Beginners and Beyond

How is it only TuesDAILIES (Read 40 times)


Super B****

    I went to bed before 9 PM last night because I was so tired. I needn't have bothered, since I am still that tired. 😴


    8 on the AlterG with 8x800m because why not?

    Tonight's swim will likely be short due to my toddler bedtime.

    chasing the impossible


    because i never shut up ... i blog


    Former Bad Ass

      I am also shocked it's only Tuesday.


      I didn't run last night so 4 and weights tonight.


      For LRB, the story behind the cat and the meme: LINK



        I ran 7.


          Feezing rain today. Thank whoever-you-believe-in for salt! Sidewalks are nice and grippy. I did a loop in the botanical garden... oh-oh... I had to run with a stride length of about 9 inches.


          Former Bad Ass

            Feezing rain today. Thank whoever-you-believe-in for salt! Sidewalks are nice and grippy. I did a loop in the botanical garden... oh-oh... I had to run with a stride length of about 9 inches.


            How early do they salt the streets or sidewalks over there?  I leave for work by 6:20-6:30am and the snow was removed but wondering how early do they salt in the days that need it.



            delicate flower

              38 degrees and raining this morning, and I ain't running in that crap, so 5 treadmill miles done before work.  I am not looking forward to what will most likely be a 12-14 hour work day today.   *sigh*



              Go figure



                Running this evening 


                Docket...i appreciate the cat.


                Baboon...those are some long days - no fun!


                Blue...toddler bedtime made me laugh. I have one of those too.


                Cyberic...good practice for not over-striding?

                Trying to find some more hay to restock the barn


                  Baboon, I hope the day surprises you by going smoothly and getting out of there on time.


                  I ran 5ish before work.  I had to re-route due to police activity on the lake path investigating a car that drove into one of the harbors.  I had to cut over Lake Shore Drive, which I hate crossing in the mornings, through the park and then take Michigan to the river.  My GPS went nuts on the river and seemed to be about a quarter mile or so off the rest of the time, could be more, I don't know.  My run today had the last 15 minutes faster per the plan, and I don't know what that pace was because it's when the GPS went wonky, so I'm at a loss for how to correct the mileage.  I just settled on 5ish.



                    How early do they salt the streets or sidewalks over there?  I leave for work by 6:20-6:30am and the snow was removed but wondering how early do they salt in the days that need it.


                    They have a lot of equipment for winter here, and the city workers have good practice. They'll usually make sure all main roads are salted and all street corners before car traffic starts on week days, so maybe 5 or 6 AM? On weekends they're a little later.  Sometimes it doesn't work out perfectly, but most of the times it's good.

                    Sidewalks are another thing. Montreal has many burrows (I have no idea if that's a word, it just popped in my head) with their own admnistration, and each "burrow" is in charge of streets and sidewalks. Most are aligned when it comes to streets, but for sidewalks, some keep them nice and walkable all winter long, when others don't do much.


                    Former Bad Ass


                      They have a lot of equipment for winter here, and the city workers have good practice. They'll usually make sure all main roads are salted and all street corners before car traffic starts on week days, so maybe 5 or 6 AM? On weekends they're a little later.  Sometimes it doesn't work out perfectly, but most of the times it's good.

                      Sidewalks are another thing. Montreal has many burrows (I have no idea if that's a word, it just popped in my head) with their own admnistration, and each "burrow" is in charge of streets and sidewalks. Most are aligned when it comes to streets, but for sidewalks, some keep them nice and walkable all winter long, when others don't do much.


                      Sounds similar to here but I bet you guys are more prepared.  I was surprised the streets looked like nothing had happened after the snowfall last time by 6am.  My burrow (neighborhood) HOA includes snow removal but not sure if that means salting the streets or even the sidewalks.  Fortunately, my commute to work is 95% highways which are what they give attention to first.  It also pays off to live in one of the three high taxed counties because they are apparently taken care of first, from what I've heard.





                        Running this evening 



                        Cyberic...good practice for not over-striding?


                        Have a nice run this evening!


                        I enjoyed running on an icy surfacethis morning, as it is a skill I need to hone because I am bull-headed about running outside in any weather. When I run in the winter with people, it's very easy to spot the ones who are used to it, and the ones who will fall a couple of times. The ones who are used to it will switch to short strides, light on their feet when they run over a suspicious patch, whereas the others will keep their regular running stride.


                          Switched my workout from Wed to this morning. I also have a toddler bedtime (usually 830-9pm at the latest). We're supposed to get basically our annual rainfall tomorrow so not a good day for a workout. Although I wish I had realized this before heading to the gym last night to get in a leg workout. Legs were a little jelly today but the run went really well! 8 miles with 4 x 1 mi (HMP down to 5K) with 2 min jog between. And all before 6am


                          It hasn't rained here since maybe April? So when it pours tomorrow it will be horrendous. Streets flooded, hundreds of accidents, tree branches falling. I will take running clothes/shoes to work so I can run home if necessary. In the past, during one of these annual rainfall days, it has taken me 2-3 hours to drive home (6 miles).


                          Former Bad Ass

                            Rain here is totally different than Miami.  There it would downpour, here it's just a drizzle which so far has been very runnable,





                              Just realized I had signed up for the Run with the Yeti 13.1 trail race that is next Saturday............ the trails are pancake flat but wonder if I will be ready...

                              *Do It For Yourself, Do It Because They Said It Was Impossible, Do It Because They Said You Were Incapable*


                              5k - 24:15 (7:49 min/mile pace) 

                              10k - 51:47 (8:16 min/mile pace)

                              15k -1:18:09 (8:24 min/mile pace)

                              13.1 - 1:53:12 (8:39 min/mile pace)

                               26:2 - 4:14:55 (9:44 min/mile)



                                Rain here is totally different than Miami.  There it would downpour, here it's just a drizzle which so far has been very runnable,


                                Lol don't worry, we've got our monsoons too.......... and I've run in those. We get everything from sprinkles, drizzles, rain, and pelting bombs and then ones where it feels like the sky just opened up and an ocean fell through.

                                The fun runs are when you're out running in ice and rain or slush... like it literally feels like slush is falling from the sky 

                                *Do It For Yourself, Do It Because They Said It Was Impossible, Do It Because They Said You Were Incapable*


                                5k - 24:15 (7:49 min/mile pace) 

                                10k - 51:47 (8:16 min/mile pace)

                                15k -1:18:09 (8:24 min/mile pace)

                                13.1 - 1:53:12 (8:39 min/mile pace)

                                 26:2 - 4:14:55 (9:44 min/mile)