Beginners and Beyond

It's Labor Day, MONDAILIES. Let's Labor. (Read 44 times)


    SRD for me and I am pathetically excited about it.


    You've earned it. Enjoy!


    And good luck to Blue in her races!

    PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

            Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

    18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010


      And good luck to Blue in her races!


      Oh yeah, a 10k and a 5k. If she PR's them both the internet will explode. lol


      Thank you for shopping for me dear. Those singlets look very happy to see you.



        195.8 miles in 20 days? I'd say so!


        Incidentally, you beat my 20 day streak of 191.4 from 2013 FFS.




        Question for you all: Which day is the first day of the week for you? I always thought that a weekend meant "end of the week", and Sunday being the last day of the weekend, it makes Monday the first day of the week, no? Apparently some people think Sunday is the first day of the week... What is it for you?

        PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

                Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

        18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010


          Ooops... I quoted the wrong post above. And I'm too lazy to change it now. Sorry about that. I think I should just go back to bed now that my tummy is full. .

          PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

                  Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

          18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010


             Question for you all: Which day is the first day of the week for you?


            Monday is the first day of my running week. Monday is also the first day of my work week. So for me, everything begins Monday and ends on Sunday.




              Ooops... I quoted the wrong post above. And I'm too lazy to change it now. Sorry about that. I think I should just go back to bed now that my tummy is full. .


              It's because you're hungry, now go eat!


                5 miles done. Going hiking with DS and friends later - so, mostly meandering up some trails, since the kids are more interested in seeing what treasures they can find than actually covering ground.

                20,000 miles behind me, the world still to see.

                Little Blue

                  Good morning, and happy holiday!  Or, happy Monday, whichever applies to you.


                  I'll go out shortly and run a few.  Then we're taking our sailboat to the lake.  It's been 2 years sitting in the driveway, and we need to see if it still floats.  And if we remember how to use it.  We take it to the coast in a couple of weeks, probably not the best place for a refresher!


                  The week starts on Sunday and ends on Saturday, just like the calendar says.   My boss is German, and draws her calendar with both Sat and Sun at the end, Monday being the first block  Eternally screws me up.


                  I think LRB needs that black and red singlet that Lily posted.  Hot.


                  Good luck, blue run!  (She's probably already done.)




                    As tight as it is, I would be. lol


                    I love red and black, there's just not enough of that.


                    I ended up buying three. One I really like and two others for backup. Now if only my running didn't stink, all of this foolishness would actually be worth it.


                      Good morning! 10 easy today. Missed whatever excitement when on here yesterday.  Hope everybody is having a good one.


                      5k - 20:51 - 9/5/15

                      10k - 47:00 - 5/25/15

                      15k - 1:10:19 - 11/21/15

                      13.1 - 1:42:25- 4/25/15

                      26.2 - TBD (someday)


                      Are we there, yet?


                        Question for you all: Which day is the first day of the week for you? I always thought that a weekend meant "end of the week", and Sunday being the last day of the weekend, it makes Monday the first day of the week, no? Apparently some people think Sunday is the first day of the week... What is it for you?


                        My work week is Sunday to Saturday and that is the week I use for my running log as well. It also matches what all my calendars show with Sunday on the far left and Saturday on the far right of each week. But then for the 2015In2015 game I use Monday to Sunday. Trying to figure out how to post my miles when I ran a 24-hour race that began on Saturday and ended on Sunday confused me too much.

                         2024 Races:

                              03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

                              05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
                              06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour, 35.82 miles





                        Are we there, yet?

                          And why hasn't anyone mentioned food yet? Isn't Labor Day a day to picnic or barbecue?

                           2024 Races:

                                03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

                                05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
                                06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour, 35.82 miles





                          Former Bad Ass

                            Morning!  I have Pilates and 6 miles.


                            Lily, buy the stupid fan.


                            QOTD, for me the first day of the week is the first day of the week, so Monday.  My rest day, though, is Friday.  LR is Sunday.




                              As tight as it is, I would be. lol


                              I love red and black, there's just not enough of that.


                              I ended up buying three. One I really like and two others for backup. Now if only my running didn't stink, all of this foolishness would actually be worth it.


                              Maybe my races have sucked this year because I haven't bought new outfits for them.

                              From the Internet.

                                Went to the track to run while my club was doing their workout - a few other club members were also there just to run and not to do the workout, so I felt less like an outcast. 4.37 miles, felt good.


                                Coach agrees that my on-and-off shin aches are probably due to tight calves, will likely go see my PT this week to get her opinion, figure out a stretching routine, and maybe get a dry needling treatment. He also thinks I've been coming back very conservatively to this point and can afford to try to bump the mileage up a little more this week, so that was encouraging Smile I'll walk or walk/jog tomorrow depending on my shin/calf situation and maybe shoot for 5 miles Wednesday morning.