Beginners and Beyond

Sundailies (Read 37 times)


    16 miles,  including the AFC HM. Alarm went off at 330 am ffs. That's too early for a workout! But this was a local favorite race that I hadn't done yet. Will never race it for PR though: mid Aug plus HILL at mile 11.5-12.5. Felt pretty good throughout. Coach had 2 x 4 mi at MP, ended up doing first 10 or so at MP. Chafed my lady bits again which I need to figure out since it's still summer until October.


    Ran first 4 miles next to 4 guys dressed up as the Anchorman guys. They were hilarious but I sadly lost them when they stopped for tequila shots, lol

    Half Crazy K 2.0

      16 miles,  including the AFC HM. Alarm went off at 330 am ffs. That's too early for a workout! But this was a local favorite race that I hadn't done yet. Will never race it for PR though: mid Aug plus HILL at mile 11.5-12.5. Felt pretty good throughout. Coach had 2 x 4 mi at MP, ended up doing first 10 or so at MP. Chafed my lady bits again which I need to figure out since it's still summer until October.


      Ran first 4 miles next to 4 guys dressed up as the Anchorman guys. They were hilarious but I sadly lost them when they stopped for tequila shots, lol


      Copious amounts of Aquaphor. I had this issue one summer, Aquaphor at least kept it from getting worse.


        And I forgot to mention the best part, I ran 50 miles this week for the first time ever!!!


          from the hill sprints?


          The GAP was off the charts so yes, that's my best guess given the timing. Oof.



            Copious amounts of Aquaphor. I had this issue one summer, Aquaphor at least kept it from getting worse.

            I was hoping different underwear would fix it. I use body glide on my other areas so will try that in the future.  Aquaphor grosses me out, just too greasy 


              And I forgot to mention the best part, I ran 50 miles this week for the first time ever!!!


              Boosh 👊


                I was hoping different underwear would fix it. I use body glide on my other areas so will try that in the future.  Aquaphor grosses me out, just too greasy 


                It's not greasy enough for me. I use Vaseline.

                Half Crazy K 2.0

                  I was hoping different underwear would fix it. I use body glide on my other areas so will try that in the future.  Aquaphor grosses me out, just too greasy 


                  I found oncce things got chafed, it kept happening. DIdn't seem to matter if it was longer not-quite compression shorts as the liner or the usual liner. If it's really hot and your shorts are totally soacked, I'm not sure much can be done.


                  UM 45 Ohio 23

                    And I forgot to mention the best part, I ran 50 miles this week for the first time ever!!!


                    way to go!


                      In the summer humidity, I use body glide on the back of the arms and the back muscles where arms rub (lats?), I use band aids on my nipples, and Aquaphor or Vaseline, I don't discriminate, in the crotch area.

                      Half Crazy K 2.0

                        Whiskers, never tried this since the Aquaphor worked well enough (and fall came), but depending where the chafing is, maybe lube? Nicce job on the 50mpw!


                        Former Bad Ass

                          The more humid here, the less I apply because I am already wet like in a shower but when i use, I use 2Toms. Recommended by an ultra runner and is 10 times better than anything else I’ve tried.



                            I ran 16.


                            If there was an award for a two day total of donkey kong elephant ass dung suck, I'd win it. 


                              12 miles, 52 for the week.

                              Generally pedestrian figures, but actually both are the highest since Boston four months ago.



                                I ran 16.


                                If there was an award for a two day total of donkey kong elephant ass dung suck, I'd win it.