Beginners and Beyond

Back to Work Tuesday (Read 38 times)


    Yes I am back to work.


    What are you doing?


    delicate flower

      'Morning!  Back to the grind this morning.  2500 yard swim done.  The pool was empty.  I will hit the treadmill tonight for some moderate speed work.


      OMG the cold weather that is going to roll through this week.    We're supposed to ski next weekend but the daytime HIGH temperatures in Vermont are going to be in the negative digits.  NO THANKS.



      Super B****

        Unfortunately for me, the construction workers are not off today like they were yesterday. 


        7 on the AlterG + a swim on the agenda for tonight, and I am guessing the pool will be really cold, because that's how they work.

        chasing the impossible


        because i never shut up ... i blog


          It's currently 3 with a wind chill of -8 and it's getting much colder as the week progresses.


          I have to work in it but have the gear so that's no problem. I haven't had to run in it in a couple of years and while I have the gear, I didn't particularly enjoy it when I did.


          We'll see what happens today and the weekend but the treadmill will be back in play once I go back to work as my weekday routes are all snowed under.


          delicate flower

            Speaking of cold, it was 20 degrees this morning and some guy was riding his motorcycle on the highway.  I don't understand why.  Can one of you motorcycle people explain this?  He was definitely suited up properly for the cold.



              Speaking of cold, it was 20 degrees this morning and some guy was riding his motorcycle on the highway.  I don't understand why.  Can one of you motorcycle people explain this?  He was definitely suited up properly for the cold.


              It could be his only means of transportation.


                Speaking of cold, it was 20 degrees this morning and some guy was riding his motorcycle on the highway.  I don't understand why.  Can one of you motorcycle people explain this?  He was definitely suited up properly for the cold.


                He was riding his Christmas gift, of course.


                  Morning Runners,

                  Thinking 8 easy and DW will be doing 8 with 4 Tempo. Smile Looks like everyone is getting cold!  We are in above Temps low rain/snowfall pattern. Last Winter was pretty wet for here.


                  Baboon: I rode a MC in the winter back in the day. Cheapest transpo if you live pretty far from work. Smile I remember one time we got like 8-10" and I was the only one but the Boss that made it in. Lot of brownie point there.


                  Blue:   The wolves were a howling?



                  Question about logging runs in the log: So, I've been manually loading my runs, and was wanting to know how do you all separate the interval part from warmup & cool down? It seems you have to include the recovery jogs in with the interval portion or it would be crazy.  Even though this pads the actual % of Interval, it is probably close enough. I can get my splits for warmup and cool down and total time for interval section by saving each portion. Is that what you all do? I then put my intervals in the notes section like, 12X400?200JR (1:30), 1:34-28. This way O don't have to separate each one out.


                    Made it back from the Christmas celebrations in one piece. Wasn't a snow storm, but I had to drive two hours out (and back at midnight) to my sister's in constant snow falling. Bleh.

                    So I'm gonna head out in a bit for some easy miles, as my cold won't pass, and easy is the only way I can run.


                    Super B****

                      Question about logging runs in the log: So, I've been manually loading my runs, and was wanting to know how do you all separate the interval part from warmup & cool down? It seems you have to include the recovery jogs in with the interval portion or it would be crazy.  Even though this pads the actual % of Interval, it is probably close enough. I can get my splits for warmup and cool down and total time for interval section by saving each portion. Is that what you all do? I then put my intervals in the notes section like, 12X400?200JR (1:30), 1:34-28. This way O don't have to separate each one out.


                      If I'm doing a workout like that (haha), it's already programmed into the watch so I don't have to worry about the splits -- it happens automatically and then it uploads to RA that way.

                      chasing the impossible


                      because i never shut up ... i blog


                      Former Bad Ass

                        Morning!  I guess it's not the time to say it's 75F here en route to the mid 80s as the high?  No?  OK...


                        I have 7 with 3 @ MP tonight.



                          Morning Runners,

                          Thinking 8 easy and DW will be doing 8 with 4 Tempo. Smile Looks like everyone is getting cold!  We are in above Temps low rain/snowfall pattern. Last Winter was pretty wet for here.


                          Baboon: I rode a MC in the winter back in the day. Cheapest transpo if you live pretty far from work. Smile I remember one time we got like 8-10" and I was the only one but the Boss that made it in. Lot of brownie point there.


                          Blue:   The wolves were a howling?



                          Question about logging runs in the log: So, I've been manually loading my runs, and was wanting to know how do you all separate the interval part from warmup & cool down? It seems you have to include the recovery jogs in with the interval portion or it would be crazy.  Even though this pads the actual % of Interval, it is probably close enough. I can get my splits for warmup and cool down and total time for interval section by saving each portion. Is that what you all do? I then put my intervals in the notes section like, 12X400?200JR (1:30), 1:34-28. This way O don't have to separate each one out.


                          There are three choices for the type of split; interval, recovery or rest. If you separate them out, then log the run accordingly, it will give you the average pace of each. The thing about this method is that you end up with 2 entries (or three) for a single run.


                          Another method is to just identify each warmup, interval, recovery and cool down split and save it within one run. That however, is tedious.


                          I just save the entire run as intervals, then add a description in the comments. Sometimes I do not even do that when it's obvious what the workout was.



                            If I'm doing a workout like that (haha), it's already programmed into the watch so I don't have to worry about the splits -- it happens automatically and then it uploads to RA that way.


                            I got a cheap Garmin 10, and I don't think I'm smart and techy enough to load a workout like that in a watch.  But when you do program a workout, does it include the recovery jog in the % of say, interval or V02 Max-if you got that category? You see I do my intervals on a marked course that I used a survey wheel to mark off, and even if I had a fancy watch and new how to program it, I still like my marked course for intervals.


                            Super B****


                              I got a cheap Garmin 10, and I don't think I'm smart and techy enough to load a workout like that in a watch.  But when you do program a workout, does it include the recovery jog in the % of say, interval or V02 Max-if you got that category? You see I do my intervals on a marked course that I used a survey wheel to mark off, and even if I had a fancy watch and new how to program it, I still like my marked course for intervals.


                              I'm not sure I 100% understand your question... If you're using a marked course, then you can just press the lap button when you want to start the interval, and press it again when you start the next recovery jog.  That would separate them from the repeats.

                              chasing the impossible


                              because i never shut up ... i blog



                                There are three choices for the type of split; interval, recovery or rest. If you separate them out, then log the run accordingly, it will give you the average pace of each. The thing about this method is that you end up with 2 entries (or three) for a single run.


                                Another method is to just identify each warmup, interval, recovery and cool down split and save it within one run. That however, is tedious.


                                I just save the entire run as intervals, then add a description in the comments. Sometimes I do not even do that when it's obvious what the workout was.

                                That is what I was thinking most people do. Yeah, logging each interval would be more of a pain than separating warmup, interval, cool down. That's what I have been doing. But in order for the time to count toward overall pace and time training, I have to put a time for each, and then the graph will be "right".