Beginners and Beyond


And on the 6th day, God created the SaturDAILIES (Read 32 times)



    I am pretty sure my shin would explode if I tried to do that 


    Among other things. 

    Half Crazy K 2.0

      Anyone have thoughts on running a 10k the week prior to a half marathon?  Asking for a friend


      One of my friends did this last year and had huge PRs in both distances.


        Anyone have thoughts on running a 10k the week prior to a half marathon?  Asking for a friend


        For me, 2 weeks is ideal but a week out is a good solid workout if not a PR attempt, unless the PR is soft.

        No more marathons

          Ran my LR yesterday since I work all weekend, ran 14. Didn't wake up in time today to do my 4 miles...will have to treadmill it after work

          nearly identical time and distance to my run today.  Big difference - you finished strong.


          Boston 2014 - a 33 year journey

          Lordy,  I hope there are tapes. 

          He's a leaker!



            I am pretty sure my shin would explode if I tried to do that.


            MTA: We are nothing if not enablers here, but I wouldn't do it.


            MTA2: Although for me, recovery from a 10k is very quick (unless it's a ridiculous mountaineering expedition like my last one, which probably don't exist in WI). So the week between would be a combined recovery/taper, and you'd still be fresh for your half. There - I talked myself into talking you into doing it. Do it.




            both are flat courses I have run before (well I ran the 5k that is half of the 10k course)


            Mostly I am afraid that my goal half on may 21st will be hot. and then I'll have trained all spring for nothing. So if this half on May 6th has good weather, I am thinking I should just do it.  I could do the 10k at goal HMP I suppose. if the 7 day forecast doesn't look hot.

            No more marathons

              Anyone have thoughts on running a 10k the week prior to a half marathon?  Asking for a friend


              Yeah, did that at this time last year.

              The 10K was more of a track time trial and the HM was great through 10 - but that was for reasons other than the 10K.  (I think),

              Boston 2014 - a 33 year journey

              Lordy,  I hope there are tapes. 

              He's a leaker!

              No more marathons




                both are flat courses I have run before (well I ran the 5k that is half of the 10k course)


                Mostly I am afraid that my goal half on may 21st will be hot. and then I'll have trained all spring for nothing. So if this half on May 6th has good weather, I am thinking I should just do it.  I could do the 10k at goal HMP I suppose. if the 7 day forecast doesn't look hot.


                Yeah, that's what I did.

                Oh, forgot - I also raced a 1500 about an hour before the 10K.

                Boston 2014 - a 33 year journey

                Lordy,  I hope there are tapes. 

                He's a leaker!


                  Ran nine and a half


                    I ate pizza.


                    Like, the entire thing. 



                      Mostly I am afraid that my goal half on may 21st will be hot. and then I'll have trained all spring for nothing. So if this half on May 6th has good weather, I am thinking I should just do it.  I could do the 10k at goal HMP I suppose. if the 7 day forecast doesn't look hot.


                      That would certainly be safer. You will feel pretty well recovered a week after racing a 10k, but doesn't mean your body is 100% ready for a goal half.


                      Have you ever tried doing any race not racing it all out? Might be easier said than done, for you.


                      Half Crazy K 2.0




                        both are flat courses I have run before (well I ran the 5k that is half of the 10k course)


                        Mostly I am afraid that my goal half on may 21st will be hot. and then I'll have trained all spring for nothing. So if this half on May 6th has good weather, I am thinking I should just do it.  I could do the 10k at goal HMP I suppose. if the 7 day forecast doesn't look hot.


                        I think this option sounds good. It's probably a little cooler longer where you are, but in Maryland, May 20 is usually warm & not conducive to anything longer than a 5k.



                          Even with all the stupid shit I do, I can't imagine that. Although next week I have a 15 and a 21, so...


                          Well, I was giving the example of a guy who runs 80+ mpw. But 15 and 21 in the same week fits in what I was decribing for guys running more reasonable weeks. Except they would run a 60 mile week instead of a seventy like you.



                            I think this option sounds good. It's probably a little cooler longer where you are, but in Maryland, May 20 is usually warm & not conducive to anything longer than a 5k.


                            It's kind of random here. It could be 50 or 80.  I'm not feeling real lucky right now


                              Have you ever tried doing any race not racing it all out? Might be easier said than done, for you.

                              Actually, I have done a bunch of half marathons as workouts, even ones with intervals.....


                              but I haven't even signed up for the 10k. I have no obligation to actually do it


                                Actually, I have done a bunch of half marathons as workouts, even ones with intervals.....


                                but I haven't even signed up for the 10k. I have no obligation to actually do it


                                I've done a bunch of races like that where I made the decision a few days in advance, and did race day registration. So you have time. But your 10k PR is soft, just sayin'.

