Beginners and Beyond


Houston, we have the Sundailies. (Read 41 times)


    8 in this morning.  It was cold (what's new?), so I plan on getting out again this evening for a few more and make it a double.  Maybe that's what I'll say when I order my bloody mary for brunch... make it a double.  Stay warm everyone!


    My first couple of times flying, I ordered exactly that from the airport bar. One time, I had two doubles. Needless to say I passed the hell out shortly after takeoff, then woke up in Phoenix like, what the hell happened. lol


    I don't know, I was just terrified of flying. That lasted a few years until I got to the point where I could fly completely sober. And it's been that way for over 20 years.




      So I left Tuesday on a business trip to Germany. Except I stupidly checked through my bag, and they lost it. It remains lost as of this writing. Of course it had my running gear. I bought some clothes & other necessities while I was there, but I wasn't going to hunt around Munich for a pair of Brooks Ghosts. (I had already found some good running areas before my trip, so sad that I missed out.) If the bag is never located, it will suck if I have to replace everything, even if I get compensated. I'm sure the airlines doesn't appreciate the difficulty of finding a pair of Ghost 9s still available. My Garmin charger was in there too; I hope I can find a replacement one of those. Also I am leaving again on a trip to Japan next weekend, so I would really like to have that suitcase back before then. What a PITA.


      Anyway, I got home last night so will run today.


      Oh no. That sucks.  I bought an extra garmin charger on amazon for cheap.



        Oh no. That sucks.  I bought an extra garmin charger on amazon for cheap.


        Yeah I see now they're $10.99 with even free same-day Prime delivery.

        My laptop charger was in there too. It's a work computer so hopefully there's a spare one around the office I can get tomorrow. But the thing died partway through my trip. And there's a lot of stuff I was hoping to catch up on.



        Former Bad Ass

          Ugh, Dave.


          Sigh, hubby wants us to sign up for next year. First uear DNF with a broken knee, second year, asthma and fever, third year is the charm?


          He ran a 2:12. Of course he loves this race.



            Ran 20 miles in -7*F that warmed up to -2*F during the run. With yesterday's shoveling (16 inches of snow ) + 9 miles running in those conditions, I'm officially tired.


            DaveP, that's what I'm most afraid of when flying: that they lose my suitcase.


              Oh, and go D_R!


              MTA:Oops. Sorry about the DNS D.


                D - I'm sorry you had to DNS, but congratulations to DH.


                Dave - that really would suck. I hope the suitcase shows up this weekend.


                I'm also waiting for it to warm up before heading out for my 16 miles. The sun is shining, so it looks warm, but it hasn't reached 20 yet.  I hate low 20s. I haven't figured out what works so I don't sweat or don't freeze. Usually I prefer to be a little warm, but on a long run, I end up freezing at the end as the sweat freezes around the edges. Last time I had a hard time getting my hands to function well enough to put on my warmer gloves.



                  DaveP, that's what I'm most afraid of when flying: that they lose my suitcase.


                  I always used to carry on whenever at all possible, especially outbound since a bigger deal if lost/delayed then. But as it's become more of a hassle going through security, and finding overhead space, I've checked a bit more often, especially on international trips when I know I'll be hauling my ass longer distances through airports. And I guess I've also become lazy & complacent about which stuff to put in carry-on vs checked bag. I've traveled a lot over the years, and this last happened to me ~28 years ago. Ironically on a business trip to The Netherlands. But then it was just delayed a day or two. I think luggage being completely lost is pretty rare, but obviously it happens. They don't accept a claim till it's been missing 5 days.


                  MTA: one small thing I am glad about - I nearly packed the half-zip pullover that I got for running the Victoria Marathon. I'm glad at the last minute I decided not to, because of course that's not so replaceable.



                  Super B****

                    Sorry, Damaris. 


                    I ran 10.1.  The balaclava was too much but I didn’t feel like going through the effort of removing it so it was quite warm.  My foot randomly started hurting yesterday, did not hurt while Running, and now hurts just as much as it did before I ran.  Dafuq?


