Beginners and Beyond


Romeo 2 Richmond Half Marathon Race Report (Read 57 times)


    I completed the race today in 1:31:04.


    My personal best as this distance is also from this event, a 1:28:39 run last fall during week 7 of MRT (marathon race training) while training for Detroit. This fall I'm in week 5 of MRT, training for the Monumental in Indy.


    This year has been craptastic both in luck and training as far as running goes, but recently things have been looking upward. As such when trying to decide what to run this stupid thing at today I penciled in 6:45, which is my PR pace. Figuring the worst that could happen is the wheels would fall off, and they did. lol


    This is a point to point race which involves a bus ride and all that comes with that. I got there early enough though so that I would not be rushed. I ran 2.4 miles for a warm-up (no strides, which I didn't even think about until just now!) and arrived to the start line with about 4 minutes to spare, perfect. Brief announcements, pomp and circumstance, gun - BANG! we're off!


    I had one goal for mile 1 and that was to climb to race pace, not go out too fast and fall into it, which has been the case in every race for me this year geezus.  I was able to do that and quickly realized that there was a lot of effort being expended running at that pace. Uh oh. No worries, if one thing I have learned now in my 5th year of running is that sometimes your body decides what race pace is on a given day, and depending on the distance you either fight it, or accept it.


    Being a half marathon and still climbing my way back I decided to accept it today, albeit reluctantly. It's funny though that even running at less than what I had intended, race pace never really came easy to me today. By easy I just mean it was never natural, if that makes sense?


    Anyhoo, I set about the business of trying to hold a groove and ticked them shits off one by one.


    01 - 6:46

    02 - 6:54

    03 - 6:52

    04 - 6:48

    05 - 6:49

    06 - 6:51

    07 - 6:50

    08 - 6:58

    09 - 6:57


    For a brief period right around mile 5, I found a really good groove where it wasn't too much of a struggle and thought to myself that was exactly what I was looking for. I held that good feeling for another mile or 2.


    It was just after mile 9 however, where the real struggle began. I felt it first in my legs, then my left glute, then my right glute. By the end of the stupid mile everything below my waist was stiff.


    Miles 10 and 11 saw me increase the effort, but my pace steadily drop. It was here where you start shedding all unnecessary baggage; pre-race goals, promises to yourself to race well, thoughts of yummy delectable food to eat, wine, cheese all that shit gone. Bye!


    It was all I could do to keep the wheels from falling off but alas, they did anyway! Unlike my half marathon this past spring however, I picked them bitches up. I just kept telling myself to fight, don't look at the watch (which depresses me when I'm fading, causing me to fade even more!) just lean forward and push. Those were the longest miles of the day, and by the time I finished mile 12, I wanted to fucking cry. lol


    10 - 7:04

    11 - 7:16

    12 - 7:17


    It doesn't look like it, but I was mindful of trying to finish strong. And even though at this point I was stinking up the place, oddly, I still considered the chance for a good race a possibility (that must've been late race delirium).


    As I increased the effort, the pain shot through me like a continuous bolt of lightening. My head was tilted to the left side, I was leading with my left shoulder, I was literally falling forward (yes, totally fucked up form!), I was moaning and groaning so loudly that the last of the 5k walkers were moving out of the way FFS! I heard one of them ask the other if I was okay. In my head I was like would you be okay if you were running while carrying wheels???


    It took forever but I finally clocked in with a 7:02 mile 13. And believe me when I tell you, I had absolutely NOTHING more!


    When I saw the 1:31 on the clock as I approached the finish, of course my heart sank. I am not sure exactly why though, probably the finality of it all.


    As it is, while not happy or thrilled with today's result, I am actually satisfied with the performance. I mean, you can daydream about all the PR's and fantastic finishes you want, but getting out there and actually fighting through the mental and physical fatigue of the race is another story!


    In the grand scheme of things, this is another step in my attempts to try and have a good year. Whether I do or not has kind of taken a backseat though. Ultimately, I love to train, I love to race and despite my incessant whining to the contrary, I actually love to run, too.


    I am doing those things now and with the realization that we will not be able to do this shit (do it well) forever, I'm just going to try to enjoy it as much as possible.


    All told, while falling short of my modest expectations, I did my best on this day. And anytime you can say that about a run or a race (or anything for that matter), it was a good day.



