Beginners and Beyond


Houston, we have the Sundailies. (Read 41 times)


delicate flower

    Good morning, whippersnappers!  Hey, here's a thought:  WAKE UP.


    Good luck to DOCKET in her 4323rd marathon at Houston today!


    And what's this, a 2XU sale in my in-box this morning, and the thermal compression tights I want are on sale, and I get free $50 compression socks too?  $104 spent before I finished my first cup of coffee today.  This Sunday is off to a good start.


    I've got 8.5 miles to run at 10:00...that fun run non-race where they are going to time and post results anyway thing.  Then I brought WORK home that I really need to do this afternoon.  Blah.


    What are all of you fine folks doing today?



    delicate flower

      Such a lively bunch this morning.



        I'm going to do some online shopping as well, which will conclude a two week shopping spree that began a week after Christmas. 


        As for running, right now it's 8 degrees. Think I'll wait on that...


          Such a lively bunch this morning.


          I dreamt my aquarium heater malfunctioned and the water started boiling. Fish were jumping out all over the place like a scene from Deadliest Catch. I had to physically shake my head to wake up. It was awful.

            Good luck Damaris! 


            Well my my ankle is still messed up...limping pretty bad this morning. It felt better after my chiro adjustment but in pain again today. It's definitely coming from the cuboid on my foot. Maybe he didn't actually set it back in place?The YouTube videos of it getting set back look different than what he did.  Continuing the ice. I have a podiatrist appt on Friday if it doesn't clear up by then on it's own.


            Only thing positive I can say is going back to plant based eating has been going well. Will not be gaining any weight with this layoff and the lack of meats/dairy should help keep any inflammation down.

            PRs:----- 5k: 17:48 (2019)   5M: 29:36 (2020)    HM: 1:24:37 (2017) Scheduled: ???



              As for running, right now it's 8 degrees. Think I'll wait on that...


              -2 here but it's supposed to get to 22 or something like that later


                What happened to DaveP?


                   -2 here but it's supposed to get to 22 or something like that later


                  Let's hope so!


                    What happened to DaveP?


                    If he's not running, he's usually not posting. Unlike somebody else we know.


                    Former Bad Ass

                      Houston, we had a fever and DNSd. Gah.  Hubby got a 6 min PR.


                      Jay, try those stretches and see. You might need to go back to the chiro to see what he says. After I put it back in place the pain went away.


                      Half Crazy K 2.0

                        4 easy miles, which completed 80km + for the Strava Lululemon challenge. Now I can go back to my treadmill when it's feels like FTS.


                        I lost my rama

                          Docket - Sorry to hear about that DNS (I guess you are human after all ).  Congrads on DH on that PR... 6 minutes is a lot!


                          Jay - Sorry to hear about your ankle.  Good luck at the doc appt.



                          8 in this morning.  It was cold (what's new?), so I plan on getting out again this evening for a few more and make it a double.  Maybe that's what I'll say when I order my bloody mary for brunch... make it a double.  Stay warm everyone!

                          3/17 - NYC Half

                          4/28 - Big Sur Marathon  DNS

                          6/29 - Forbidden Forest 30 Hour

                          8/29 - A Race for the Ages - will be given 47 hours

                          Half Crazy K 2.0

                            Docket, that sucks about the DNS, but sounds like the right call. Hope you feel better. Congrats to DH on the PR.


                              Docket sorry about the DNS, probably a good call though.


                              SRD for me. Supposed to get some snow overnight



                                If he's not running, he's usually not posting. 



                                So I left Tuesday on a business trip to Germany. Except I stupidly checked through my bag, and they lost it. It remains lost as of this writing. Of course it had my running gear. I bought some clothes & other necessities while I was there, but I wasn't going to hunt around Munich for a pair of Brooks Ghosts. (I had already found some good running areas before my trip, so sad that I missed out.) If the bag is never located, it will suck if I have to replace everything, even if I get compensated. I'm sure the airlines doesn't appreciate the difficulty of finding a pair of Ghost 9s still available. My Garmin charger was in there too; I hope I can find a replacement one of those. (MTA: yes they have them on Amazon.) Also I am leaving again on a trip to Japan next weekend, so I would really like to have that suitcase back before then. What a PITA.


                                Anyway, I got home last night so will run today.

