Beginners and Beyond


Penguin's Eclipse Wednesdaily (Read 29 times)


Barking Mad To Run

    Morning Pengs!


    Jerry and Damaris have fun at your FE!  My husband is addicted tp Mtn Dew.  is that your drink Damaris?


    I ran 3 miles this morning and Im having pain in the arch of my right foot.  Is that PF?  Ive had "zingers" of pain in the arch of my right foot forever but last couple of runs Its starting to hurt pretty bad.  Ive had every other injury so Its fitting that I would get PF.  I thought PF was pain in the heel though.  I have no pain near the heel just whole arch and up to the ball of my foot.  Is that how PF starts?  UGHH  Im taking a week off.


    Off to read ZEls RR and google arch pain



    Traci, I fought that dang PF puppy for 6 months - finally had to go to a podiatrist - and I hope I never get it again.  I do a lot of 'preventive maintenance" my podiatrist taught me - stretches, golf ball rolling and picking up, inserts, etc - to try and keep it from coming back.  So far so good, have not had a recurrence in many years, thank goodness. 


    The root problem of PF  is usually in the heel and calf (tight calfs, inflexible achilles tendon contributing), but it can "manifest' itself in the arch of the foot.  The plantar fascia runs across the bottom of your foot and connects your heel bone to your toes. In the morning when you first get up and step out of bed, you often feel a very tight and 'burning' sensation in your arch with your first step.    For now, if it IS PF, keep a frozen water bottle handy, and roll your foot on it for 5 - 10 minutes, it will give your arch area some pain relief.   Also, as a temporary measure until you feel better, try using heel inserts in your running shoes.  This will raise your heel a bit, taking the pressure off your AT/heel area and making your foot impact more 'mid-foot'.  This will give you some temporary relief too while the PF heals.  The inserts are NOT a cure, though!  Do NOT use them permanently - unless, like me, you have doctor's instructions to do so (my weird feet and back), but I am in the minority, the majority of folks will only have to use them temporarily.  As for your arch in the morning with that first step:  before you get out of bed, hold your toes and gently stretch them back toward your leg and hold for 15 seconds or so.  This will help relieve that 'burning first step' out of bed.


    All the above is stuff that has worked for me, based on what I had, and on instructions from MY doc.  It MAY work for you if it is PF. However, I am by no means any kind of medical expert, this is just my personal experience with PF.  The best person to advise you on what your condition may or may not be is your own doctor.  So consider that before doing anything.  good luck!

    "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt


      Jerry - good luck at the dentist.  Hope it's not another crown.  They're expensive!


      D - have a good run.  I hope you do get your Mountain Dew.  It tastes so good when you're really thirsty.  I do envy you your running wardrobe.  I have a choice of two pairs of running shorts or some wind pants in winter and a few cheap tech tshirts from races or hiking clothes (which work pretty well).


      HopesMom - you never can tell with doctors.  If you want an immediate appointment they make you wait for weeks or months, and if you aren't in a hurry they can get you in this week.  When I was diagnosed with thyroid issues, the MD wanted me to see an endocrinologist.  It was a minimum of 6 months before I could get an appointment, so I cancelled and told the MD, "Just prescribe something, I'm not waiting that long."  I never did see the specialist.


      Jack - have fun at the LRS.  Nice not to be chauffeur for a few days.  Freedom!


      Tracilynn - could your shoes need to be replaced?  Some wear out faster than others.


      Lauren - running is a good way to avoid the hungries.  But then there's the post run hunger when you run harder or longer than usual. Your chili should help with that.


      Z - looking forward to reading your RR.  Are you walking to loosen up while you aren't running?


      Stonefence - enjoy your run.  I hope it's a good sized park.


      Scotty - that sounds like fun, running at the base.  Good job on the hills.  Since so many of your races are hilly, it's good to practice.


      AFM:  rest day today.  I'm trying to do two days running, one day rest, two days running and one day rest to build to 5 days a week.  So far, it's working.


      Former Bad Ass

        Haha, yeah, I love Mountain Dew, especially during LRs.  I have gulped two cans of it during 20 miler.  One gulp by gulp.



        Return To Racing

          Regular or diet Dew?

          Haha, yeah, I love Mountain Dew, especially during LRs.  I have gulped two cans of it during 20 miler.  One gulp by gulp.



          Penguin Power!

            Haha, yeah, I love Mountain Dew, especially during LRs.  I have gulped two cans of it during 20 miler.  One gulp by gulp.


            The carbonation doesn't give you problems?  I can be your provider of Mountain Dew at mile 14 of the NYC full if you are running it.  I live about a 2 minute walk from the race route :-)



            Today I ran 5ish.  I feel as though my pace is slowly improving and my ankle is slowly strengthening, but I really need to stick my my PT exercises.  I still don't have the ROM that I need in my injured ankle and it is persistently a bit swollen.

            Upcoming Races: Run as One 4M (4/24) * Japan Run 4M (5/8) * Brooklyn Half (5/21) 


            Former Bad Ass

              Regular or diet Dew?


              The question offends!  Regular!  I am kidding about having it at the aid station, but if you guys are taking ideas for items to offer, Mtn Dew!



              Former Bad Ass


                The carbonation doesn't give you problems?  I can be your provider of Mountain Dew at mile 14 of the NYC full if you are running it.  I live about a 2 minute walk from the race route :-)



                Today I ran 5ish.  I feel as though my pace is slowly improving and my ankle is slowly strengthening, but I really need to stick my my PT exercises.  I still don't have the ROM that I need in my injured ankle and it is persistently a bit swollen.


                Not a problem.  it actually feels wonderful running in 100F and coming back to a cool one during your gel break.  I have eaten a gel downed with the Mtn Dew too.  no issues.


                Not sure you can actually find me in that bedlam called the NYCM, but I appreciate the offer!



                  Mtn dew is probably one of the less carbonated soft drinks. I can see it going down real well on a LR for sure. They are pretty smooth.





                    4 miles with Bella this morning.


                    Traci, when I had PF, it was all over and moved around some. There was definitely times when the arch hurt more than the heel, and there were times when the heel hurt so bad that I about fell down when I first got out of bed. If you can take Advil, start that too along with the water bottle and golf ball.


                    Return To Racing

                      Thought I'd catch a break from running, getting home from the dentist at 3:30, but DW was ready to run.  So, 3 slow miles.  No crowns this time.  Does your hygienist take an hour+ to clean.  I kept falling asleep as she kept scraping away.  But she woke me for the flossing lecture  .



                      Return To Racing


                        The question offends!  Regular!  I am kidding about having it at the aid station, but if you guys are taking ideas for items to offer, Mtn Dew!


                        Sorry to offend.  Aren't bottles easier to carry?



                        Team TJ

                          2.6 early this morning.

                          Running for TJ because he can't.



                          Former Bad Ass


                            Sorry to offend.  Aren't bottles easier to carry?


                            Haha, yes. But I use cans at home because I stop for a gel, so I drink the Mountain Dew.  When it's 100F it feels so good!



                            Former Bad Ass

                              2.6 early this morning.


                              Hey, how's it going?  Are you guys getting ready for the adventure????  I am wearing green on Sunday, so you know what that means!



                              Team TJ

                                We're ready to travel.  I'm looking forward to the race for fun, I'll be Gallo-walking the hell out of it

                                Running for TJ because he can't.

