Beginners and Beyond


SaturDAILIES can spot runners easily (Read 33 times)


    Really? Maybe that’s why our team didn’t make it to the playoffs. 🤷🏼‍♀️ What kind of sneakiness are we talking about here?


    You post that you ran 10 but you really ran 13. Back in the old days, on the BF, that would've been good enough. But with RA, you either make your log private or don't log the run until after the deadline at midnight or whenever it is.


    HCK 2.0 explained it perfectly. If the other teams are log stalking, and they do, you don't want them to know what you actually ran because then they could go out and run more than you and beat you.


      Simply put, the miles game is like playing poker. There is intrigue, innuendo, and deception. And for those who like to challenge themselves, there is that too. I think I pledged to run 65 miles or whatever it was for all star week one time. It was my second highest weekly total (at the time) and I wouldn't have run it but for the game. Others throw up 90, 90 and even 100 mile weeks, it can get pretty competitive.


      Former Bad Ass


        I'm not sneaky. I'm a in your face kinda guy. Is that a problem? I'm serious. I run, I log. If I need to be sneaky, it is not a game for me.


        People only do that in certain weeks and most people fo as you. Open logs.


        Half Crazy K 2.0

          Simply put, the miles game is like playing poker. There is intrigue, innuendo, and deception. And for those who like to challenge themselves, there is that too. I think I pledged to run 65 miles or whatever it was for all star week one time. It was my second highest weekly total (at the time) and I wouldn't have run it but for the game. Others throw up 90, 90 and even 100 mile weeks, it can get pretty competitive.


          I think you get into the team aspect with that too--gee, everyone is exceeding their weekly goal, guess I should too.


            did you order those athleta tights?


            No, they still don’t have my size in stock, but I’m keeping an eye on them though!


              Hmmmm. I don't need to run more. I don't want to run more. If I did want that, I just would. You think I would get pressure eventually to "hold" my log or other similar deception for sneakiness purposes?

              If I'm thinking about it, it's simply that I'm a rather high mileage, consistent runner and that that aspect might help a team. If that is not enough ( just being a runner who runs ), and people on my team are upset or irritated, or if I'm a nuisance to the team... I don't want that, you know. I just run.


              Former Bad Ass

                Hmmmm. I don't need to run more. I don't want to run more. If I did want that, I just would. You think I would get pressure eventually to "hold" my log or other similar deception for sneakiness purposes?

                If I'm thinking about it, it's simply that I'm a rather high mileage, consistent runner and that that aspect might help a team. If that is not enough ( just being a runner who runs ), and people on my team are upset or irritated, or if I'm a nuisance to the team... I don't want that, you know. I just run.


                That's how I approach it.  It's fun because of the competitions, etc. and because you can inspire others, but my recommendation is not to let the super competitive people get you down.  It's supposed to be fun.


                Half Crazy K 2.0

                  Cyberic., being a consistent high mileage runner is a help to a team. If you know your going to have a down week, tell your team and it's not a problem. If you say your going to run 70 miles per week and do 25 week after week without any communication, people may start to get annoyed.


                    Ok then, I'll give it a try and see.


                      I have never hidden my log or done anything sneaky for the game. I just go out and run what I’m going to run anyway, no more, no less. (Except one time in All Star Week that I ran more that I would have otherwise, but I still didn’t hide my log.) I don’t get running more because it’s the playoffs - if you could physically run more, why weren’t you doing it all year. DIfferent strokes.



                        Cyberic., being a consistent high mileage runner is a help to a team. If you know your going to have a down week, tell your team and it's not a problem. If you say your going to run 70 miles per week and do 25 week after week without any communication, people may start to get annoyed.


                        Consistency is really the key, and you are one of the most consistent runners out there.



                          Ok, so I'm in. You've convinced me there wouldn't be too much drama for me.

                          Half Crazy K 2.0

                            I have never hidden my log or done anything sneaky for the game. I just go out and run what I’m going to run anyway, no more, no less. (Except one time in All Star Week that I ran more that I would have otherwise, but I still didn’t hide my log.) I don’t get running more because it’s the playoffs - if you could physically run more, why weren’t you doing it all year. DIfferent strokes.


                            One or two weeks of higher mileage for me does not impact, um, female things, like it does when I do it over a long period of time.

                            Half Crazy K 2.0


                              Consistency is really the key, and you are one of the most consistent runners out there.


                              And communication.


                              Former Bad Ass

                                I have never hidden my log or done anything sneaky for the game. I just go out and run what I’m going to run anyway, no more, no less. (Except one time in All Star Week that I ran more that I would have otherwise, but I still didn’t hide my log.) I don’t get running more because it’s the playoffs - if you could physically run more, why weren’t you doing it all year. DIfferent strokes.


                                The All Star and playoff weeks are a time where you can reach for the stars.  That's when I have run 80-90mpw.  I wouldn't do that all year round but it's nice to push yourself to something big on All Star or a playoff week or two.

