Beginners and Beyond

FriDAILIES in 3, 2, 1... (Read 43 times)



      What's up crew, we made it!


      I have some weight lifting on the schedule this morning then will head out for a short run.


      I am not racing this weekend and am kind of relieved about that!  I am fine physically, it's just dialing up the proper mindset mentally can be a drain.  I will enjoy getting my ass kicked at the track instead where there is not as much pressure to perform.


      So what about you?  Are you running, walking, doing strength and core, working or off?


        I think I've decided on a goal race for this fall, a 10K at the end of October.  That's 21 weeks from this Saturday, so I think I'll be restarting Daniels at the 21 weeks out mark.  I am planning a HM somewhere in there (last week of September or 1st week of October) but I think I can pull off a decent result on 10K specific training since my long run is staying in the 12-14 range and Daniels has a bunch of T-pace and M-pace work.  It won't give me as good of a result as if I trained for it, but this season is all about 5K-10K, and I can start building endurance off of that speed this winter.


        I had great success at my goal half this spring using those same 5 & 10k training principles.  The only thing I added was a 12 mile run 4 weeks out that was 6 miles easy + 5 X 5 minutes at tempo pace, and a 14 mile run 3 weeks out that was 4 easy + 4 marathon pace + 3 tempo pace + 3 easy.


        I also bumped the mileage up at bit obviously but otherwise it was my normal 5 & 10k training.


        I had some races mixed in there as well and showed up race day morning and pretty much killed it, you can view the full 10 week plan (here).


        delicate flower

          Happy Friday and whatcha say now!  My plan today was to run 7 miles, either before or after work.  I got up at 5:00 this morning and it just wasn't happening, so after work it is.  Yesterday was a good day:  No work, new tires for the car, 7 mile run, 25 mile bike, sushi for dinner.  The weekend is looking good too:  More running, more biking, seeing lots of friends, eating lots of food.  It's too bad work has to come along and nudge its nose in there today.  But, I guess we have to pay the bills.


          Just B.S.

            Friday same as Thursday.

            Work, hospital, run, bed.


            Yesterday was the first run in 5 days due to family stuff. It was after work/hospital visit, I was

            Exhausted and purposely ran super slow and easy with one huge climb a few medium and a

            bunch of rollers and still came in well under a 10mm for 5.5 miles. 


            I was so grateful just to have the ability to be outdoors and able to move my body. Also really

            happy as it  occured to me during the run that at age 52 after 14 years of running long

            what was my 1/2 marathon race pace at 42 is now my super easy effortless pace. 


            We have to get up super early tomorrow to get in 45 miles on the bikes before taking care of family

            Stuff the rest of the day.


            Have a good one people.


            Former Bad Ass

              Morning!  I have 8 miles on the TM tonight.  Plan is to do some hill mile intervals for San Francisco training.


              Beth, hope the FIL continues to recover.





                11 easy miles later after work.


                Don't know if you will see it, but I'll try anyway. She's 100 days old today and she looks so wise already. 


                PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

                        Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

                18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010


                  BTW, sorry for being so gaga about her... 

                  PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

                          Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

                  18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010


                  Former Bad Ass

                    OMG!  So cute!



                      7 miles.



                        Good morning everyone!


                        8 miles done this morning.


                        Beth, I love watching old race paces become easy paces, such a good feeling.


                        Lily, no need to apologize, she's adorable!


                        My running blog

                        Goals | sub-18 5k | sub-3 marathon 2:56:46!!



                          The plan was 7 miles, but my heart just wasn't in it this morning Sad Rocky and I pounded out 5 on the trails, 70 degrees with 88% humidity and (for D)  dew point around 67. Rocky was panting hard, I am not sure if I am going to keep taking him as I don't want him suffering. He might have to take a break from running for the next 2 months Sad

                          *Do It For Yourself, Do It Because They Said It Was Impossible, Do It Because They Said You Were Incapable*


                          5k - 24:15 (7:49 min/mile pace) 

                          10k - 51:47 (8:16 min/mile pace)

                          15k -1:18:09 (8:24 min/mile pace)

                          13.1 - 1:53:12 (8:39 min/mile pace)

                           26:2 - 4:14:55 (9:44 min/mile)

                          From the Internet.

                            Morning dailies! My legs haven't exploded yet so I think they may have survived yesterday's track workout. Just sore muscles, which I am totally fine with Big grin Planning on 2-3 recovery miles later this afternoon to shake 'em out, possibly followed by upper body lifting at the gym if I have time. I'm thinking about races now, so probably my legs will fall off as soon as I register for one.. a goal 5K in October (as much sub-25:00 as I can manage), aiming to maybe finish a half with a loose time goal 1-2 months after that, and then set a real goal for a half in March.


                            happylily your grandbaby is adorable! Smile





                              Nice plan Rick! Just for kicks, I'm going to see if I can link directly to my Marathon plan.


                              Lily, that's a cute looking kid. Smile


                              6 Easy miles for me this morning. It was 70 out! Holy crap. A third was on broken pavement by the river. The rest was residential. I tossed in 4 strides just to get used to them. I need to start doing them earlier in my run, instead of in the last mile. Big grin

                              - Andrew




                                Nice plan Rick! Just for kicks, I'm going to see if I can link directly to my Marathon plan.


                                It's there!