Beginners and Beyond

SunDAILIES: Sunny and clear for some, not so much for others (Read 34 times)


    LRB, you have to answer for the Lions.


    Sheeit, they did me justice, I took the 'Skins in the weekly pool. This defense is atrocious, I'm driving the #firebobquinn bandwagon. Now all I need is for Da Bearz to come in here Thursday and blow 'em off the field in an empty stadium. That should be the nail in Bob's coffin, if he is still employed by then.


    delicate flower


      Sheeit, they did me justice, I took the 'Skins in the weekly pool. This defense is atrocious, I'm driving the #firebobquinn bandwagon. Now all I need is for Da Bearz to come in here Thursday and blow 'em off the field in an empty stadium. That should be the nail in Bob's coffin, if he is still employed by then.


      If there is an executive or coach whose job is on the hot seat, losing to the Redskins should pretty much seal that deal.



        LRB, you have to answer for the Lions.


        You mean just this season, or the last 20?



           You mean just this season, or the last 20?


          With the possible exception of two years, 2011 and 2014, they've been ass suck since moving from Pontiac.


             If there is an executive or coach whose job is on the hot seat, losing to the Redskins should pretty much seal that deal.


            Anywhere else they've both be fired, today. Don't even get on the team plane, see ya!


              ... over the 2.5 hours it took to make the stupid thing


              It's taken as long to clean up this joint.


              Super B****


                It's taken as long to clean up this joint.


                At least you enjoyed the outcome... I sent a recipe to my brother last week that I thought looked revolting but he would like, which somehow turned into ME making it. Which would be fine except even the smell of cream cheese makes me gag. 🤢

                chasing the impossible


                because i never shut up ... i blog



                  At least you enjoyed the outcome... I sent a recipe to my brother last week that I thought looked revolting but he would like, which somehow turned into ME making it. Which would be fine except even the smell of cream cheese makes me gag. 🤢


                  Bamboozled, or guilt tripped?


                  delicate flower


                    You mean just this season, or the last 20?



                    With the possible exception of two years, 2011 and 2014, they've been ass suck since


                    Hey just like my Rams, except for the past two seasons.  Not looking forward to MNF vs Baltimore.  I don't know how that spread is only three points.  The Rams might lose by a hundred!



                    Super B****


                      Bamboozled, or guilt tripped?


                      Probably both! (He's really excited now, though. I'm still revolted.)

                      chasing the impossible


                      because i never shut up ... i blog


                        Blue, nicely done!!! PR city, baby! You can add this to your accumulating list of kickass for 2019. Big grin


                        You all are very inspiring with your miles and workouts.


                        I'm still fighting off something cruddy that my cherubs keep bringing home from school, and am still feeling icky. But I did manage to run 10 today and the weather was amazeballs. 42*, sunny, no wind. I wore shorts (!) and a LS shirt. Felt gross for most of it, but I got it done and I'm happy.


                          Oh, and I've also been scouring the webs for good lasagna recipes b/c of LRB. And I also want wine, now.


                            Hey just like my Rams, except for the past two seasons.  Not looking forward to MNF vs Baltimore.  I don't know how that spread is only three points.  The Rams might lose by a hundred!


                            I absolutely love B' More, always have. They just do things right and always field a competitor.


                            It's a home game for "LA" so it'll be close, they may even win. But I can't wait to see LJ (who was asked by some teams to move to receiver before the draft!) go up against one of the best in Aaron Donald, who my sorry ass Lions passed on for Eric MF'n Ebron. What??

                            Half Crazy K 2.0

                              Congrats on the PR Bluerun!


                              I'm a Baltimore fan, but they are definitely not perfect.


                              Former Bad Ass


                                I went to the events page. I understand it all now. And Cha-CHING, you made it rain for that registration!


                                That's pricey but not as pricey as the whole thing, including hotel and meal plan.  But my plan was to go by myself and enjoy it with my GFs and not fly but drive and a lot has happened since, ha.
