Beginners and Beyond

Lazy SunDailies (Read 40 times)


    What? Back from my run and no dailies yet? What is wrong here?


      Weather was about 40 degrees when I left. Long sleeves, and shorts. Hesitated with the gloves, left them home and was fine after a mile or so.


      Hooked up with a group from the running room who were going to run the mountain. Some nice people, but wasn't sure if running in a group was for me. Stayed with them a little. Strong runners in there, but they kept wanting to slow down because they said they were going to run slower. After a while I just decided to keep my pace, and 5-6 of them followed. Then it was a bit more fun. Still, one of them kept wanting to slow down but I'd just ignore him, and I think he was glad to follow.

      Going down, Sebastien and I took the lead and kept it all the way down. Got in a nice chat with him. That was better than running in a group. He's a 2:59 PR marathoner, so stronger than me. Younger too.

      At the bottom of the mountain we were hesitating a bit as to what direction to take, so I told Sebastien to go, and I'd follow, so he took off and I  followed. It seems like forever since I last grinned with all my teeth while running. Don't know the exact pace or distance, but it must have been maybe a 500m at 6:25 ish pace. Back at the running room, I was a little winded, but still had all my teeth showing.  Said bye to Sebastien, and I might just go again next week. The large group is boring, but running with a buddy is cool.

      I ran back home at a faster than easy pace to finish the run.

      11 overall



        Feeling pretty good, maybe an easy 4-5 miler later on the trails with the dogs.

        *Do It For Yourself, Do It Because They Said It Was Impossible, Do It Because They Said You Were Incapable*


        5k - 24:15 (7:49 min/mile pace) 

        10k - 51:47 (8:16 min/mile pace)

        15k -1:18:09 (8:24 min/mile pace)

        13.1 - 1:53:12 (8:39 min/mile pace)

         26:2 - 4:14:55 (9:44 min/mile)


        delicate flower

          GOOD MORNING!  I ran 5.9 miles at 8:27 pace this morning...a very easy run, dare I say a JOG.  I was also reminded that 48 degrees is too warm for track pants.


          I'm now officially in weather-stalk mode for next Saturday.  Right now it looks like 50 at the start, peaking in the upper 50's during the race.  10 degrees cooler would be nice but I'll take this forecast.




              I ran 16.


              delicate flower

                I ran 16.


                At the track?  Holy shit did you stay mentally engaged?



                Former Bad Ass

                  Starting my 12 on the TM. Last 6 @ MP + 10%.




                    At the track?  Holy shit did you stay mentally engaged?


                    I have run 16 at the indoor track before. It's actually not bad if you're focused on maintaining a certain pace.


                      Weather was about 40 degrees when I left. Long sleeves, and shorts. Hesitated with the gloves, left them home and was fine after a mile or so.


                      Hooked up with a group from the running room who were going to run the mountain. Some nice people, but wasn't sure if running in a group was for me. Stayed with them a little. Strong runners in there, but they kept wanting to slow down because they said they were going to run slower. After a while I just decided to keep my pace, and 5-6 of them followed. Then it was a bit more fun. Still, one of them kept wanting to slow down but I'd just ignore him, and I think he was glad to follow.

                      Going down, Sebastien and I took the lead and kept it all the way down. Got in a nice chat with him. That was better than running in a group. He's a 2:59 PR marathoner, so stronger than me. Younger too.

                      At the bottom of the mountain we were hesitating a bit as to what direction to take, so I told Sebastien to go, and I'd follow, so he took off and I  followed. It seems like forever since I last grinned with all my teeth while running. Don't know the exact pace or distance, but it must have been maybe a 500m at 6:25 ish pace. Back at the running room, I was a little winded, but still had all my teeth showing.  Said bye to Sebastien, and I might just go again next week. The large group is boring, but running with a buddy is cool.

                      I ran back home at a faster than easy pace to finish the run.

                      11 overall


                      Sounds like you are feeling better.


                         At the track?  Holy shit did you stay mentally engaged?


                        I daydream.


                           I have run 16 at the indoor track before. It's actually not bad if you're focused on maintaining a certain pace.


                          Today's session was a 3 mile jog to the track, the workout, then a 3 mile slog home from it. But yes, no different than running 3 loops of 6 miles for 18, 15 on a treadmill or 10 out and 10 back in the neighborhood; you basically focus on the task at hand (which is the lap, mile or loop you're in) not the entirety of the run.


                          delicate flower

                            Pretty good grocery store sushi for lunch today.


                            BTW, shout out to my good friend, fellow marathoner, and new M40-44 age grouper Mr. Oski on his 3:13:51 marathon today.  His first BQ and I believe a 7 minute PR.



                              Pretty good grocery store sushi for lunch today.


                              BTW, shout out to my good friend, fellow marathoner, and new M40-44 age grouper Mr. Oski on his 3:13:51 marathon today.  His first BQ and I believe a 7 minute PR.


                              That's how you kick the door down!



                                Today's session was a 3 mile jog to the track, the workout, then a 3 mile slog home from it. But yes, no different than running 3 loops of 6 miles for 18, 15 on a treadmill or 10 out and 10 back in the neighborhood; you basically focus on the task at hand (which is the lap, mile or loop you're in) not the entirety of the run.


                                I have a lot easier time if it's a workout because it breaks it up into manageable chunks.


                                I have to go run 18 easy for time on my feet.