ... i blog