Beginners and Beyond

Past 12 SunDAILIES (Read 31 times)


    has anyone tried magnesium oil spray? This stuff is amazing


      Ran 10, to bring my weekly total to a satisfactory 49 miles.


      doesn't it leave you a little empty knowing you could have run one more mile to get to 50? 


      Former Bad Ass


        Dwayne Johnson cracks me the hell up. I love that dude.


        Me too.  It was a fun movie.  They get bigger and more unbelievable every movie but still entertain.



          It wasn’t pretty, but I completed 16 run/walk, emphasis on walk. It was hot and humid, but the company was great and the miles got done, albeit a lot slower than I’m used to. I feel like I’m starting from scratch.

          From the Internet.

            17.1 at 8:04 average, 70 miles for the week and I'm gonna sleep like a baby tonight. Legs feel good but it was HOT. 2 gels and a ton of water.


              A fueling idea overheard during my run yesterday; a single Cliff Bloks chew every mile of the race.  That's 780 calories or the equivalent of 8 GUs. Sounds great except you'd be carrying 4.5 packs of chews. 🤔


                A fueling idea overheard during my run yesterday; a single Cliff Bloks chew every mile of the race.  That's 780 calories or the equivalent of 8 GUs. Sounds great except you'd be carrying 4.5 packs of chews. 🤔


                I do 1 chew every other mile, so 2 packs for a marathon.  Can't imagine eating more...


                  A fueling idea overheard during my run yesterday; a single Cliff Bloks chew every mile of the race.  That's 780 calories or the equivalent of 8 GUs. Sounds great except you'd be carrying 4.5 packs of chews. 🤔


                  That’s twice as many Gu as I use in a marathon. You’d almost gain weight during the race with that approach. 



                  Former Bad Ass

                    A fueling idea overheard during my run yesterday; a single Cliff Bloks chew every mile of the race.  That's 780 calories or the equivalent of 8 GUs. Sounds great except you'd be carrying 4.5 packs of chews. 🤔


                    I liked the Chews but I take 5 GUs during marathons and the amount of chews that would need is a bit much.



                    Former Bad Ass


                      That’s twice as many Gu as I use in a marathon. You’d almost gain weight during the race with that approach. 


                      I know a couple of sub-3 marathoners that take 6-7 GUs during marathons...



                        has anyone tried magnesium oil spray? This stuff is amazing


                        For what exactly?



                          8.5 on the TM. I intended more, but just wasn't feeling it, plus my hamstring was complaining at every step.


                            That’s twice as many Gu as I use in a marathon. You’d almost gain weight during the race with that approach. 




                              doesn't it leave you a little empty knowing you could have run one more mile to get to 50? 


                              Coming from you, I assume that is intended to be facetious. At one point in my life I would have. But no. Pretty content to be at this level right now.




                                Coming from you, I assume that is intended to be facetious. At one point in my life I would have. But no. Pretty content to be at this level right now.


                                yes, it was a joke and