Beginners and Beyond


And on the 6th day, God created the SaturDAILIES (Read 32 times)


    Yo, people! Wassup?


      Soccer practice has been moved to 11:30 for a couple of weeks until they get the Summer schedule. That sucks. I like to get my run over and done early on a weekend day. Oh well, I'll drink another coffee.


        I'm heading out to Starbucks to try a caramel frappuccino (light, of course). 


          Soccer practice has been moved to 11:30 for a couple of weeks until they get the Summer schedule. That sucks. I like to get my run over and done early on a weekend day. Oh well, I'll drink another coffee.


          Will you alter your planned training at all to account for your 50k or continue as planned, running the 50k on your HM training?


          delicate flower

            53:48 10K racejog, including pics with stormtroopers and Chewbacca.  Victory!  Fun times.  Reloading now with breffas and French press coffee.  Tomorrow we race.




              Will you alter your planned training at all to account for your 50k or continue as planned, running the 50k on your HM training?


              I already lean towards volume. My goal race is the half, so I'm going to keep training for it, with taper and all.

              The 50K is a bucket list thing, an experience I want to try. June 25th will probably be warm... I'm not thinking performance at all for that race. I should be able to complete it, without getting injured, and that's what my goal is. Just the longest run I've ever done before going on vacation and therefore putting my training on hold.

              MTA: An organized long run.



                I already lean towards volume. My goal race is the half, so I'm going to keep training for it, with taper and all.

                The 50K is a bucket list thing, an experience I want to try. June 25th will probably be warm... I'm not thinking performance at all for that race. I should be able to complete it, without getting injured, and that's what my goal is. Just the longest run I've ever done before going on vacation and therefore putting my training on hold.

                MTA: An organized long run.


                You already run more than most ultra joggers



                  Good morning!


                  Put me down for another 3.2 miles.  I do get extra points for the intense rain and thunderstorms.


                  Have a great day folks!

                  Runner with a riding problem.


                    Good morning!


                    Put me down for another 3.2 miles.  I do get extra points for the intense rain and thunderstorms.


                    Have a great day folks!


                    Duly noted.


                    Put me down for Chris Rock. He'll be in town next weekend and I'll be there.



                      You already run more than most ultra joggers


                      Since I started run commuting, I entered the Montreal Run Commuters Strava club. There are some ultra runners on there that ran way more than me. But yeah, I do run more than many of them. They train different than me though. They're into high volume days instead of high volume weeks. They'll run one twenty miler AND a twenty-five  miler day every week, but take rest days instead of distributing the mileage like I do.



                        Morning people.

                        Cool weather this weekend, wouldn't be a huge deal if rain didn't come with it.

                        This morning

                        No automatic alt text available.


                        Hoping I can get some sort of run in later this afternoon.

                        *Do It For Yourself, Do It Because They Said It Was Impossible, Do It Because They Said You Were Incapable*


                        5k - 24:15 (7:49 min/mile pace) 

                        10k - 51:47 (8:16 min/mile pace)

                        15k -1:18:09 (8:24 min/mile pace)

                        13.1 - 1:53:12 (8:39 min/mile pace)

                         26:2 - 4:14:55 (9:44 min/mile)


                        Former Bad Ass

                          Morning.  Slept 10 hours and, although I feel a tad better I am glad I'm not racing tomorrow.  Will try some miles tonight.


                          No more marathons

                            14 miles done - wasn't pretty and wasn't easy.

                            Last Saturday on essentially the same course I was able to pick the pace up over the last three miles and finish with a near HM pace mile.

                            Today it was all I could do to shuffle forward without stopping.


                            Boston 2014 - a 33 year journey

                            Lordy,  I hope there are tapes. 

                            He's a leaker!


                            delicate flower




                              Surprised I don't have a spinal cord problem with form like this.




                              Former Bad Ass

                                Nice pics, Phil!  I assume you finished in the dark?  I did last year, asthma attack and all, LOL.


                                I quit complaining and started prednisone.  Hoping my suits fit on Monday because usually this shit makes me gain weight like crazy.

