Beginners and Beyond

2020 Dailies #156 (Read 31 times)



    That's awesome, sorry! lol


    Regarding injury and The Game, it happens, and I've never held it against a single soul. It's the unknown variable which also plays a part in the setting of one's goal in the first place. Another fact that I think goes completely unacknowledged with them people.


    And I’m sure it will a soon as I up my goal.


    Half Crazy K 2.0



      Regarding injury and The Game, it happens, and I've never held it against a single soul. It's the unknown variable which also plays a part in the setting of one's goal in the first place. Another fact that I think goes completely unacknowledged with them people.


      I think it's easy to recognize injury/life crap that happens among those who you know what's going on (your team, those on this forum, etc).  It's s amll enough sample of data that all that comes into play. Then there is taking the data fro the results and seeing if that "says" anything. It's got enough columns that on my laptop screen, I can't always see the name or team, so I'm really just looking at numbers. So then you have to balance the individual aspect + data.


      And until there is some sort of agreement as to when there needs to be a goal change, it is all talk. Somehow my teammate with a 7 mpw goal last year was an example of needs to change goal ASAP when she ran 15 mpw for a few weeks, if that's the bar, then there need to be somme goal changes.


      Former Bad Ass


        I think it's easy to recognize injury/life crap that happens among those who you know what's going on (your team, those on this forum, etc).  It's s amll enough sample of data that all that comes into play. Then there is taking the data fro the results and seeing if that "says" anything. It's got enough columns that on my laptop screen, I can't always see the name or team, so I'm really just looking at numbers. So then you have to balance the individual aspect + data.


        And until there is some sort of agreement as to when there needs to be a goal change, it is all talk. Somehow my teammate with a 7 mpw goal last year was an example of needs to change goal ASAP when she ran 15 mpw for a few weeks, if that's the bar, then there need to be somme goal changes.


        The GVRAT is also one factor for that increase in low mileage people. I have three friends running it and one has doubled her monthly mileage by 50 (from 50 to 100), another one ended up with 200 for the first time in her life (from the low 100s) and another one finished last month with 260+ when she normally do 100ish. The challenge is three months and each person could end up with 150-300 miles extra for the year, for example.


        So yeah, this is a weird year. I think a lot of people, including those that don't think they need a goal change because things "might change" are probably going to surprise themselves especially with no races. And some that won't if they lose their mojo, but for the last two months it has been amazing to see some of my friends achieve what they've never tried.



          I'm glad I didn't enter the team competition this year. I'm as steady as they come, but I don't like "having to" run anything, so like LRB I set my goal at maybe 80-90% of what I'll probably do, and then was all stressed out (ok, not that much) about the sandbagging, change of goal thing... Nope. I'd like a game in which it's just the more you run the better. Period.


          Well this would certainly be more straightforward. But it’s so hard to balance the teams, and then injuries really screw you over. I guess you can just say them’s the breaks. Someone once mentioned they were in a game like that, and they just used everyone’s mileage from the previous year as the baseline. Becomes ”unfair” if someone had a major injury in the previous year, but maybe no more so than how we do it now.




            The GVRAT is also one factor for that increase in low mileage people. I have three friends running it and one has doubled her monthly mileage by 50 (from 50 to 100), another one ended up with 200 for the first time in her life (from the low 100s) and another one finished last month with 260+ when she normally do 100ish. The challenge is three months and each person could end up with 150-300 miles extra for the year, for example.


            So yeah, this is a weird year. I think a lot of people, including those that don't think they need a goal change because things "might change" are probably going to surprise themselves especially with no races. And some that won't if they lose their mojo, but for the last two months it has been amazing to see some of my friends achieve what they've never tried.


            Yeah we should really be celebrating how much extra so many people are running this year, rather than complaining about it. And to be clear I was NOT complaining about mom4running’s miles - they’re downright phenomenal and I am in awe - just that it was ironic that she’d be pushing back on the goal change deadline.



            Super B****


              I've run something like this but cannot find it for the life of me. For me, a having preset definition of the run helps mentally.


              • The 400-800 reps are intervals and the 1 mile segments are recoveries



              • It's an MP run and the 400-800 reps are surges (although 800 meters is a long ass surge!)

              On the one hand, it's a solid LT run and on the other, it's a challenging yet totally doable marathon race pace run. In either event, it wouldn't necessarily be a long run, it would be a workout (semantics!). But to answer your question, no, the run itself is not idiotic at all.


              It would be a workout if I were someone who could run high enough mileage to run a workout that long..

              chasing the impossible


              because i never shut up ... i blog

              Half Crazy K 2.0


                Yeah we should really be celebrating how much extra so many people are running this year, rather than complaining about it. And to be clear I was NOT complaining about mom4running’s miles - they’re downright phenomenal and I am in awe - just that it was ironic that she’d be pushing back on the goal change deadline.


                I think there is a balance. It's great people have an outlet & are running more. The game relies on the honor system for setting goals, if people are on pace to be 1500 miles over (yes, this is happening), then some sort of goal change should be in order, even if it is a split the difference.


