Beginners and Beyond

2020 Dailies #192 (Read 26 times)


    Just saw that another local group is putting on a race in DE. It seems a bit odd, from what I understand, DE cases are up--to the extent that NJ, NY & CT added the state to their 2 week quarantine. Anyway, I considered the 10k for roughly the time it took to read through the logisitics. In addition to an assigned start time (groups of 25), you can only pick up your packet 30 minutes before your start. Masks are required before & after the race. You must carry it with you during. Just seems like too many rules and I'd find it stressful when people don't follow them.


    Where masks are concerned, some are willing to put on a clown show in defiance of mask rules, ala Daniel Maples of Florida. Dude has set the bar for acting like a complete ass hole in the stratosphere!


      That does not look as strict as others I have seen.  I run with my mask in my pocket no issue.


      +1 but I agree the logistics could be a mess - you may plan one thing, but how it actually turns out is something else. Because people are the worst.




        Where masks are concerned, some are willing to put on a clown show in defiance of mask rules, ala Daniel Maples of Florida. Dude has set the bar for acting like a complete ass hole in the stratosphere!


         people are the worst.


          Off and will be off for a bit more, right quad not better; still aches to walk.  I should’ve seen this coming as I had tightness all over the front side of the knee for a few weeks which I had been trying work on with the massage’s just more fascia problem. I suspect it was my working on road crown, specifically right-hand downhill,  that triggered the quad explosion.

          Its said that fascia adhesion problems start with trauma, well mine must have begun with knee surgery in high school.  I had osgoode-schlatters of the right knee which fractured... it didn’t completely break off but to repair it they had to cut the patella tendon off the tibia, saw the bone chips out of the fracture and drill a hole through the top tibia to sew the patella tendon back on.  I’m sure that must have done number on the facia in the knee.

          END of whining.

          Restart # 7,256 begins Monday with deep water running 😀
          Was able to get lane reservations Monday, Wednesday, Friday at 6:30am, my work days.   My off-work days: Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, quad permitting, will be outdoor runs.  

          Nice of them to start the reopening of pools at the rec centers right at the exact time I need the pool.😀


          delicate flower

              ala Daniel Maples of Florida.


            If he would have just worn a mask, his life would not be in ruins now.  Stupid asshole.



            Former Bad Ass

              I just read of another idiot that said he wasn’t buying a mask as he had survived until now. He died on the 4th.



              Super B****

                JHC bluerun, if you are on some kind of PEDs, I want some.



                It’s a magical track 🤷🏻‍♀️

                chasing the impossible


                because i never shut up ... i blog


                Super B****

                  Just saw that another local group is putting on a race in DE. It seems a bit odd, from what I understand, DE cases are up--to the extent that NJ, NY & CT added the state to their 2 week quarantine. Anyway, I considered the 10k for roughly the time it took to read through the logisitics. In addition to an assigned start time (groups of 25), you can only pick up your packet 30 minutes before your start. Masks are required before & after the race. You must carry it with you during. Just seems like too many rules and I'd find it stressful when people don't follow them.


                  Such a smart virus that it wouldn’t even think of being transmitted during the actual race! Yeah, I wouldn’t do this. Too much of a headache.

                  chasing the impossible


                  because i never shut up ... i blog



                    Such a smart virus that it wouldn’t even think of being transmitted during the actual race! Yeah, I wouldn’t do this. Too much of a headache.


                    You're running too fast! It can't catch you!



                    UM 45 Ohio 23

                      Ran 4 this morning.


                      Daffy - hope you get better with some time off


                      Blue - awesome TT!


                      MI Governor issued more strict mask guidance...need to read up on it


                        Ran 4 this morning.


                        Daffy - hope you get better with some time off


                        Blue - awesome TT!


                        MI Governor issued more strict mask guidance...need to read up on it



                        Among the highlights:


                        • Requires any business that is open to the public to refuse entry or service to people who refuse to wear a face covering, with limited exceptions.
                        • Requires the use of face coverings in crowded outdoor spaces.
                        • Reiterates that individuals are required to wear a face covering whenever they are in an indoor public space.



                          Among the highlights:


                          • Requires any business that is open to the public to refuse entry or service to people who refuse to wear a face covering, with limited exceptions.
                          • Requires the use of face coverings in crowded outdoor spaces.
                          • Reiterates that individuals are required to wear a face covering whenever they are in an indoor public space.


                          they are working on one for the city of milwaukee. the first version required masks when within 30ft of another person OUTSIDE .  they have since reduced that to 6ft



                            they are working on one for the city of milwaukee. the first version required masks when within 30ft of another person OUTSIDE .  they have since reduced that to 6ft


                            Well 30 ft outside is not only excessive, but who the hell has a feel for what 30 ft looks like?


                            Half Crazy K 2.0


                              they are working on one for the city of milwaukee. the first version required masks when within 30ft of another person OUTSIDE .  they have since reduced that to 6ft


                              If you go to that exetreme, why not just say mandatory any time you are not on your property?


                              One of the counties here is trying to add outdoor spaces (like bars/restaurants) to the mask required. It sounds like they will be looking to enforce it in the evening.


                              Former Bad Ass

                                IN was doing so well but the governor won’t make

                                masks mandatory so now we had the highest number of cases in 9 weeks. Not a record by any means but we have 90% of things open and without masks it’s not going to work.
