Beginners and Beyond


2020 Dailies #188 (Read 29 times)

    Mightaswell start...

    4 flat, mostly slightly elevated, Right leg really struggled the last mile but that’s the point of it.


      I ran 4.


      I left with time enough to run 7 and had intended on running 6 but after about 60 seconds of staggering I decided that idea was stupid. I came home and cleaned out my shower with the newly found free time instead. 


      Former Bad Ass

        Morning. I woke up early to go to a doctor's appointment nearby but then as I was turning out of my house they called that the doctor had an emergency surgery and need to reschedule. Sigh. Went back and started work 5 minutes late. Oh, well.


        I have 11 miles tonight.



          I ran 4.


          I left with time enough to run 7 and had intended on running 6 but after about 60 seconds of staggering I decided that idea was stupid. I came home and cleaned out my shower with the newly found free time instead. 


          it was 80 degrees by 7:45am when I finished my run 


          UM 45 Ohio 23

            Ran a little over 7 with a few walk breaks. Was a little tired throughout which I'll chalk up to running later in the day yesterday and having to get up earlier after sleeping in a few days. 73 degrees and humid at 5:45am but a lot more comfy than 93 degrees yesterday afternoon! 


            Back to the 5-day week work grind...but have a Northern Michigan vacation planned for next week, assuming DW doesn't freak out about COVID and want to cancel. We have a sort of "suite" in a hotel near Petoskey that should allow us to social distance despite being at a hotel. Full kitchen so we'll bring a lot of our own food and do some carry-out meals as well. Won't be using the small-ish hotel pool...


              it was 80 degrees by 7:45am when I finished my run 


              We're getting August weather in July. Early, early July!


              Maybe we'll get September weather in August. 🤔

              Half Crazy K 2.0

                As much as the weather here is absolutely sucking now, I can't really complain. May and June were downright comfy, usuaully the heat here starts in late May and doesn't let up until sometime in September. From what I heard, winter wasn't bad either, we had several spring like days, too bad I didn't get to enjoy them.


                  Ran a little over 7 with a few walk breaks. Was a little tired throughout which I'll chalk up to running later in the day yesterday and having to get up earlier after sleeping in a few days. 73 degrees and humid at 5:45am but a lot more comfy than 93 degrees yesterday afternoon! 


                  Back to the 5-day week work grind...but have a Northern Michigan vacation planned for next week, assuming DW doesn't freak out about COVID and want to cancel. We have a sort of "suite" in a hotel near Petoskey that should allow us to social distance despite being at a hotel. Full kitchen so we'll bring a lot of our own food and do some carry-out meals as well. Won't be using the small-ish hotel pool...


                  I had a ball running up there a couple years ago, it was really adventurous darting from along the lakefront into pedestrian traffic and to lakefront again.


                  Are the walk breaks because you are tired or an injury thing?


                    As much as the weather here is absolutely sucking now, I can't really complain. May and June were downright comfy, usuaully the heat here starts in late May and doesn't let up until sometime in September. From what I heard, winter wasn't bad either, we had several spring like days, too bad I didn't get to enjoy them.


                    June was hot here. Lots of 85-90 degree days. (May was great tho)

                    Half Crazy K 2.0


                      June was hot here. Lots of 85-90 degree days. (May was great tho)


                      We had plenty of 80 degree days, but it wasn't the oppressive humidity that we typically get. The standard forecast for this area all summer is hazy, hot & humid with a chance of afternoon thunderstorms. It's really only been this past week that they can quit giving the details and just say the 3 Hs.


                      Super B****

                        12 on the AlterG. You'd think I would be avoiding the heat that way, but you would be wrong, because I am paranoid that running on the AlterG while the air conditioning is on will blow a fuse (which makes no sense since each of of those are on a dedicated line), so I only have a ceiling fan going. Consider it heat training?


                        Yesterday I talked to the AlterG maintenance guy and learned how to check the miles and hours on it. I wanted to figure out my average pace on there, but I can't find a calculator that will let me input and elapsed time in triple digit hours, and I'm too lazy to do the math on my own, so I guess it will have to remain a mystery.

                        chasing the impossible


                        because i never shut up ... i blog


                        Super B****

                          I ran 4.


                          I left with time enough to run 7 and had intended on running 6 but after about 60 seconds of staggering I decided that idea was stupid. I came home and cleaned out my shower with the newly found free time instead. 


                          I think I'd rather run  (though I don't actually mind cleaning the tub, minus the bleach smell)

                          chasing the impossible


                          because i never shut up ... i blog


                            12 on the AlterG. You'd think I would be avoiding the heat that way, but you would be wrong, because I am paranoid that running on the AlterG while the air conditioning is on will blow a fuse (which makes no sense since each of of those are on a dedicated line), so I only have a ceiling fan going. Consider it heat training?


                            Yesterday I talked to the AlterG maintenance guy and learned how to check the miles and hours on it. I wanted to figure out my average pace on there, but I can't find a calculator that will let me input and elapsed time in triple digit hours, and I'm too lazy to do the math on my own, so I guess it will have to remain a mystery.

                            try this one



                              7 miles at 54 degrees. 



                                I ran 4.


                                I left with time enough to run 7 and had intended on running 6 but after about 60 seconds of staggering I decided that idea was stupid. I came home and cleaned out my shower with the newly found free time instead. 


                                All I want to do in the morning is run and eat and drink coffee, and any new found time would be spent sitting on my ass screwing around on the internet. Any household tasks are saved for later, or in the case of cleaning out the shower, till never.

