Beginners and Beyond


The Marathon Challenge Video (Read 89 times)

No more marathons

    I love Wikipedia.

    Not for any real reason - but here is their definition of know-it-all.

    a person who obnoxiously purports an expansive comprehension of a topic and/or situation when in reality, his/her comprehension is inaccurate or limited.



    Move along - nothing to see here.

    Boston 2014 - a 33 year journey

    Lordy,  I hope there are tapes. 

    He's a leaker!

    Love the Half

      For the record, when I was on the couch puffing a Marlboro Medium 100, I thought anyone who ran 26.2 miles was a blithering idiot.  Every now and then, I get in my car and drive 26.2 miles and my opinion hasn't changed.

      Short term goal: 17:59 5K

      Mid term goal:  2:54:59 marathon

      Long term goal: To say I've been a runner half my life.  (I started running at age 45).

        For the record, when I was on the couch puffing a Marlboro Medium 100, I thought anyone who ran 26.2 miles was a blithering idiot.  Every now and then, I get in my car and drive 26.2 miles and my opinion hasn't changed.


        my bad about the kools Smile


        I sometimes think while driving. WTF did I run so far for. Heck at least you are fast. My 5+ Hrs really makes me seem like I must have been dropped as a kid a few times.

        ”Failing to prepare is preparing to fail.”

        “Whether you think you can, or you think you can't--you're right.”





          my bad about the kools Smile


          I sometimes think while driving. WTF did I run so far for. Heck at least you are fast. My 5+ Hrs really makes me seem like I must have been dropped as a kid a few times.


          That's probably why you chose this sport.


            Distance as it relates to driving and running is weird.  It is a 22 mile drive to the theater I go to, which takes all of 25 minutes.  But there is no way in hell I can see myself running from my house all the way out there, yet I have done that and more multiple times.


              That's probably why you chose this sport.


              RSX -  When I heard you were gonna be subbing here I almost lost my mind. 
              T-Rod : Well that's good for you. 
              RSX -  There's something you need to know, T-Rod. You're not the only athlete here at Jeff Davis. I happen to be training for a Triathlon right now. Doin' a lot of running, and cycling, swimming. Well you know all about that. 
              T-Rod -  No actually I don't. I do SPORTS. Not try to be the best at exercising.


              **** Adapted from East Bound and Down *****

              ”Failing to prepare is preparing to fail.”

              “Whether you think you can, or you think you can't--you're right.”




                Kristin, I saw the video a couple of years ago so I don't remember it that well, but seem to remember a lot of injuries or injuries in the making that might have become full blown injuries if the runners hadn't had access to the medical teams they did. That would be my only argument against a couch to marathon kind of thing. There are people who breeze through it injury free, of course, but I think the potential for injury is much greater with joints and bones not used to the pounding marathon training gives them. As for the finish times, I'm in the camp of not giving a crap what other people do as long as they don't stop running in front of me.


                Are we there, yet?

                  Kristin, I saw the video a couple of years ago so I don't remember it that well, but seem to remember a lot of injuries or injuries in the making that might have become full blown injuries if the runners hadn't had access to the medical teams they did. That would be my only argument against a couch to marathon kind of thing. There are people who breeze through it injury free, of course, but I think the potential for injury is much greater with joints and bones not used to the pounding marathon training gives them. As for the finish times, I'm in the camp of not giving a crap what other people do as long as they don't stop running in front of me.

                  That's pretty much what I remember also. Personally I thought it was a great  way to persuade people that they should take several years or more to build up their mileage before training for a marathon - or to never attempt one.

                   2024 Races:

                        03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

                        05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
                        06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour, 35.82 miles