                    And now for cross-training, I am going to the library.

                    chasing the impossible


                    because i never shut up ... i blog


                      Houston, we had a fever and DNSd.




                      delicate flower

                        Houston, we had a fever and DNSd. Gah.  Hubby got a 6 min PR.



                        Sorry about the DNS, Docket.  Sad  Congrats to Mr. Docket on the PR though.



                        My 8.5 mile non-race race  After yesterday's workouts I really had no chance to run fast today, but I did run a 7:27 pace and I was going for 7:30, so I'm happy with that.  It was 10 degrees with a 0 wind chill.  My feet and hands were numb for the first three miles or so.  About a hundred people turned out which I think is more than they normally have.  I finished 7th OA.  Six of us went out for lunch after.  Fun morning.



                        delicate flower

                          What the hell is happening in this Jags/Steelers game?  


                          Half Crazy K 2.0

                            What the hell is happening in this Jags/Steelers game?  

                            Pittsburgh seems to have woken up.


                              Good luck Damaris! 


                              Well my my ankle is still messed up...limping pretty bad this morning. It felt better after my chiro adjustment but in pain again today. It's definitely coming from the cuboid on my foot. Maybe he didn't actually set it back in place?The YouTube videos of it getting set back look different than what he did.  Continuing the ice. I have a podiatrist appt on Friday if it doesn't clear up by then on it's own.


                              Only thing positive I can say is going back to plant based eating has been going well. Will not be gaining any weight with this layoff and the lack of meats/dairy should help keep any inflammation down.

                              The best I have ever felt in my life was when I practiced a vegan diet. I hope that does the trick for you, I'm sad to read that your ankle is still bugging you.


                                Good morning, whippersnappers!  Hey, here's a thought:  WAKE UP.


                                Good luck to DOCKET in her 4323rd marathon at Houston today!


                                And what's this, a 2XU sale in my in-box this morning, and the thermal compression tights I want are on sale, and I get free $50 compression socks too?  $104 spent before I finished my first cup of coffee today.  This Sunday is off to a good start.


                                I've got 8.5 miles to run at 10:00...that fun run non-race where they are going to time and post results anyway thing.  Then I brought WORK home that I really need to do this afternoon.  Blah.


                                What are all of you fine folks doing today?

                                I actually did sleep in--til 8:45am. It felt glorious. Wish I could do that everyday!


                                 My 8.5 mile non-race race  After yesterday's workouts I really had no chance to run fast today, but I did run a 7:27 pace and I was going for 7:30, so I'm happy with that.  It was 10 degrees with a 0 wind chill.  My feet and hands were numb for the first three miles or so.  About a hundred people turned out which I think is more than they normally have.  I finished 7th OA.  Six of us went out for lunch after.  Fun morning.


                                Congrats!! Sounds like a fun morning (and glad your hands and feet thawed out).


                                DaveP, that really sucks about them losing your bag. It sort of boggles the mind HOW they could lose it, with the barcode on it and everything. I hope they find it and expedite it to you. And that sucks you couldn't run while in Germany--what a huge downer. Where in Japan are you going? I used to live there.

                                Docket, so sorry about your fever and DNS. Sad Congrats to Mr. Docket; I'm sure he's on top of the world.

                                LRB, funny. I never used to be afraid of flying (I flew all the time when I was younger) and now I am petrified and basically need a Xanax or something else to calm my nerves. I'm trying to conquer my fears and am flying a couple times in the upcoming months, but I'm really not looking forward to it. 



                                It felt so amazing to get so much sleep last night--I think 10 full hours, maybe even more. So I felt way better and ran today; 11.25 mi on the TM. 90 min EZ (I purposefully tried to keep the pace really easy, 10:20s) and then a 2mi  fast finish @ 8:15s (which I did 8:20 and 8:13). I did a couple minute cool down at the end and felt great. I had some black bean soup for lunch, and am about to watch the Vikings with some friends and family.
