Beginners and Beyond


Thoughts on Pfitz's "Faster Road Racing" HM plans (Read 72 times)



    This seems odd to me. I don't think I could run 6 x 1200 at my 5K pace, even when training for a 5K!!! Unless the 5K pace he's talking about is not really 5K pace???


    Nonetheless, his book interests me. I'll probably buy it and read it.


    10k pace maybe, but 5k pace would kill me.  What are the recoveries?


    Zel, I look forward to seeing how your race goes!



      I don't think I could run 6 x 1200 at my 5K pace

      Yeah this was the first thing I noticed, that is whack.


      And I don't think I would do 63mpw for a half, unless it was en route to a marathon. But I suppose if I wasn't interested in doing a marathon, and if the plan worked, why not. Especially if the 63 is only a brief peak.



        Good luck on Sunday!  Thanks for writing this up and I'm very interested to hear how your race goes.  I used the up to 50 HM plan on the older version and found that plenty hard.  I did ended up taking a few minutes off and finally getting to the holy grail of sub-2.  I found the mile repeats at 10K pace particularly useful.

        Life is good.


          And I don't think I would do 63mpw for a half, unless it was en route to a marathon. But I suppose if I wasn't interested in doing a marathon, and if the plan worked, why not. Especially if the 63 is only a brief peak.


          I trained for a half specifically twice and both times I had some 60+ mile weeks.  In spring 2014 I had three weeks over 60, with the highest being 62.7.  Longest run of 16 miles.


            Although aggressive, 6 x 1200 at 5k pace is a workout one would see in the later stages of a 5k plan, so it's not something totally unheard of. There are also those who do mile repeats at 5k pace, but I suppose it's a matter of perspective. I would be licking my chops to get after a workout like that (or try to FFS), but my preference is to train at the higher end of paces, short and fast if you will (think intervals). if one is used to marathon training however, 10k and half marathon pace is more typical, long and not as fast but still moving pretty good (think steady state).


            Also, I read the 63 miles was a peak number (meaning once), not a number to be carried for the duration of training. But I could have read that wrong, Lord knows it wouldn't be the first time.


              OK, so probably the reason that most people weren't too excited was that a lot of you don't follow a formal plan for anything shorter than a marathon.  


              Really. Why?


              How different is it from the original Pfitz marathon plans?


              Does Pfitz still reserve the bulk of the [faster than race pace] speedwork at the end of the schedule?


              I am wondering why one of his marathon plans peaked at 55 mpw and his HM plan peaks at 63? Is there more than one version of the HM plan? I don't have the book.  I had great success with the 18/55 plan and would try one of his HM plans, but not if it's 63 mpw.


              My half marathon vs marathons schedules only varied in volume by 10 mpw. When I set all of my grand master PB times I basically was running similar mileage regardless of the race distance [5k>marathon].


              This seems odd to me. I don't think I could run 6 x 1200 at my 5K pace, even when training for a 5K!!! Unless the 5K pace he's talking about is not really 5K pace???


              5x1000m is a typical workout for 5k runners. Extending it slightly and adding another repeat isn't unusual.


              I trained for a half specifically twice and both times I had some 60+ mile weeks.  In spring 2014 I had three weeks over 60, with the highest being 62.7.  Longest run of 16 miles.


              Same here. I averaged around 80 mpw for my target halfs [plus a few bigger mileage weeks if memory serves]. Long runs capped at 17 miles [usually less] but I did flirt with a 20 miler for one cycle. Can't say that made a difference. My philosophy was run as much as you're still able to nail your key workouts.

               Youth Has No Age. ~ Picasso / 1st road race: Charleston Distance Run 15 Miler - 1974 / profile




                Really. Why?


                Speaking for myself - my main goal races have been marathons. I have only done specific training plans for these. HM's are run on whatever fitness I have at that point in marathon training (or recovery). And more typically training straight through, without much taper. Others may do the same.



                  Speaking for myself - my main goal races have been marathons. I have only done specific training plans for these. HM's are run on whatever fitness I have at that point in marathon training (or recovery). And more typically training straight through, without much taper. Others may do the same.


                  That makes sense. I wasn't referring to tune up races, rather when the half marathon is the goal race.

                   Youth Has No Age. ~ Picasso / 1st road race: Charleston Distance Run 15 Miler - 1974 / profile




                    That makes sense. I wasn't referring to tune up races, rather when the half marathon is the goal race.


                    Good question.


                    I've run six half marathons since I started running in 2011. Two of those came late that year with no hint of training or speed work, the other four came in 2014 and 2015 (1 spring, 1 fall each year) either off 5k training, or marathon training. So I guess technically I have never had a half marathon as a goal race. I am not sure exactly why that is. I would guess that there's only so much a person can train for in a season, either that or it has just never been a priority distance for me, I really don't know.


                    In either case, while my current PR came during marathon training, my best performance (to me) came during 5k training. Of course I was fatigued and did not taper for the fall half marathons, so they are probably not a true indicator of which one is a better training method for me.



                      I've run six half marathons since I started running in 2011. 








                        Slackers? It seems everyone else has run twice that number!


                          I have raced 10 half marathons. It is my favorite and best distance to race.


                            I have raced 10 half marathons. It is my favorite and best distance to race.


                            You are really good at it. I, am not.


                              Well in the last month, I have increased my HM count by 50%.

                              MTA: Total # races before 2015 = 11. Total number of races in 2015 so far = 9, with 1-2 to go.


                               You are really good at it. I, am not.


                              If we had a B&B fantasy team, and had to pick one person for each race distance, no question onemile would be our HM pick. (Assuming we couldn't just pick Jay for every distance.)



                                I started running in 2011 too, but have only run 3 HMs.  There were three others I signed up for but couldn't run because of injury.
