Beginners and Beyond

ThursDAILIES - Also known as Friday Jr (Read 32 times)


Super B****


    Maybe turn off the notifications?  


    chasing the impossible


    because i never shut up ... i blog


      Thanks for no picture.


      It may come as a shock but my immaturity has limits. lol


      Former Bad Ass

        I get those "Uh oh! X stole your lead" emails a lot.  Mostly about segments from Jerusalem or Tel Aviv.  Like... what exactly do you want me to do about that now?!


        LOL. I don't get any of those emails or notifications, neither about segment wins and stuff.  Figure I'm so below any list that would never happen?



        Super B****


          LOL. I don't get any of those emails or notifications, neither about segment wins and stuff.  Figure I'm so below any list that would never happen?


          I don't think I was ever in the top spot... it just means someone passed my position on the list. I think.  I really don't pay attention to it so I have no idea!

          chasing the impossible


          because i never shut up ... i blog


          delicate flower

            I have torn my ACL twice and it hurt really, really bad.  Looks like it was nothing compared to what happened just to a chick at Wimbledon.    Cripes, why did I have to watch that?



            Former Bad Ass


              I don't think I was ever in the top spot... it just means someone passed my position on the list. I think.  I really don't pay attention to it so I have no idea!


              That's the thing.  Not sure if I am even on any list because I never get any notifications/emails of being passed or passing.



                I have torn my ACL twice and it hurt really, really bad.  Looks like it was nothing compared to what happened just to a chick at Wimbledon.    Cripes, why did I have to watch that?


                But did you see the basketball player's eye dislodge from the socket?? Like you, it left me wondering wtf was I thinking watching the stupid thing!



                  But did you see the basketball player's eye dislodge from the socket?? Like you, it left me wondering wtf was I thinking watching the stupid thing!


                  DO NOT POST LINK.



                     DO NOT POST LINK.


                    See post regarding my immaturity level. lol


                    delicate flower


                      But did you see the basketball player's eye dislodge from the socket?? Like you, it left me wondering wtf was I thinking watching the stupid thing!


                      I did not.  Like so?



                        I ran 5 before work. It was a hot one.


                        i live in the middle of nowhere so no one ever runs in the same routes as me that is on strava lol. I don't completely understand strava anyway

                        No more marathons

                          15 trainer miles... 5K tonight.  Bag check closes at 5:30.  Um.  People, you know... work?



                          Nah, I don't even pay attention to that.  I think it's hilarious when people try to do that in training and then they wonder why their race times are slower than their training runs.


                          Boston 2014 - a 33 year journey

                          Lordy,  I hope there are tapes. 

                          He's a leaker!


                            Any recommendations on gels or chews for long runs? I've never used them for half marathon training but I suppose for marathon training I should. I tried a strawberry banana power gel for my 14 miler last week, but it was way too sweet.


                              Any recommendations on gels or chews for long runs? I've never used them for half marathon training but I suppose for marathon training I should. I tried a strawberry banana power gel for my 14 miler last week, but it was way too sweet.


                              I go without caffeine added to mine which limits my choices, not that I would eat them all as some of them are gag inducing. Anyway, peanut butter, big apple and lemon sublime are my faves. All by GU.


                              I do like the salted caramel one too, despite the caffeine.


                                Any recommendations on gels or chews for long runs? I've never used them for half marathon training but I suppose for marathon training I should. I tried a strawberry banana power gel for my 14 miler last week, but it was way too sweet.

                                I use standard Gu. Generally the ones WITH caffeine, because caffeine. The only flavor I really don't like (although there are some crazy flavors I haven't tried) is Chocolate Outrage. Even though I love everything chocolate, that stuff is like the consistency of frosting, and just doesn't go down well.
