Beginners and Beyond

Sundailies (Read 37 times)


Former Bad Ass


    The logic escapes me 


    Math and logic escape you? 



    Former Bad Ass

      Hey all.


      #1 Washington is gorgeous. Holy balls, it is so stunning. And the Tunnel Marathon is the most beautiful course. Wow.


      #2 I haves entered into a hate/hate relationship with running. Today, my legs were the issue. My hamstrings were so unbelievably tight, and it really felt like it was shortening my stride. The tightness led to pain, and then my ass, hips, and quads decided to join in the pain fest and I was a hobbling mess. My HR was fine—breathing totally fine even when I could hit faster paces. But my legs. Oh, my legs. 😫😰


      i finished in 4:00, and I have never wanted to quit a race so badly in my life. I cried pretty hard as soon as I saw my family at the finish line—I think all the hard work, and and how disappointing this race ended up being. On the other hand, I am damn proud for finishing. My legs were in agony...walking has already been interesting.


      Anyway, thanks so much, to all of you, for asking about me and how today went. You guys know how to make a fellow forumite feel good. 💛


      I’ll write up a detailed RR in a bit. We’ve been exploring the PNW and went to see Squalomie Falls today. Again, totally breathtaking. I’m feeling pretty grateful to be here, and to soak up some of this beauty.


      PS, Baboon, this sounds so creepy but in one of my woe is me moments, I thought about what you were doing today and the amount of pain you must have to push through, and it gave me a 2nd wind. I hope you kick some ass today and feel strong and proud of your accomplishment!! And I hope Dave (and others?) continue to update us!!!


      Congratulations on a tough race!


      Baboon finished in 12:39 something!



      Super B****

        Hey all.


        #1 Washington is gorgeous. Holy balls, it is so stunning. And the Tunnel Marathon is the most beautiful course. Wow.


        #2 I haves entered into a hate/hate relationship with running. Today, my legs were the issue. My hamstrings were so unbelievably tight, and it really felt like it was shortening my stride. The tightness led to pain, and then my ass, hips, and quads decided to join in the pain fest and I was a hobbling mess. My HR was fine—breathing totally fine even when I could hit faster paces. But my legs. Oh, my legs. 😫😰


        i finished in 4:00, and I have never wanted to quit a race so badly in my life. I cried pretty hard as soon as I saw my family at the finish line—I think all the hard work, and and how disappointing this race ended up being. On the other hand, I am damn proud for finishing. My legs were in agony...walking has already been interesting.


        Anyway, thanks so much, to all of you, for asking about me and how today went. You guys know how to make a fellow forumite feel good. 💛


        I’ll write up a detailed RR in a bit. We’ve been exploring the PNW and went to see Squalomie Falls today. Again, totally breathtaking. I’m feeling pretty grateful to be here, and to soak up some of this beauty.


        PS, Baboon, this sounds so creepy but in one of my woe is me moments, I thought about what you were doing today and the amount of pain you must have to push through, and it gave me a 2nd wind. I hope you kick some ass today and feel strong and proud of your accomplishment!! And I hope Dave (and others?) continue to update us!!!

        Congrats on the finish! Sorry it didn’t go as well as you’d have liked but any race you finish upright is preferable to one you don’t.

        chasing the impossible


        because i never shut up ... i blog


          Hey all.


          #1 Washington is gorgeous. Holy balls, it is so stunning. And the Tunnel Marathon is the most beautiful course. Wow.


          #2 I haves entered into a hate/hate relationship with running. Today, my legs were the issue. My hamstrings were so unbelievably tight, and it really felt like it was shortening my stride. The tightness led to pain, and then my ass, hips, and quads decided to join in the pain fest and I was a hobbling mess. My HR was fine—breathing totally fine even when I could hit faster paces. But my legs. Oh, my legs. 😫😰


          i finished in 4:00, and I have never wanted to quit a race so badly in my life. I cried pretty hard as soon as I saw my family at the finish line—I think all the hard work, and and how disappointing this race ended up being. On the other hand, I am damn proud for finishing. My legs were in agony...walking has already been interesting.


          Anyway, thanks so much, to all of you, for asking about me and how today went. You guys know how to make a fellow forumite feel good. 💛


          I’ll write up a detailed RR in a bit. We’ve been exploring the PNW and went to see Squalomie Falls today. Again, totally breathtaking. I’m feeling pretty grateful to be here, and to soak up some of this beauty.


