Beginners and Beyond

WEDNESDAILIES Are Still on the Wagon (Read 49 times)


Super B****


    Racing so frequently could also be a factor.  Races are pretty stressful to the body - more so than any workouts.


    This is true, and I'd avoid doing it so often if I didn't get hurt anyway regardless of whether I raced.  But there have been times when I ran only one race a month (got to keep the streak alive), and I didn't even race all of those... and I still got hurt.  It feels like I'm damned no matter what I do, so there's no point in sticking to conventional wisdom.

    chasing the impossible


    because i never shut up ... i blog



      399.99-449.99 USD


       No thanks.


      5k - 20:51 - 9/5/15

      10k - 47:00 - 5/25/15

      15k - 1:10:19 - 11/21/15

      13.1 - 1:42:25- 4/25/15

      26.2 - TBD (someday)


        Morning, all!

        Basya - Great news!

        Bluerun - Hugs.


        4.5 miles with hill repeats and wall squats. And my heel hurts like H377 most of the day (actually less when I'm running than other times). So, what PF magic tricks am I missing? I'm trying to be diligent about stretching my calves, wear supportive shoes all the time (solid-soled slippers with extra insoles for arch support in the house), I've started icing it again with a frozen water bottle. I may even order a Strassburg sock to wear at night before I am willing to take significant time off. Anyone have other suggestions short of time off and/or doctor's visit?


        Re: Garmin - I just want one that will do a relatively few things very well with good battery life. As in: track miles, time, splits, elevation, with a battery that will last 10+ hours.

        20,000 miles behind me, the world still to see.



           No thanks.


          The 620's prices will probably go down though.



            I don't use that feature either because I don't want to wear the strap. But if it was on the wrist, I would not mind having that data. Now of course it's not a deal breaker and I don't train based on HR. But I would find that wayy more interesting than checking emails or texts.


            I would not want that feature on during a run, especially since a good portion of my winter and spring runs are spent at the track running intervals. I would be so cheesed to get an e-mail notification from my boss during an 800!


            Since it works via Bluetooth though, it's a non-issue because I do not run with my phone. There are those who do though and they may want to shut it off as well.

            From the Internet.



              I ran some miles before husband left for work. Now I'm home with a sick kid - someone didn't wash her damn hands at her after school program, came home COVERED in dirt and had been eating snacks with her gross dirt hands, so obviously she threw up a good 4 or 5 times before I even got out of bed this morning. She's OK now, hopefully back to school tomorrow!


                Re: Garmin - I just want one that will do a relatively few things very well with good battery life. As in: track miles, time, splits, elevation, with a battery that will last 10+ hours.


                I am really happy with my recently purchased 620. But it costs nothing to "kick the tires" on something new.

                From the Internet.

                  Gah, I should have popped in here before posting a whole new thread about the new Garmins! :P


                  I'm intrigued by the 235. I'm due for an upgrade but don't *need* it just yet so I'm gonna wait and hear some more opinions/reviews before I spring for it (or before H springs for it for me as my Christmas-ish gift).



                    I don't use that feature either because I don't want to wear the strap. But if it was on the wrist, I would not mind having that data. Now of course it's not a deal breaker and I don't train based on HR. But I would find that wayy more interesting than checking emails or texts.


                    I understand.


                      Slymoon Runs

                      race obsessed

                        The 630 would have to have the wrist HRM for me to consider buying it.


                        And my 620 would need to crater.  (knock on wood)


                          I have a Forerunner 305. I think it weighs more than me... Works like a charm, though, so I'm not interested in replacing it.

                          PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

                                  Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

                          18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010


                            I have a Forerunner 305. I think it weighs more than me... Works like a charm, though, so I'm not interested in replacing it.


                            I would still have mine except it was no longer compatible with Garmin Connect, which meant I could no longer create workouts on it.


                            Having said that, I am glad I was "forced" to upgrade.


                              I've been dealing with some weird stuff and decided to pay Dr. Google a visit. Let's just say I won't be doing that again any time soon!

                              From the Internet.

                                I've been dealing with some weird stuff and decided to pay Dr. Google a visit. Let's just say I won't be doing that again any time soon!


                                You should know better than that! Dr Google is a damn liar.