Beginners and Beyond


Too early for that FriDAILIES (Read 42 times)


    Watched some idiot weave in and out of traffic, tailgate and just be an all around ass hole for 6 miles on the way to work this morning. The irony of course is that after all of that nonsense, she got caught at each red light, because that's how those things work. Stupid.


      I'm gonna jog, distance to be determined on the fly.


      What up doe?



        Good morning!


        10 min elliptical, 2 mile jog.  The foot is far from cured, but it doesnt feel any worse at the end of the second mile.  Time will tell.


        I hope everyone has a kickass day!

        Runner with a riding problem.


        Super B****

          5.7.  Would like a new left knee and leg please.

          chasing the impossible


          because i never shut up ... i blog


            Slept all the way through to 3:00 today. So that's progress.

            Literally 24 hours after I said I was going to hold out with short sleeves as long as possible, I wore long sleeves today. And gloves.  How's that for will power.

            8 miles.




              I got up this morning, reluctantly.... but I got up...

              9.6 miles all by myself, I stopped and said hello to a couple of horses and managed to dodge grumpy drivers throughout the run and enjoyed a nice 48 degrees that felt warmer due to the humidity.

              *Do It For Yourself, Do It Because They Said It Was Impossible, Do It Because They Said You Were Incapable*


              5k - 24:15 (7:49 min/mile pace) 

              10k - 51:47 (8:16 min/mile pace)

              15k -1:18:09 (8:24 min/mile pace)

              13.1 - 1:53:12 (8:39 min/mile pace)

               26:2 - 4:14:55 (9:44 min/mile)


              Former Bad Ass

                Morning!  Stuck at a deposition all morning.  Have 7 to do tonight.  Back is finally back to normal and it feels so much nicer.


                LRB, I always see those assholes doing that and then they always get caught up or I catch them up at some point.


                Jack K.

                uʍop ǝpᴉsdn sǝʇᴉɹʍ ʇI

                  9 mile tempo run last night and feeling pretty good.   DD2 is running in CIF finals tomorrow and then we are off to Zion for five glorious days of hiking, lounging about, running, or doing nothing.   Yes sir!


                  delicate flower

                    'Friday!  Another early swim done.  2500 yards.  I slept funny last night (not "ha-ha" funny) and so my neck hurt with every turn.  I only had to turn one hundred times during my swim, so it wasn't that bad.     JOG planned after work.



                      I am managing to get my run in every day. Focus is speed, but I want to keep a reasonable volume too.

                      You reap what you sow. Hopefully in a couple of months I'll be faster.


                        2 mile jog.  The foot is far from cured, but it doesnt feel any worse at the end of the second mile.  Time will tell.


                        Improvement is always good.



                            I ran 7


                            Hi Cyberic!


                              10 min elliptical, 2 mile jog.  The foot is far from cured, but it doesnt feel any worse at the end of the second mile.  Time will tell.



                              A good sign. Hope it continues to improve


                              delicate flower

                                4 at 7:26 pace.  Slowly but surely the speed is coming back.

