Beginners and Beyond


It's Sunday and it's go time!! (Read 41 times)


delicate flower

    "Go" for what, I don't know, but it is time.  What's on your party schedule today, fellow internet users!?


    Wife got up early to go trail running, while I kept right on sleeping.  I've got a bike trainer workout to get to now, which will be somewhere between 50 and 135 minutes long depending on how I feel.


    Happy Sunday!



      Yo Baboon and other fellow running enthusiasts,


      I'll be running a few easy miles this afternoon to get some blood flowing in my legs so they recover fast and I can have a decent workout on Tuesday.


      Former Bad Ass

        Morning! I have 15 with 6 @ MP coming up.



        Former Bad Ass

          For those not in FB, this is hubby last night.  We went to dinner with his aunt (she leaves today, thankfully!) and it was his first outing since the surgery.  And he has a 8" incision there in his head; you can't tell but the shadow of it's form.




            Richard is looking good, D!


              For those not in FB, this is hubby last night.  We went to dinner with his aunt (she leaves today, thankfully!) and it was his first outing since the surgery.  And he has a 8" incision there in his head; you can't tell but the shadow of it's form.


              Wow, I would have expected most of his head to be shaved. Glad he's doing so well



                Richard is looking good, D!


                +1.  Modern medicine is amazing, and Richard seems to be a tough cookie.

                Runner with a riding problem.


                Former Bad Ass

                  Wow, I would have expected most of his head to be shaved. Glad he's doing so well


                  They don't shave anymore (last time was the same).  The team said that shaving increases the chance of an infection.  My mom was shaved but in PR they still do surgery the old fashioned way. She was in ICU for 2 weeks, my husband for one night.  I like this hospital.  Very up to date and with the best people down here.


                  Last time he had 24 staples.  This time nothing (internal stitches, they said).  So afraid it will open and bleed, hahaha.



                  I lost my rama

                    Richard is looking good, D!



                    3/17 - NYC Half

                    4/28 - Big Sur Marathon  DNS

                    6/29 - Forbidden Forest 30 Hour

                    8/29 - A Race for the Ages - will be given 47 hours


                    Former Bad Ass

                      Thanks.  He is doing too well, he is bouncing off the walls already. I have to watch him for fear he will start running or something.  Last time he ran in Day 15.  he can wait until then.




                        Good morning!


                        I ran 5.2 crispy miles this morning.  It was low 30s, dry, and little wind.

                        I hit 30 miles for the week, and didn't mean to.  I've ran 8 days in a row, due to it being too cold to ride in the mornings the last week.

                        Everything is feeling fine, but I'm nervous.  Next weeks weather doesn't look any warmer.


                        Have a great day!

                        Runner with a riding problem.


                          Good morning!


                          I ran 5.2 crispy miles this morning.  It was low 30s, dry, and little wind.

                          I hit 30 miles for the week, and didn't mean to.  I've ran 8 days in a row, due to it being too cold to ride in the mornings the last week.

                          Everything is feeling fine, but I'm nervous.  Next weeks weather doesn't look any warmer.


                          Have a great day!


                          That's a pretty big jump. I'm nervous for you


                            Docket, that is so amazing about your husband. Internal stitches. Already up and about. No head shaving. He is looking strong and awesome. Does he go back soon for another post-op check? How are you holding up?


                            I have another 3 on tap. I'm getting used to this lazy post HM schedule. Better start ramping up the miles again, ha! B/c my waistline is ever expanding from all the miles my body thinks it's running. Blergh. 


                            Former Bad Ass

                              Docket, that is so amazing about your husband. Internal stitches. Already up and about. No head shaving. He is looking strong and awesome. Does he go back soon for another post-op check? How are you holding up?


                              I have another 3 on tap. I'm getting used to this lazy post HM schedule. Better start ramping up the miles again, ha! B/c my waistline is ever expanding from all the miles my body thinks it's running. Blergh. 


                              He goes back two weeks post op and that's it until the annual follow up.  I am working from home until the 16th which helps. I can't be here doing nothing and he can't drive, so it's a great way to work and be here.


                              Half Crazy K 2.0

                                10.5. 3 easy, 4 miles 1:30 hard, 1 minute recovery, 1 mile easy, 1 mile hard (8:49), rest easy. I did my hard long run route, so the 1:30 intervals were essentially hill repeats for 3 of the 4 miles. And they were into the wind.


                                Docket, DH is looking good.