    No more marathons

      LRB - you may not have had fun running this half, but I certainly did reading your report.

      Always entertaining.  Makes me think back to when I was a young lad.  LOL

      Boston 2014 - a 33 year journey

      Lordy,  I hope there are tapes. 

      He's a leaker!


        Really a nice job, all things considered. Goes without saying that your disappointment would be a celebration for many of us. You have been making a huge comeback in recent weeks, and it's been fun to see the joy come back into your running. Maybe this was a bit early in the comeback to get maximum result. And anyway, this is just a prelude to The Big One - continue your current upward arc, and you are still on track to murder that.


        Also, I know that race has a notoriously fast field. But, any AG bling?



          Sorry your time wasn't what you wanted but I enjoyed your description of the last four miles. Not because I like for you to suffer but because I've been there! And also, there was a guy breathing just like that near me during my race. Ugh.   Anyway this long tough effort will serve you well in your marathon goal. So there is that.


             last four miles


            9 is typically about the point in a half where I start hating life too.



              I love you philosophical approach to racing and also your great humility. We should all be like you. You didn't have much time for training and you did great considering. It's still an awesome finish time even though it's not a PR for you. Congratulations!

              PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

                      Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

              18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010


                As mentioned by Dave, I'd love this time of yours, but I understand you slight frustration at your result. Going out too strong (on that given day) makes those last miles total misery, and still the result is not there.

                I think it's a great comeback, given your injury record of the past months.


                Super B****

                  Hey, I would give my left arm for that finish time!    But I do understand that it's all relative, so... it still doesn't look all that bad to me.  The last few miles of a half marathon are supposed to suck, aren't they?  Maybe not quite THAT badly, but still.  I think you did a good job here.

                  chasing the impossible


                  because i never shut up ... i blog


                    You ran a great race.  Way to keep pushing those last 4 miles when you had lead in your legs.


                    And good idea to stop looking at your watch.  I wish I'd done that in the last 2 miles of last week's race - like you, I was discouraged by the falling pace.


                      The report made me feel like I was there suffering with you. It painted such a good (well not good, accurate) picture of what we go through to get the result we are hoping for. I'm sorry you didn't get yours today, but I sure admire your attitude and your ability to carry those wheels!


                      Penguin Power!

                        Just make sure to get a really good ass massage so that you can return to peak form 


                        Like all of the others here, I'd kill for your time 

                        Upcoming Races: Run as One 4M (4/24) * Japan Run 4M (5/8) * Brooklyn Half (5/21) 


                          LRB - you may not have had fun running this half, but I certainly did reading your report.

                          Always entertaining.  Makes me think back to when I was a young lad.  LOL


                          Thank you bluesky doggie dog. I actually giggled at my own stupid self making all that racket that last mile.


                          I didn't wait around for awards DavePBlingityBling. The age groups were 40 - 49 and I was listed initially at #5. Still waiting for online results to be posted. There were three 47 year olds listed and I was the first of them for what it's worth. lol


                          Thank you lily. It's a fine line between disappointment and the silver lining.


                          My last few miles of any distance race is ugly blue. I'm not good at it and have long given up on trying to be. I just try to hold it together as long as I can.


                          The more you race Brill', the more you learn about yourself and the more you can apply those lessons. Running the local 5 or 10k may not seem worth it, but sometimes the lessons learned are invaluable.


                          Thank you Cy. Knowing oneself is huge.


                          Racing is tough WIP, and despite the non-chalantness in which we race them, half marathon are tougher yet!


                          Thanks sapf, my ass aches. lol


                            Anyway this long tough effort will serve you well in your marathon goal.


                            Despite the sheer fright of it, I came out of last month's 10k better off so that is my hope.


                            delicate flower

                              Your race sounds just like my HM last Sunday, when I crossed the finish line shaking my head in disgust.  You did great battling though, and mentally pushing through when you are just spent takes some toughness.  Still a very good race result, but you know that.



                                Grinding hard to finish as strong as you can on off day -- or off training cycle -- is really, really difficult IMO.  It's one thing to push for a PR.  It's a whole other kettle of fish to push when you know there no hope of one.   Congrats for fighting hard and finishing as strong as you did.

                                Life is good.
