Beginners and Beyond

Past 12 SunDAILIES (Read 31 times)



    For what exactly?


    sore stiff muscles. I rubbed some on the fronts of my legs after my 20 miler and like magic they felt better. I could distinctly tell the difference between the fronts and backs of my legs. So then I applied to the backs of my legs and more magic.  the hip/butt throbbing went away too. and nothing all night long. magic.



      sore stiff muscles. I rubbed some on the fronts of my legs after my 20 miler and like magic they felt better. I could distinctly tell the difference between the fronts and backs of my legs. So then I applied to the backs of my legs and more magic.  the hip/butt throbbing went away too. and nothing all night long. magic.


      What brand/dosage are you using?


      Super B****

        has anyone tried magnesium oil spray? This stuff is amazing


        I have... not sure it really did anything except make my skin itch

        chasing the impossible


        because i never shut up ... i blog



          What brand/dosage are you using?


          Life-flo Pure Magnesium Oil

          8 sprays, rub into legs, 2 x per day


          (the directions say 4 sprays but I need more to cover my legs, front and back  haha)



            Life-flo Pure Magnesium Oil

            8 sprays, rub into legs, 2 x per day


            (the directions say 4 sprays but I need more to cover my legs, front and back  haha)


            The rating on amazon is pretty impressive (4 stars 1,400+ reviews). Of course, that doesn't guarantee anything but is a nice place to start.

            From the Internet.


              sore stiff muscles. I rubbed some on the fronts of my legs after my 20 miler and like magic they felt better. I could distinctly tell the difference between the fronts and backs of my legs. So then I applied to the backs of my legs and more magic.  the hip/butt throbbing went away too. and nothing all night long. magic.


              Ooh very interesting!



                The rating on amazon is pretty impressive (4 stars 1,400+ reviews). Of course, that doesn't guarantee anything but is a nice place to start.


                so does ZMA but I noticed no effect from taking that supplement.  Also Epsom Salt - not sure that it really did anything



                  I know a couple of sub-3 marathoners that take 6-7 GUs during marathons...


                  I also know some who barely fuel during a marathon. No, not talking about me.


                    A fueling idea overheard during my run yesterday; a single Cliff Bloks chew every mile of the race.  That's 780 calories or the equivalent of 8 GUs. Sounds great except you'd be carrying 4.5 packs of chews. 🤔


                    Maybe I should try an approach similar to that one since I can't stomach gus after about 1:30.


                       I also know some who barely fuel during a marathon. No, not talking about me.


                      Yep, there is them and those.



                        sore stiff muscles. I rubbed some on the fronts of my legs after my 20 miler and like magic they felt better. I could distinctly tell the difference between the fronts and backs of my legs. So then I applied to the backs of my legs and more magic.  the hip/butt throbbing went away too. and nothing all night long. magic.


                        I'm trying to think if I get sore muscles from running,  other than marathons or some HMs, I don't recall getting DOMS from training. When I'm sore, it's usually the Achilles, the knees, or the hip/crotch area/muscles.


                        And no, I have not tried magnesium oil. Interesting, though.


                           Maybe I should try an approach similar to that one since I can't stomach gus after about 1:30.


                          You and me both. Not sure I'd want to eat a chew deep into a run/race either but I could probably swallow it in bulk pieces after a couple of chews to break it up. Something to try during training perhaps.


                          Anyway, it was an interesting idea. One that I had not heard before.


                          Former Bad Ass


                            I also know some who barely fuel during a marathon. No, not talking about me.


                            I ran a couple of fast marathons (for me) by not taking anything but water at the water stations.  My stomach was fucked up so there was no choice, but I was surprised about how well those went.  Now if I don't bring my gels I freak out it's not funny, lol.




                               Not sure I'd want to eat a chew deep into a run/race either but I could probably swallow it in bulk pieces after a couple of chews to break it up. Something to try during training perhaps.


                              Exactly what I was thinking. Not sure it would work, but it makes some sense, so maybe it would work. I'm also thinking taking two GUs for the beginning of the race, and bring one pack of BLOKS for the rest. That would maybe have the same effect of taking less at a time and more often later in the race, while limiting the cargo to 1 pack of bloks.



                                I'm trying to think if I get sore muscles from running,  other than marathons or some HMs, I don't recall getting DOMS from training. When I'm sore, it's usually the Achilles, the knees, or the hip/crotch area/muscles.


                                And no, I have not tried magnesium oil. Interesting, though.


                                not really DOMs. More like when you sit in the car for an hour after a long run and you get up and you are super stiff and hobbling.