Beginners and Beyond


MONDAILIES (Read 44 times)


    That's a great shot lily, FFS.


    delicate flower

      So I may likely take yet another stab at a 5k. There is one I am looking at this weekend, and out of curiosity I checked last year's results (I'm sure none of you do this):

      Overall winner = 14:13

      Masters winner = 16:13

      50-59 AG winner = 18:28

      So the bad news is I would not expect any AG placing. The good news is I am guessing it is a fast course. Of course another explanation for the fast times is the fact that they have prize money for the top 5.


      I have simple advice for you with a field like that:  Run fast.  You're welcome.



      Former Bad Ass

        Great pics, Lily!




          My running energy is the complete opposite of Dave's at the moment. I was gone on vacation 9 days and I ran much less than I thought I would. Instead, I cycled, hiked and kayaked and it made me realize that I no longer feel like training. Not for a marathon, not for an ultra and not even for a 5k. It's all the same to me and I don't feel like following a schedule right now. I still ran over 60 miles during those 9 days, but I didn't worry about my pace and I didn't hit the mileage that I was supposed to do. I'm going to keep running, but not training, and I'm thinking about buying a new rowing machine. I've owned two in the past and I ended up killing each one through excessive wear. I think I'm now ready for a third machine. So can anyone direct me to the rowing machine forum, please?


          Thinking of 10 miles tonight, but I'll report back to correct the number if it changes.



          I have felt this way before.  And still kind of do.  Constantly training for something is draining.  I find it hard to motivate to do other forms of exercise though.



            Little Blue

              OK, so apparently movie night at the kennel doesn't involve 3-D glasses and popcorn.  More like they play a movie for the sound.  They keep a radio on, for the dogs who are used to voices and noise.  Mine is nearly deaf, so she probably didn't notice.


              Can anyone explain why RA thinks 'movie' is spelled wrong?  Or am I just in a daze?



                Can anyone explain why RA thinks 'movie' is spelled wrong?  Or am I just in a daze?


                It's not RA, it's whatever device you're using. And for some reason, many devices like to autocorrect normal words into nonsense words.



                  Can anyone explain why RA thinks 'movie' is spelled wrong?  Or am I just in a daze?


                  That's because it is, it's moovie. 

                  Little Blue


                    It's not RA, it's whatever device you're using. And for some reason, many devices like to autocorrect normal words into nonsense words.


                    My laptop doesn't mind movie when I type it into an email.  Also color, although RA seems to think colour is the correct spelling.


                    delicate flower





                        My laptop doesn't mind movie when I type it into an email.  Also color, although RA seems to think colour is the correct spelling.

                        Hmm. I do know the RA editor does not behave the same as email or other apps on my iPhone/iPad. But does much better on my PC. I think it's just a little quirky with certain operating systems & browsers.



                          Thanks, LRB, B+ and D.! The beaches in that province are really wonderful. A bit different, but just as nice as on the West Coast.


                          I ran 10 slow miles, 8:27 pace. It was hot (29C, or 86F). I had to bring a fan from my bedroom, I could not have done it without it.

                          PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

                                  Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

                          18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010



                            I have felt this way before.  And still kind of do.  Constantly training for something is draining.  I find it hard to motivate to do other forms of exercise though.


                            Yes, it's hard to get out of that hole once you've decided that that's where you belong. But you, you don't belong there yet. Get out of that hole and start training as you should, girl!

                            PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

                                    Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

                            18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010


                              Oh and I almost forgot: Dave, was it a pic of you and THM that I saw in L&O? Did I miss the news of an FE between you and this famous L&Oer while I was gone?

                              PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

                                      Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

                              18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010

                              Half Crazy K 2.0

                                Upper body weights and core. My ass is really sore from weights yesterday. Now I am clearing my sinuses with a pit beef sandwich with freshly ground horseradish from our garden.
