Beginners and Beyond


It's the MONDAILIES. (Read 43 times)



    I did weights and an hour on the AMT yesterday evening. I'm about to get up to find my coat and hit the gym for seven miles on the TM.


    I didn't feel like cooking, so, I walked over to the Whole Foods about a mile from my place (I decided to not stay at my parents' last night) to check the prices for some things I plan to buy on Wednesday. I bought a package of Padma's Easy Exotic organic whole-grain brown rice and a can of aduki beans. I made a quick dinner (three minutes) of rice and beans in the microwave. It was yummy.


      Have a nice day Basya.

      I have not decided if I'll run today. I'll bring my gear, just in case.

      Gonna bike to work.

      Hockey evening had a sour taste yesterday. Home team got their asses kicked bad. I was glad I chose not to pay 200$ to go to the rink, and watched the game in a pub instead.

      Half Crazy K 2.0

        Back from vacation. First time I've gone into the city since all hell broke loose. Weights after work.

        Little Blue

          *off to Whole Foods to look for that rice*


          Good morning, all!  I am trying to get back in the regular groove, so today is a RD.  Hahaha, I've run 4 miles in the last 2 days, I need it!   Will probably be mowing a half-dozen lawns today, so I'll make up for it.




            Morning people.

            6.2 slightly drizzly miles.



              It's May 4 and I have a flippin' cold.

                Cyberic99, enjoy your day, running or no running.


                HCK2.0, have a great lifting session.


                Little Blue, have a relaxing and refreshing rest day


                DaveP MI, sweet 6.2.


                Rick, feel well soon.


                I did 7.0 miles in 1:02:55. 8:59 pace.


                delicate flower

                  jhfc the next seven threads under the dailies are race reports.  You people are getting difficult to keep up with.


                  Skipped my run this morning and slept.  I regret nothing.  So now I will run and pedal after work.


                  Half Crazy K 2.0

                    I limit my Whole Foods trips because I spend too much at their cookie cart. So many yummy choices.


                      I have never been to Whole Foods. Probably should do that one of these days.


                      Former Bad Ass

                        Morning!  I have 7 miles tonight.


                        Basya, thanks for starting us off.  I love WF and I wish I had one near my house.  Nice workouts.


                        Cy, enjoy whichever you decide to do.


                        Half Crazy, hope you find a quiet day at the office.  Enjoy the weights later.


                        Little Blue, enjoy the rest.


                        DaveP, nice run.


                        LRB, get over that cold!  FYI, we get colds down here all year long and it's hot as hades most of the time.


                        Phil, no regrets!



                          45 minutes on the elliptical and about half of my PT exercises done this morning. My first post-surgery martial arts class and the rest of the PT exercises planned tonight.

                          20,000 miles behind me, the world still to see.

                          Jack K.

                          uʍop ǝpᴉsdn sǝʇᴉɹʍ ʇI

                            Flying home today.


                              Good morning.  I'm off to see my massage therapist again this morning.  Hopefully she can figure out what is going on with my stupid foot.


                              Step -- What a great picture of your son in yesterday's dailies.


                              LRB -- I saw in the 2014in2014 game you are on IR.  I missed a couple of days on the dailies, but I thought you were back running again.  Hope everything with your shin is OK.

                              Life is good.

                              From the Internet.

                                5 miles easy AM, having my car towed to the dealer for an oil change and flat tire, probably going to run a couple more easy miles this afternoon since I'm working from home now. Is it weird that I'm excited to go run in the heat and start acclimating already?
