Beginners and Beyond

2020 Dailies #192 (Read 26 times)


Super B****

    It's another lovely humid day... it's so humid that even I managed to sweat. That is a sweat droplet, not a rain drop.



    Because even though I wanted to wait for the rain since the people who jam the track are fair-weather walkers, the rain wasn't coming (it's here now) so I just headed out. I actually didn't feel at all like running anything fast because I was so tired and felt like crap, so I'll blame that for why I went out so fast -- I was going to do two miles. In 12:12, since it looks so nice. As I tend to do, I changed my mind in middle and went for 5K anyway, but Strava claims I ran a two-mile PR... in 12:12. 

    chasing the impossible


    because i never shut up ... i blog


      Strava claims I ran a two-mile PR... in 12:12. 


      2 miles in 12 minutes was the standard bearer for many athletic leagues and even the armed forces at one time I believe. It speaks to strength and stamina, not necessarily speed. Even though you didn't quite make it, 2 miles in 12:12 is pretty damn impressive on its own.


      Former Bad Ass



        It's my Friday off and I am still trying to wake up, ha. I have 14.



          I ran 6.


          The conditions this week have left me drained and lethargic. So much so that at one point during the first mile this morning, I was feeling so awful I almost turned around. I begrudgingly decided I would continue on with the stupid thing and at least run 4 miles. And then to my surprise something just clicked and I went from a 9:58 1st mile to an 8:46 3rd mile, so I stayed with it and had my best easy run (if there is such a thing?) in quite some time.


            I ran 6.


            The conditions this week have left me drained and lethargic. So much so that at one point during the first mile this morning, I was feeling so awful I almost turned around. I begrudgingly decided I would continue on with the stupid thing and at least run 4 miles. And then to my surprise something just clicked and I went from a 9:58 1st mile to an 8:46 3rd mile, so I stayed with it and had my best easy run (if there is such a thing?) in quite some time.


            this sounds like my run except it never got better.  but I felt good for my Tuesday run and I guess we shouldn't really expect to feel good more than once a week 


              It's another lovely humid day... it's so humid that even I managed to sweat. That is a sweat droplet, not a rain drop.


              Because even though I wanted to wait for the rain since the people who jam the track and fair-weather walkers, the rain wasn't coming (it's here now) so I just headed out. I actually didn't feel at all like running anything fast because I was so tired and felt like crap, so I'll blame that for why I went out so fast -- I was going to do two miles. In 12:12, since it looks so nice. As I tend to do, I changed my mind in middle and went for 5K anyway, but Strava claims I ran a two-mile PR... in 12:12. 


              easily sub-19 in cooler weather


                Nice Blue! I could probably only run 1.5 miles in 12:12.


                7 miles with some hills.


                  JHC bluerun, if you are on some kind of PEDs, I want some.



                  7 miles





                    this sounds like my run except it never got better.  but I felt good for my Tuesday run and I guess we shouldn't really expect to feel good more than once a week 


                    It certainly seems like it!


                      It's already 91 degrees ffs

                      Half Crazy K 2.0

                        Nice 5k Bluerun!


                        Raining here, outer edge of tropical storm Fay is coming through. No run today, will do something to move around after finishing work.



                          2 miles in 12 minutes was the standard bearer for many athletic leagues and even the armed forces at one time I believe. It speaks to strength and stamina, not necessarily speed. Even though you didn't quite make it, 2 miles in 12:12 is pretty damn impressive on its own.


                          My father, in the Canadian Air Force as a radar tech, so in no way in any physically elite troop, still had to pass a certain minimal standard of physical fitness every year, and that minimum standard was 1.5 miles in 12 minutes, so an 8 minute/mile average. He's always had a hard time doing it (smoker and not physically active at all) but he always managed to pass.


                            I ran 10. Hesitating for tomorrow's Saturday tempo run with RP. I think I'll go but I'll use the calculator to adjust the pace for the temperature and humidity. I know I could probably do the workout, but I don't want to be too drained afterwards.

                            Half Crazy K 2.0

                              Just saw that another local group is putting on a race in DE. It seems a bit odd, from what I understand, DE cases are up--to the extent that NJ, NY & CT added the state to their 2 week quarantine. Anyway, I considered the 10k for roughly the time it took to read through the logisitics. In addition to an assigned start time (groups of 25), you can only pick up your packet 30 minutes before your start. Masks are required before & after the race. You must carry it with you during. Just seems like too many rules and I'd find it stressful when people don't follow them.


                              Former Bad Ass

                                That does not look as strict as others I have seen.  I run with my mask in my pocket no issue.
