Beginners and Beyond

How is it only TuesDAILIES (Read 40 times)

Half Crazy K 2.0

    It rained last night, roads were still wet this morning. There were 6, and counting, accidents on one of the highways into the city.  I heard and saw the aftermath of one on my ride in (not the road with 6). Truck took out a light pole. On the plus side, it was less than a mile from public works, so hopefully it is cleared before I go home.


    Former Bad Ass


      Lol don't worry, we've got our monsoons too.......... and I've run in those. We get everything from sprinkles, drizzles, rain, and pelting bombs and then ones where it feels like the sky just opened up and an ocean fell through.

      The fun runs are when you're out running in ice and rain or slush... like it literally feels like slush is falling from the sky 


      We call those mild rain in Miami.   The good thing about the Miami rain was that it was done in 3 hours. In here, it can rain all day, Seattle style, with constant drizzles.  I shall run in one of those tonight.


      I won't be running in ice.  I would; but I'm tired of falling.




        Just realized I had signed up for the Run with the Yeti 13.1 trail race that is next Saturday............ the trails are pancake flat but wonder if I will be ready...


        If you feel good, use all that marathon fitness and go for a PR.  If you don't feel recovered yet, treat it like a fun run and go have a blast.  Either way, post pics with the Yeti please.


        Former Bad Ass


          If you feel good, use all that marathon fitness and go for a PR.  If you don't feel recovered yet, treat it like a fun run and go have a blast.  Either way, post pics with the Yeti please.


          Yes!  I have heard it's a fun race.  Where is it?



            38 degrees and raining this morning, and I ain't running in that crap, so 5 treadmill miles done before work.  I am not looking forward to what will most likely be a 12-14 hour work day today.   *sigh*


            Average the two of us and it’s one good work day. Make sure to squeeze some resume time in there.


            Raining here today but what else is new, and not freezing at least.



              Baboon, that is way too long of a work day. Yuck.


              Re: running in the rain and running on the ice...I don't mind running in a warm rain, but cold rain is awful. I've done it several times--as long as it's not down pouring it's not too horrible, although still not my favorite. I really don't like running on the ice. But my TM is not usable right now, so I'm just hoping this new warmer streak lasts for a bit. We were supposed to just get rain last night, but evidently it was colder, b/c I woke up to some wet snow on the ground. It's hella foggy out there, too.


              I've been procrastinating starting my run. Which means, I'll get off my ass now and go get it done. #werk


                Eric - burrow = borough - same pronunciation though


                D - usually homeowners and businesses are responsible for snow removal on sidewalks in front of their property. That goes for salting too. Some places give owners 24 hours to remove snow or face a fine, but often they don't enforce that. If there are a lot of vacant properties or municipally owned ones, sidewalks can be a real mess. I won't run in town when there has been snow. I'm better off in the suburbs where I can run in the street.


                Former Bad Ass

                  Eric - burrow = borough - same pronunciation though


                  D - usually homeowners and businesses are responsible for snow removal on sidewalks in front of their property. That goes for salting too. Some places give owners 24 hours to remove snow or face a fine, but often they don't enforce that. If there are a lot of vacant properties or municipally owned ones, sidewalks can be a real mess. I won't run in town when there has been snow. I'm better off in the suburbs where I can run in the street.


                  Mine are suburbs and the streets were plowed even before I headed to work. I already don't run on sidewalks because last time I did I fell, lol, so the roads seem OK so far.  We have salt and can clean the sidewalk ourselves but the snow last time melted on the sidewalk less than 24 hours later (our house gets direct sun in the front all day).  There are still houses with snow on top from that snowfall but they don't face the sun.



                  Former Bad Ass

                    Baboon, that is way too long of a work day. Yuck.


                    Re: running in the rain and running on the ice...I don't mind running in a warm rain, but cold rain is awful. I've done it several times--as long as it's not down pouring it's not too horrible, although still not my favorite. I really don't like running on the ice. But my TM is not usable right now, so I'm just hoping this new warmer streak lasts for a bit. We were supposed to just get rain last night, but evidently it was colder, b/c I woke up to some wet snow on the ground. It's hella foggy out there, too.


                    I've been procrastinating starting my run. Which means, I'll get off my ass now and go get it done. #werk


                    Last I ran in the rain here it was upper 30s and felt fine (but it was a drizzle like everything I've seen here).  We will see how it will go with colder rain, although I have hoodies and other items I can use next.  Fix that TM before ice arrives!


                    PS, so far, even 19F feels better than the shit in Miami, lungs and legwise.  I'll try every temps and conditions here once before deciding.  The TM is set (finally) but no one has touched it yet.


                      8mi with 2.5 dirt over bumps, some small hills, modest road crown... elevate pace... felt good.

                      hopefully replicate it Thursday

                      Half Crazy K 2.0

                        Hey daffy duck, how hilly is it it around Lake Accotink? I'm debating a half there.


                          I don't mind running in warm light rain. The heavy shit only happens 1-2 days each year here so just not worth it. Since everything is so dry, roads/intersections flood quickly and the roads are really slippery. I guess it's my version of ice?


                            Yeah the rain around here is usually just a drizzle, hard rain is not so common. So typically NBD. Gets a little tiresome when there’s stretches of it every day and in the 40s though. And an hour or two in a light drizzle can still get you pretty soaked.



                              PS, so far, even 19F feels better than the shit in Miami, lungs and legwise.  I'll try every temps and conditions here once before deciding.  The TM is set (finally) but no one has touched it yet.


                              This.  Everybody is different.  My first winter running I ran outside every time no matter what the weather was like and I made some important discoveries about myself and what I think it worth it vs what conditions are just stupid.  I'll be curious to watch your running this winter and see what you decide is worth it for you.




                                If you feel good, use all that marathon fitness and go for a PR.  If you don't feel recovered yet, treat it like a fun run and go have a blast.  Either way, post pics with the Yeti please.


                                Lol if I can catch it.

                                My glutes are the one still struggling to recover but today I woke up feeling pretty good so there's good news. As long as I don't do anything stupid.......

                                *Do It For Yourself, Do It Because They Said It Was Impossible, Do It Because They Said You Were Incapable*


                                5k - 24:15 (7:49 min/mile pace) 

                                10k - 51:47 (8:16 min/mile pace)

                                15k -1:18:09 (8:24 min/mile pace)

                                13.1 - 1:53:12 (8:39 min/mile pace)

                                 26:2 - 4:14:55 (9:44 min/mile)