Beginners and Beyond

Past 12 SunDAILIES (Read 31 times)


    6 When did 79F and DP of 63 start feeling almost comfortable?


    When you've finally acclimated to the conditions. 👍


    delicate flower

      10 miles at the track, then a 1.1 mile open water swim.  Having brunch now with some friends.  Been a good morning.



        That’s really impressive, especially after yesterday’s big run!


        During cycles past, I'd be toast for days. I guess all the work this year is helping.



          During cycles past, I'd be toast for days. I guess all the work this year is helping.


          It’s almost as if more running makes you better at running.



            It’s almost as if more running makes you better at running.


            Imagine that. 

            Mr MattM

              7 slow miles...

              be curious; not judgmental

                4.6 plus 10.5 equals 15.1, no hills.
                Started at 5:45 and inside & middle right hams tighten up immediately, got a few tiny crampletts at 1mi along the seam of those hams, then two successive cramps there at 4.6, sooo stop and walk back to car.

                Then long break to  aggressively deep massage, stick roller with bump and some gutter walking.

                Then 10.5 on flat, first four the hams were a little tight but not like earlier, after that they were okay.

                ‘Optimistic Me’ thinks it may hint of a bit of good news.  I believe the middle ham had attachments to both the inside ham and the adductor and at least partly released from the adductor earlier in the week so that part of the middle ham is moving more freely and increasing the stress on the attachment to the inside ham. 

                I haven’t had the inside ham tighten up and stop a run since Saturday June 22 when It stopped me  at 7.2 — that was a long good stretch for me


                UM 45 Ohio 23

                  10.2 with most at MP or better. Felt surprisingly good after doing same yesterday for 16. So, pretty much got my 2 day marathon at MP. Now, just need to do it in one day!


                  Weather was nice; a little warm, a little humid but pretty comfy. Sure going to miss it in a few months!


                    10.2 with most at MP or better. Felt surprisingly good after doing same yesterday for 16. So, pretty much got my 2 day marathon at MP. Now, just need to do it in one day!


                    Work! 💪


                    That's an interesting concept.


                      10.2 with most at MP or better. Felt surprisingly good after doing same yesterday for 16. So, pretty much got my 2 day marathon at MP. Now, just need to do it in one day!


                      Weather was nice; a little warm, a little humid but pretty comfy. Sure going to miss it in a few months!

                      Surely you can run a marathon faster than that


                        4.6 plus 10.5 equals 15.1, no hills.
                        Started at 5:45 and inside & middle right hams tighten up immediately, got a few tiny crampletts at 1mi along the seam of those hams, then two successive cramps there at 4.6, sooo stop and walk back to car.

                        Then long break to  aggressively deep massage, stick roller with bump and some gutter walking.

                        Then 10.5 on flat, first four the hams were a little tight but not like earlier, after that they were okay.

                        ‘Optimistic Me’ thinks it may hint of a bit of good news.  I believe the middle ham had attachments to both the inside ham and the adductor and at least partly released from the adductor earlier in the week so that part of the middle ham is moving more freely and increasing the stress on the attachment to the inside ham. 

                        I haven’t had the inside ham tighten up and stop a run since Saturday June 22 when It stopped me  at 7.2 — that was a long good stretch for me


                        Are you like a sports doc or something. And cramplett? 

                        Half Crazy K 2.0

                          8.7 miles


                            Ran a little north of 10, and that brings my weekly total to a satisfactory 76.8 miles.



                              During cycles past, I'd be toast for days. I guess all the work this year is helping.



                                Ran a little north of 10, and that brings my weekly total to a satisfactory 76.8 miles.

                                He's baaaack