Beginners and Beyond

Past 12 SunDAILIES (Read 31 times)



    not really DOMs. More like when you sit in the car for an hour after a long run and you get up and you are super stiff and hobbling.


    Ok, I get it. Yeah, I get that after hard workouts and after LRs


      so does ZMA


      Wow, now there's a blast from the past. That was/is a staple in the weightlifting world...after steroids of course. lol


      Former Bad Ass


        not really DOMs. More like when you sit in the car for an hour after a long run and you get up and you are super stiff and hobbling.


        In that case, you do it after you come home or before you hop on the car? Maybe I need something post marathon before/during our drives.



          A fueling idea overheard during my run yesterday; a single Cliff Bloks chew every mile of the race.  That's 780 calories or the equivalent of 8 GUs. Sounds great except you'd be carrying 4.5 packs of chews. 🤔


          That's actually what I did for one of my last races. No, wait. I did 1 chew every other mile. So I alternated between water at the aid stations and then a chew on the in between miles. It took me most of that time (especially towards the end) to chew it up. And by the end my taste buds weren't having any of it. Nope, no thanks.



            I do 1 chew every other mile, so 2 packs for a marathon.  Can't imagine eating more...


            oh, ha! Twins.



              Yep, there is them and those.


              Them and those and those are not me. I am totally fine with taking fuel every 30-40 min. No Shame.


                I'm going to put another plug for Maurten (and no I do not get any kickbacks): the gels are not as sickeningly sweet as the other gus are. they're really mild, actually. I'm going to use them for this upcoming marathon and I'm "excited" (if you could call it that) to see how it goes.


                Re: magnesium oil: ONemile, you just reminded me I have some. I had some and then we packed up and moved. In 2016. And I believe it is still .... somewhere....maybe in a box?  Do you think it's still good, if I can find it? LOL. 


                  I'm going to put another plug for Maurten (and no I do not get any kickbacks): the gels are not as sickeningly sweet as the other gus are.


                  I didn't realize they made gels. All this time I thought it was a drink you were going to carry.


                    Had to look up Maurten. Never seen it around here, or maybe it's here but never paid attention.


                    Found this, though. Another sponsored study Wink



                      Them and those and those are not me. I am totally fine with taking fuel every 30-40 min. No Shame.


                      No shame in that. The Vaporfly 4%, on the other hand....





                      Are we there, yet?

                        Forget the gels and gu. I'll take a quarter of a PB&J or grilled cheese every half hour.

                         2024 Races:

                              03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

                              05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
                              06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.





                        Former Bad Ass

                          Forget the gels and gu. I'll take a quarter of a PB&J or grilled cheese every half hour.


                          If I could have someone during the marathon handing me KK donuts, I would!



                            No shame in that. The Vaporfly 4%, on the other hand....


                            A guy floated by me sporting those yesterday. Dude was a straight up gazelle. I had to turn around to catch another look he was so smooth. Anyway, in his case, it's probably not the shoes. I suspect he could run his time in whatever he decided to lace up on race day. Similar to this guy who won the Berlin Marathon despite his insoles flapping in the wind for over 20 miles!


                            As an aside, this is probably the reason Nike made the insoles on the Vaporfly irremovable.


                              Forget the gels and gu. I'll take a quarter of a PB&J or grilled cheese every half hour.


                              Spoken like a true ultra runner.


                              Former Bad Ass

                                Talking about the Vaporfly, the Next % are super fucked up ugly.  Even more than any Altra or Hoka combined.