          PS, Baboon, this sounds so creepy but in one of my woe is me moments, I thought about what you were doing today and the amount of pain you must have to push through, and it gave me a 2nd wind. I hope you kick some ass today and feel strong and proud of your accomplishment!! And I hope Dave (and others?) continue to update us!!!

          oof I know how that feels. way to tough it out and finish! Do you think it was the downhill course or did you feel bad from the start?


          Super B****


            Math and logic escape you? 


            Actually I was decent at logic! I’m just not understanding how you following LRB on Strava protects his cardiac health

            chasing the impossible


            because i never shut up ... i blog


              PS, Baboon, this sounds so creepy...


              Totally normal.


              Sorry to hear about your experience. That really, really sucks.


                My hamstrings felt pretty bad from the start. I think the rest of my legs were from the course though (quads hips )


                oof I know how that feels. way to tough it out and finish! Do you think it was the downhill course or did you feel bad from the start?


                   Actually I was decent at logic! I’m just not understanding how you following LRB on Strava protects his cardiac health


                  She threw me a bone in case I needed it. I don't have many followers on anything, so it's par for the course for me. lol


                    Baboon’s done in 12:39! IRON BABS!


                    (MTA: oops, I see already reported. I was absorbed in binge-watching Ozark, and was delinquent in my stalking.)



                      Congrats on the finish! Sorry it didn’t go as well as you’d have liked but any race you finish upright is preferable to one you don’t.


                      Thanks! And Very true. I honestly weighed out DNF’ing at like mile 21, but then somehow a rational side of me told me I would be so ashamed if I ran that far only to DNF.

                      Half Crazy K 2.0

                        ROS, sorry this wasn't your day. Sounds rough to have stuff hurting from the start.


                        Freesoul, hope your cat is found soon.


                        Baboon, wow, congrats!




                          Baboon’s done in 12:39! IRON BABS!


                            Thanks HC,  Docket & LRB.


                              Hey all.


                              #1 Washington is gorgeous. Holy balls, it is so stunning. And the Tunnel Marathon is the most beautiful course. Wow.


                              #2 I haves entered into a hate/hate relationship with running. Today, my legs were the issue. My hamstrings were so unbelievably tight, and it really felt like it was shortening my stride. The tightness led to pain, and then my ass, hips, and quads decided to join in the pain fest and I was a hobbling mess. My HR was fine—breathing totally fine even when I could hit faster paces. But my legs. Oh, my legs. 😫😰


                              i finished in 4:00, and I have never wanted to quit a race so badly in my life. I cried pretty hard as soon as I saw my family at the finish line—I think all the hard work, and and how disappointing this race ended up being. On the other hand, I am damn proud for finishing. My legs were in agony...walking has already been interesting.


                              Anyway, thanks so much, to all of you, for asking about me and how today went. You guys know how to make a fellow forumite feel good. 💛


                              I’ll write up a detailed RR in a bit. We’ve been exploring the PNW and went to see Squalomie Falls today. Again, totally breathtaking. I’m feeling pretty grateful to be here, and to soak up some of this beauty.


                              PS, Baboon, this sounds so creepy but in one of my woe is me moments, I thought about what you were doing today and the amount of pain you must have to push through, and it gave me a 2nd wind. I hope you kick some ass today and feel strong and proud of your accomplishment!! And I hope Dave (and others?) continue to update us!!!


                              Great job pushing through to finish, the way you were feeling. Pretty sure I speak for almost everyone to say we’ve been there, and not quitting takes all the mental toughness you can muster.


                              I assume you meant Snoqualmie Falls. You know the lodge there is the one shown in Twin Peaks. Enjoy the rest of the visit. Summers are indeed beautiful out here. (And no smoke this year! Yet.) If you are going to Seattle Center (where the Space Needle is), I highly recommend the MoPOP Museum. If you looking for any other tourist suggestions, let me know.




                                Congrats RoS 🙂


                                Honestly, I don't want to eat, run or work out at all. So worried about her and if she's okay. I'm hoping and praying she pops up soon.

                                *Do It For Yourself, Do It Because They Said It Was Impossible, Do It Because They Said You Were Incapable*


                                5k - 24:15 (7:49 min/mile pace) 

                                10k - 51:47 (8:16 min/mile pace)

                                15k -1:18:09 (8:24 min/mile pace)

                                13.1 - 1:53:12 (8:39 min/mile pace)

                                 26:2 - 4:14:55 (9:44 min/mile)