Beginners and Beyond


Stocking Cap SaturDAILIES (Read 36 times)




    Anyone and everyone can post your runs, cross-training, abdominal work, rest days, race plans, training questions, etc.. The only stupid question is the one you did not post. There’s a great mix of beginners and veterans, runners and walkers, and maniacs and returners, from injury to running. We're all a little crazy here, too! While this thread is a terrific source of motivation for runners and serves as outstanding accountability, you’ll quickly find this remarkable group to be highly supportive of all life experiences. So, come on in, put your feet up, and stay a while (not literally)! And whoever is up first is welcome to start the thread and we definitely keep some weird hours here.

    20,000 miles behind me, the world still to see.


      Get out the winter gear if you live in the upper Midwest!


      Where I am, it is currently 14* with a 20 mph wind, which yields a "feels like" of -3*. A couple of years ago I loved feeling all badass about running in temps like this. I've outgrown that. Or maybe I'm just tired and grumpy because one of my ankles was grumpy and sore all day yesterday. Angry

      Either way, I'll get out there. Plan is to run 4-5 miles before my 5k and another 3-4 miles after it, then watch DS run his half-mile race, and come home to thaw out. If the ankle is too cranky, though, I'll shut it down for the day.


      Have a great Saturday, runners!

      20,000 miles behind me, the world still to see.


      Wickedly Average

        Morning, Dailies!


        Looks to be a little chilly (Brrrrrrr) up there, Step!  47 here in 'Nooga. Great running weather, but alas, I'm not allowed to run (though I did jog 150 feet from the Kohl's to the car in the rain yesterday).


        Heading out in a bit to pick up some hand-rubbed smoked pork butt. Bought some last year and froze it in 2-serving sized packages. Very, very good stuff!


        Good luck to all the racers today!

        Tom (formerly known as PhotogTom)

        5K - 25:16, 10K - 55:31,  15K - 1:20:55,   HM - 1:54:54


          Morning, Dailies!


          Looks to be a little chilly (Brrrrrrr) up there, Step!  47 here in 'Nooga. Great running weather, but alas, I'm not allowed to run (though I did jog 150 feet from the Kohl's to the car in the rain yesterday).


          Heading out in a bit to pick up some hand-rubbed smoked pork butt. Bought some last year and froze it in 2-serving sized packages. Very, very good stuff!


          Good luck to all the racers today!


          The mental image of someone massaging a pig's backside is just too funny! But that does sound tasty. Enjoy!

          20,000 miles behind me, the world still to see.


          Wickedly Average


            The mental image of someone massaging a pig's backside is just too funny! But that does sound tasty. Enjoy!

            One of my teammates at the pool hall is selling them for his church. You can imagine the "butt rubbing" humor that goes with that!

            Tom (formerly known as PhotogTom)

            5K - 25:16, 10K - 55:31,  15K - 1:20:55,   HM - 1:54:54

              Hey guys, smoked pork sounds pretty tasty!


              Heading out for 5 in a bit, it's  25 degrees and a little frosty out there!


              have a great day everyone.

              First Race

              Hot Chocolate 5K Chicago November 4, 2012 30:17

              Second Race

              Penguin in the Park 5K Decatur Illinois March 23,2013 27:08



                Geez, it is 26 here in the big mitten with a wind chill of 17.  With wind gusts of 20 MPH, I may have to pull out the jacket for today's run!


                  Step, not sure how you do it up there, almost too cold.


                  Tom, no running? I guess I missed it, are you injured?


                  LRB, it won't be long, and I'll need my jacket too. I bought some new running pants recently, and kind of anxious to try them out.


                  Nights suck! 12 hour rotating shift and 6 days per week. I'm afraid my marathon could possibly be derailed. My last long run will be tomorrow. One thing is for sure, all my runs lately are on tired legs. Time for a nap!


                  Former Bad Ass

                    Morning!  7+ miles planned for tonight.


                    FYI, it is 82F in Miami, at 8:50am!  Da fuck?  Yesterday we were 6F ABOVE average on the low and 4F ABOVE average on the high.  Sigh.


                    Shari, I'm jealous of your weather and hoping I can experience that soon (not here, of course).  OK, the feels like at minus 3, you can keep.


                    Tom, save me some butt.


                    Sparker, enjoy the 5.


                    LRB, nice weather.  The wind sucks, though.


                    Mitch, do the best you can.  You have worked hard and that is not lost overnight.



                    Wickedly Average

                      Mitch - knee injury. It's getting better but I'm out of commission for another 5-6 weeks.


                      I just got home with my new butt! It is still warm - I couldn't resist carving a slice off and eating it! It is Gooo-oood!

                      Tom (formerly known as PhotogTom)

                      5K - 25:16, 10K - 55:31,  15K - 1:20:55,   HM - 1:54:54


                      Former Bad Ass

                        Mitch - knee injury. It's getting better but I'm out of commission for another 5-6 weeks.


                        I just got home with my new butt! It is still warm - I couldn't resist carving a slice off and eating it! It is Gooo-oood!


                        What are you, a cannibal? Joking



                        Wickedly Average


                          What are you, a cannibal? Joking


                          It's a pork butt. Then again, I have been called a pig, so....

                          Tom (formerly known as PhotogTom)

                          5K - 25:16, 10K - 55:31,  15K - 1:20:55,   HM - 1:54:54


                            LRB, nice weather.  The wind sucks, though.


                            Yes, my hands caught hell last winter with all that wind we had, so I went out and spent $35.00 on some wind blocker gloves.  Judging from today's run though, I got robbed!


                            Speaking of today's run, I nailed it.  None of the paces correlate with anything (tempo, "I" pace etc.), I just tried to run as smooth and swiftly as I possibly could, without screwing anything up.








                            I am really happy I was able to continue to drop the pace.  It was definitely not easy, but that I was able to finish strong running into that headwind has me ecstatic.


                            As it is, I am not ready to declare anything.  Nope, steady as she goes.  Steady as she goes....


                              step - hope the 5k goes great

                              tom - funny

                              sparker - have a good cold 5

                              hog - have a good long run tomorrow

                              D - that heat is something else. have a good 7

                              lrb - great to hear that run went well


                              10 this AM. was going to do a 5k but decided not to...early tgiving at my sister's later since some out of towners are here...then we'll do it again in a few days...hope everyone has a great Saturday

                              marathon pr - 3:16


                              Skirt Runner

                                In Delaware this weekend with a few of my closest girlfriends who I only get to see a few times a year. Staying with my friend who just bought a house in Wilmington with her husband. Her husband is a very fast runner (has run 14 marathons including several Bostons....PR is 3:01) and he volunteered to take me on a run in their local park. He didn't seem to mind my pace even though I felt a little embarrassed by making him run so slow. Ran 7.34 hilly, windy miles at an 11:08 pace (which is a bit faster than my usual easy pace actually) and enjoyed talking sports and running with him the whole time. Now off to a winery with the ladies!  

                                PRs:   5K- 28:16 (5/5/13)      10K- 1:00:13 (10/27/13)    4M- 41:43 (9/7/13)   15K- 1:34:25  (8/17/13)    10M- 1:56:30 (4/6/14)     HM- 2:20:16 (4/13/14)     Full- 5:55:33 (11/1/15)


                                I started a blog about running :) Check it out if you care to
