Beginners and Beyond


Twisted Tuesdailies (Read 33 times)




    I woke up covered in sweat this morning, got dressed to go to the gym and suddenly felt sick to my stomach. My panzy ass went back to bed, hopefully I can get out this evening for a run with Dorian in the stroller.

    *Do It For Yourself, Do It Because They Said It Was Impossible, Do It Because They Said You Were Incapable*


    5k - 24:15 (7:49 min/mile pace) 

    10k - 51:47 (8:16 min/mile pace)

    15k -1:18:09 (8:24 min/mile pace)

    13.1 - 1:53:12 (8:39 min/mile pace)

     26:2 - 4:14:55 (9:44 min/mile)


    delicate flower

      Good morning, kids!  I swam 2200 yards before work, which is a shorter swim as these things go.  Got a tempo run to do later.


      Boston weather is looking like a repeat of last year.  Oh well.  Good thing I've trained in that stuff. 




        Boston weather is looking like a repeat of last year.  Oh well.  




        Pouring rain on the drive down, but by the time I got to my run, nothing but puddles.  6 miles.


        MTA: looking at the Boston forecast - 0% chance of rain tomorrow through the following Wednesday, except for Sun-Mon, which is 60-70%. Nice.




          Good morning!


          I slogged through 12.6 miles in thick fog and light rain.  It wasn't much fun, but I'm glad I did it.


          Have a great day!

          Runner with a riding problem.


          Are we there, yet?


            Boston weather is looking like a repeat of last year.  Oh well.  Good thing I've trained in that stuff. 


            You been reading this again?

             2024 Races:

                  03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

                  05/11 - D3 50K
                  05/25 - What the Duck 12-Hour

                  06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.





            delicate flower

                except for Sun-Mon, which is 60-70%. Nice.


              So a 30-40% chance of no rain?  Nice!




                Boston weather is looking like a repeat of last year.  Oh well.  Good thing I've trained in that stuff. 


                The head wind is what makes it suck so much.


                delicate flower


                  The head wind is what makes it suck so much.


                  With 30,000 runners, wouldn't it be easy to find people to run behind to block some of the wind?  I did that in my last HM and there were only 500 in that race.  Steady 20-30 mph winds in that one and I barely felt it.




                    You been reading this again?


                    Ha! I was just about to link to that


                      4 miles. I stayed in bed too long to run more.


                      Lack of motivation lately. It's been hard to get up and run completely in the dark just in my attempt to maybe shave 5-10 seconds off my 5K time. Return on investment is poor. Luckily, sunrise is slowly getting earlier. I'm thinking about signing up for a local trail HM series. I've never done a trail race longer than 5 miles and that was years ago. I need a different goal to keep me motivated until it's time for CIM training to begin.



                        The head wind is what makes it suck so much.


                        Ha, I didn't even think to check the wind. OK, you figure that can move around day today, so let's check a 48 hr period.


                        Sun AM: W 10-15

                        Sun PM: SW-ENE 10-15

                        Mon AM: N 10-20

                        Mon PM: NW 10-20


                        LOL. Blowing in pretty much every direction. Seems about  right.



                          The race-week running dreams continue. Last night: I was running a half, and decided to stop and get a haircut in the middle of it. After that was done, I tried to resume the race, but couldn't find the course. You cannot make this shit up. Well, apparently my unconscious brain can. Can't wait to see what the next one is. 



                          Former Bad Ass

                            Afternoon!  I've been in court so busy.  I have Pilates and 7 with the wonderful 800m that make my asthma go hmmmm.  We will see if I can breathe and run!


                            I've run in headwinds and I've never felt like anyone around me helped in any way.  Unless I run so close to them I might as well be whispering in their necks.  I'm tall but come on, can't I have a slow ass 6'2" person in front of me that can cover me completely?



                              Last year there were periods where the crowds and the buildings blocked the wind and periods where I really felt it. The overpass at mile 16 was one. It was never so bad that I had issues breathing, because it never lasted all that long but it was still an issue because it made it feel so much colder. I don't think you're going to get the non-stop downpour that we did, where the rain swept in sheets across the road. It also won't be as cold, I hope.  One problem that surprised me was having to dodge all the stuff on the ground - ponchos, tarps, gloves, jackets, etc. Some of that stuff was slippery. If you wear a jacket or poncho, make sure it's clear so your number can be seen.



                                With 30,000 runners, wouldn't it be easy to find people to run behind to block some of the wind?  I did that in my last HM and there were only 500 in that race.  Steady 20-30 mph winds in that one and I barely felt it.


                                Only about 20 out of those 30,000 are tall enough, and they're all slower than me 



                                Oh wait, I'm not running it, so what do I care? 
