Beginners and Beyond

Tuesdailies (Read 33 times)


    8 w/12 strides.



      Pacific time dailies!!!


      I'll try a few fartleks of 1' on / 1min off during lunch. Have not done those often. One minute is short enough for running but for recovery also. I'm not sure what to expect. I'll try to go hard at them, with the possibility of not being able to hold the pace on the later ones.


      delicate flower

        Good morning, beautiful runners.  2500 yard swim done.  I've been swimming well lately.  I haven't had a string of five good swims like this since I was in peak Ironman shape last summer.  Good stuff.  Tempo run later.  Boston weather is looking good, and I am not interested in hearing you tell me that it is too early to stalk and that the forecast can change.



        Former Bad Ass

          Training day 1. I have 8 with 800m and 400m intervals.



            Good morning, beautiful runners.  2500 yard swim done.  I've been swimming well lately.  I haven't had a string of five good swims like this since I was in peak Ironman shape last summer.  Good stuff.  Tempo run later.  Boston weather is looking good, and I am not interested in hearing you tell me that it is too early to stalk and that the forecast can change.


            The forecast can indeed change, but only in the % chance of rain becoming lower.





                Good morning, beautiful runners.  2500 yard swim done.  I've been swimming well lately.  I haven't had a string of five good swims like this since I was in peak Ironman shape last summer.  Good stuff.  Tempo run later.  Boston weather is looking good, and I am not interested in hearing you tell me that it is too early to stalk and that the forecast can change.


                Hey, you do know that it is too early to stalk and the forecast can change, right?



                  Got up this morning and hit the gym for shoulders


                  Then I headed out on the roads for a 6.2 mile run.

                  *Do It For Yourself, Do It Because They Said It Was Impossible, Do It Because They Said You Were Incapable*


                  5k - 24:15 (7:49 min/mile pace) 

                  10k - 51:47 (8:16 min/mile pace)

                  15k -1:18:09 (8:24 min/mile pace)

                  13.1 - 1:53:12 (8:39 min/mile pace)

                   26:2 - 4:14:55 (9:44 min/mile)



                    Hey, you do know that it is too early to stalk 





                        So my Coach (friend and coworker) is being killed at work just like I am. She told me she needs to take a break from writing my training plan for probably the next 2 months. No worries, I obviously understand. And I haven't been too focused since CIM, a few 5ks and 10ks. But it's hard for me to run hard without someone telling me too, so....


                        I have a 5K (PR attempt) on Sunday. What workout should I do this afternoon? I probably have time for 6-7 miles while DS has a baseball game. Some short intervals close to 5k pace?


                        Also, I just booked flight and hotel for Japan in May. Woo hoo!!


                          So my Coach (friend and coworker) is being killed at work just like I am. She told me she needs to take a break from writing my training plan for probably the next 2 months. No worries, I obviously understand. And I haven't been too focused since CIM, a few 5ks and 10ks. But it's hard for me to run hard without someone telling me too, so....


                          I have a 5K (PR attempt) on Sunday. What workout should I do this afternoon? I probably have time for 6-7 miles while DS has a baseball game. Some short intervals close to 5k pace?


                          Also, I just booked flight and hotel for Japan in May. Woo hoo!!


                          How bout some 400's?


                            But it's hard for me to run hard without someone telling me too, so....


                            We'll take care of that. 


                            Back when I did the thing, I preferred tempo repeats race week (around 10k pace) of 4 x 1200m.


                            5k race pace repeats also work but I wouldn't do more than 800m personally (3 - 4 x 800m) and would probably stick to 400s (4 - 6 x 400m).



                              Good morning!


                              I ran 6 miles this morning in chilly light rain.  I'll be out late tonight, so decided to keep it short this morning.


                              Have a great day!

                              Runner with a riding problem.

                                10, last half mi REAL uncomfortable in the right upper inside ham,

                                likely one of the adductors...but not unexpected at this point