                Docket, 150 miles over the course of the year wouldn't really register with me. That's an extra 3 miles per week and on some teams, that can be a positive peer pressure effect.


                ETA, my purpose in pulling the game data from the individual results is not to call anyone out. I have time on my hands and it's easy to format it in Google sheets so that additional formulas can be added. Basically, for me it's a way to have some sort of data. And if anyone wants to see it, I am happy to copy it into a message for you.



                  The game relies on the honor system for setting goals, if people are on pace to be 1500 miles over (yes, this is happening), then some sort of goal change should be in order



                  Well there is.




                    It would be a workout if I were someone who could run high enough mileage to run a workout that long..


                    Granted, but as the race times and PRs drop, these types of "workouts" become the rule and not the exception. You're doing great though and that's all that matters, so there's no need to get bogged down in minutiae. 👍


                      There is a guy on my team who is running twice as much as he pledged. It's been a breakout year for him and he is over the moon. He never saw it coming and is filled with excitement, as he should be. He is going to change his goal but his situation presents all sorts of problems. I do not envy it.


                      Another teammate is breaking out of the high 30s he used to run and is setting the high 40s/low 50s as his new minimum. He is running phenomenal workouts (mile repeats in the 5:40s ffs) and like the other guy is in complete shock at his progress.


                      I bring these up because they are organic and not contrived. Hurling demands about goal changes is something we've discouraged in our team group because it suppresses the glee that accompanies fitness achievements. As Dave commented, the team is celebrating their accomplishments and encouraging further growth. Under the best of circumstances you can't please everyone, but if and when you can please yourself, you go for it.


                      Former Bad Ass

                        I suspect many will amaze themselves this year. It's been great to watch.


                        Half Crazy K 2.0

                          LRB, I think that's the dilemna. I can look at the raw data and see people are on pace to go well over 1000 miles over goal. On paper, that looks pretty obvious. That said, chances are a lot of people have extra time, either due to the change to working from home or job loss/furlough/layoff etc. So there is likely a lot of uncertainty as to what will happen on ce their work situation changes.


                          I also come at it from the angle that if my 7 mpw teammate last year who ran 15 mpw for a month was an unfair advantage to our team (in last place) and a goal change was in order and possibly would be forced, then is that the bar? If it is/was, it hasn't been consistent and what was the bar? Is it the extra 7 miles or the 200%?


                            On a scale of 1-10, how idiotic would it be to do this for my LR this weekend?

                            1. Warm up for 10–20 minutes + strides 
                            2. 400–800 meters at 10k race-pace effort 
                            3. 1 mile at marathon-pace effort
                            4. Repeat steps 2-3 without a break until you complete the predetermined distance (3–12 miles depending on goals and fitness) 
                            5. Cool down for 15–20 minutes


                            Like LRB said, I would view it as a MP run with surges. I've done similar in the past. In fact I actually prefer this over a steady 10-12 miles at MP.  Either this (with 10K pace surges) or some 5 minutes at Threshold or HMP thrown in.


                            On a scale of 1 to 10, how idiotic? I say 1. Not idiotic at all. Just have to approach it with the correct mindset.


                            personnally, for the first time, I'd do a "feeler" run, in which I'd program a very optimistic number of reps in my watch, while knowing all too well I'd manually lap through a few of the last reps, just to see how many are a good baseline for later workouts.


                            That is what I would do.


                            Super B****


                              Like LRB said, I would view it as a MP run with surges. I've done similar in the past. In fact I actually prefer this over a steady 10-12 miles at MP.  Either this (with 10K pace surges) or some 5 minutes at Threshold or HMP thrown in.


                              On a scale of 1 to 10, how idiotic? I say 1. Not idiotic at all. Just have to approach it with the correct mindset.


                              personnally, for the first time, I'd do a "feeler" run, in which I'd program a very optimistic number of reps in my watch, while knowing all too well I'd manually lap through a few of the last reps, just to see how many are a good baseline for later workouts.


                              That is what I would do.


                              This would make more sense if MP felt at all easy, but it doesn't! (I actually haven't even looked up what the marathon equivalent of my mile/5K TT would be. I'm afraid to...)
                              MTA, I just did, and the equivalent marathon for the 5K is 3:09:31. My PR is three seconds faster than that. 

                              chasing the impossible


                              because i never shut up ... i blog



                                This would make more sense if MP felt at all easy, but it doesn't! (I actually haven't even looked up what the marathon equivalent of my mile/5K TT would be. I'm afraid to...)
                                MTA, I just did, and the equivalent marathon for the 5K is 3:09:31. My PR is three seconds faster than that. 


                                Ok. so your 5K TT time and marathon PR times are aligned. I fail to see the problem. Most people would like that.


                                If MP feels hard right now, too hard for the workout that you mentioned, then you have your answer that running at MP with added bursts at 10K pace might be too tough.


                                You can do the whole thing a bit slower that at your PR MP, like estimate what your current MP is.


                                The real question is what do YOU think, because that is what you're going to do anyway.