Beginners and Beyond

How is it only TuesDAILIES (Read 40 times)

    Daffy duck, Holiday half on 12/8. All depends on what's going on with my in laws


    Found the map, the accotink loop is only 3.8mi of the Half almost all the rest is stream grade up and down.


    start to mi 2 is stream grade up, then a .2mi good hill then loops back down hill to stream grade.... the gentle bumps that I mention are 5.6 to 6.2

    the down stream and back up to the dam at 10.5, a very short steep pitch hill then gentle climb to 12 and fast down hill back down to the stream and finish


    This is where I run, when ever I have mentioned stream grade it has been your opening two miles




      But we're always expensive, we don't just get expensive for the marathon! (Can you tell I'm mad at the Boston price gouging??)


      I stayed a few blocks from the library bus pickup spot and got a decent deal (I think $160/night). A lot less that what I paid for my Boston hotel


        I think I'd rather do this than my job. If they paid the same 

        Outside, walking around, not sitting at a stupid desk. Not dealing with people.


        Yeah I think it would be an awesome job, except I’d want some kind of scooper so I wouldn’t have to keep bending down. If there are any openings, my resume happens to be updated. Now a really shitty job, literally, would have been that of a night soil man.




          I think the same thing about dog poop removal. Many owners can't be bothered by it. I almost wish there was some group responsible to clean it all up routinely from public walkways.


          Good point. Here dog owners are responsible for their own pet's poop, and some are less ... civilized... than others.


            I think I'd rather do this than my job. If they paid the same 

            Outside, walking around, not sitting at a stupid desk. Not dealing with people.



              I ran 12 with 4x2km (6:26avg pace) with 2 min recoveries + 2 x 400m (1:28, 1:27).


              Great job!


                Isn't Boston more expensive than NYC? Or no? (I'm just talking about for the marathons.)


                Dave, how did you sleep last night? Was it another glorious night, or more like how you usually sleep?


                I went out for dinner & drinks with a couple of girlfriends last night; it was great! Out late (for me--9:30 getting home) made it more difficult getting up this morning. Although I shouldn't complain; I don't get up until 6:30, and I know a lot of you have run miles and miles by then.


                Onemile, your paces are getting faster! How did 12mile Tuesday feel today?




                I've been procrastinating starting my run. Which means, I'll get off my ass now and go get it done. #werk


                I finally got it done! I really didn't want to, and told myself I could quit after a few miles, and I ended up slogging through 8.5 slushy miles. Although, this time I wore Darn Tough (Merino Wool) socks and even though my feet got totally soaked, they stayed warm! Since it was so slippery, it slowed me down a ton, and today it really helped with my overall enjoyment level of the run. So yay. I also went to see my chiropractor afterwards and he adjusted my pelvis, and my hamstring already feels so much better. I need to make that more of a habit.



                  Last I ran in the rain here it was upper 30s and felt fine (but it was a drizzle like everything I've seen here).  We will see how it will go with colder rain, although I have hoodies and other items I can use next.  Fix that TM before ice arrives!


                  PS, so far, even 19F feels better than the shit in Miami, lungs and legwise.  I'll try every temps and conditions here once before deciding.  The TM is set (finally) but no one has touched it yet.


                  I think drizzle is okay. It's just when it's coming down harder, when it's cold outside, that it can get kind of miserable. We are in the midst of finishing our basement right now, which is where our current treadmill is (under a pile of boxes, surrounded by boxes ), but I'm hopeful that our basement will be done in a couple weeks, so I can start using it again, when it gets really icy.


                  I would imagine that anything would feel better than Miami's heat! Do you think you'll run outside all winter?



                    Great job!


                    How's your hip feeling today?


                    delicate flower

                      Isn't Boston more expensive than NYC? Or no? (I'm just talking about for the marathons.)



                      I finally got it done! I really didn't want to, and told myself I could quit after a few miles, and I ended up slogging through 8.5 slushy miles. 


                      Not for me, since I sleep at home for Boston.  Looking at NY hotels was a bit of sticker shock.  Wife and I tend to travel with friends and share lodging expenses, so I'm not used to paying so much for a room for just me.


                      Nice job getting those 8.5 miles done.




                        Dave, how did you sleep last night? Was it another glorious night, or more like how you usually sleep?



                        Ha, no it was shit, thanks for asking. Couldn’t get to sleep till about 2:30, up at 6:30.




                          Not for me, since I sleep at home for Boston.  Looking at NY hotels was a bit of sticker shock.  Wife and I tend to travel with friends and share lodging expenses, so I'm not used to paying so much for a room for just me.


                          Nice job getting those 8.5 miles done.


                          I don't know why I keep forgetting about this. Yeah, I can totally understand the sticker shock--particularly when not sharing the cost. And thank you!



                            Ha, no it was shit, thanks for asking. Couldn’t get to sleep till about 2:30, up at 6:30.


                            That's worse than normal. Sorry. Sad


                            Super B****


                              Not for me, since I sleep at home for Boston.  Looking at NY hotels was a bit of sticker shock.  Wife and I tend to travel with friends and share lodging expenses, so I'm not used to paying so much for a room for just me.


                              Nice job getting those 8.5 miles done.


                              I AM used to paying for a room for just me, since I always travel alone, and Boston still hurt.

                              chasing the impossible


                              because i never shut up ... i blog


                                Onemile, your paces are getting faster! How did 12mile Tuesday feel today?


                                That's how it's supposed to work on the 2ks, getting a little faster each week (naturally, not forced).


                                My legs actually felt kinda shitty to start. but I tend to feel like crap the day after a rest day and was dreading the chore ahead of me. but things got better by the 3rd which ended up being surprisingly fast. not sure where that came from.


                                Coach was pleased