Beginners and Beyond


That time of year ThursDAILIES (Read 39 times)


    When I woke up to run I looked at the clock and it was 5:40, twenty minutes past the time I usually get up.


    It took all of one second to say screw that and I went back to sleep!


    URD and that is okay with me.


    Barking Mad To Run

      Raining here in San Antonio today...but it will still be 70 degrees for my run/walk time after work today,so that's okay, at least it's not a cold rain.  The plan is for about 3 to 4 easy miles done in a local park.

      "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt


        I said screw it yesterday, so I better get at it now. 8 on tap.


        Former Bad Ass

          Morning!  10 miles this morning with 8 @ MP + 10%.  It was a brisk 50F when I started.  That's going to freak out some folks today.  More miles, weights, and Pilates tonight.



            I am pretty anxious to ramp mileage back up. Was thinking I ought to be able to crack 30 this week. But I need to keep telling myself to take things slow. Realized I've run 9 straight days (although still very low miles), so taking a rest day today.



              I ended up doing some light elliptical and ab work instead of running yesterday, and I think I might as well take another RD.  We have a major storm bearing down on us.  The wind is already howling.  I need to get out there and make sure our animals are all secure.  I hope we don't lose too many trees.

              Life is good.

              Jack K.

              uʍop ǝpᴉsdn sǝʇᴉɹʍ ʇI

                More rain and possible mudslides are on the way so I hope to get in a 6 mile tempo run before it goes down.


                  Best of luck to you Jack and Blue. It seems each area we live in has its issues.


                    I am pretty anxious to ramp mileage back up. Was thinking I ought to be able to crack 30 this week. But I need to keep telling myself to take things slow. Realized I've run 9 straight days (although still very low miles), so taking a rest day today.


                    You will be back to your high mileage self in no time.


                    D, you wear arm sleeves? 


                    70 and rain sounds refreshing Scott T, enjoy that.


                    What was your impression of Arizona BP?


                    Former Bad Ass

                      LRB, I actually wore light LS because the wind was in the 18mph range.  I am still coughing from the fucking wind, though.


                      Here is a picture of me from last night:




                      Former Bad Ass

                        More rain and possible mudslides are on the way so I hope to get in a 6 mile tempo run before it goes down.


                        Stay dry!



                          Here is a picture of me from last night:


                          You um, clean up nice. 


                          Is that wine for me?


                          Former Bad Ass


                            You um, clean up nice. 


                            Is that wine for me?


                            I drank it, sorry.



                               I drank it, sorry.


                              I actually drank beer last night, imagine that.


                              delicate flower

                                Work.  GDI.

