Beginners and Beyond

MonDAILIES (Read 45 times)



    Salted Caramel and chocolate do not match! 





    Former Bad Ass



      Hubby's PSA was normal, yay!  I assume he still needs a biopsy of the prostate nodule but it looks like there are no indications of cancer right now.



      Run to live; live to run


        Don't you mean 10.1?


        Or 10.2 or point something


        Hip Redux



          Hubby's PSA was normal, yay!  I assume he still needs a biopsy of the prostate nodule but it looks like there are no indications of cancer right now.




          Second rest day with this stupid cold.  I haven't taken two rest days in I don't know how long.  OMG, will I live?



          delicate flower



            Hubby's PSA was normal, yay!  I assume he still needs a biopsy of the prostate nodule but it looks like there are no indications of cancer right now.


            Excellent!  Make him run 10 miles to celebrate.



              So: no training, no racing. That's it.

              I hear ya, loud and clear!



                  I saw Blackhat. They could've lopped off the first half and gave us a better ending.


                  Grade incomplete; too long, drawn out. Potential not met.


                    I can't remember the last time I took off the day after a race when I wasn't injured, but today I think I will unless a mad fit grabs me later in the evening along with a dose of guilt and remorse. Besides I had enough walking around 3 airports today on my way home.


                    After a 50k race, I read somewhere you're allowed a rest day.




                      Hubby's PSA was normal, yay!  I assume he still needs a biopsy of the prostate nodule but it looks like there are no indications of cancer right now.


                      Very good news!

                      Half Crazy K 2.0

                        5 miles outside. Most of the ice is gone except for a few shady spots.


                        Docket Rocket, great news about your husband. I thought salted caramel was a bad idea, I have a sweet tooth, why screw up something already good. I changed my mind. Trader Joe's has sea salt dark chocolate caramels. Yum! The hot chocolate is really good after a cold run.


                        LRB, here the video clip of the plyo workout. link




                          Hubby's PSA was normal, yay!  I assume he still needs a biopsy of the prostate nodule but it looks like there are no indications of cancer right now.

                          Great news!


                          8 easy for me. I don't think I ate enough beforehand because I ran out of oomph at the end. That hasn't happened in a long time.


                          Former Bad Ass

                            5 miles done. It was 72F, hooray!  I don't like that my run was fully in the light of day.  The surface of the sun is at hand.



                              Yay for Mr. Docket!


                              Ran 10 on the TM even though it was a beautiful day outside.  It was a really good run.  I think that what I've been missing in the past few months is self-confidence.  I get nervous going out for a run for some stupid reason and kind of defeat myself.  At home, I know I can stop/slow down/whatever any time I need to, and guess what?  I don't need to.  Silly, huh?  I've also been able to hold a faster pace, since again, I am not worried about bonking miles away from home, and I think it's just fast enough to get the pulse/endorphins going again.


                              So who would've guessed that it would take a TM to make running fun again.


                              Of course, now I still need to get the dogs out and the storm clouds have rolled in.



                                LRB, here the video clip of the plyo workout. link

                                I wouldn't be able to do 25% of that workout. All those lunges too, Geeez.