Beginners and Beyond

Tuesdailies (Read 33 times)


Former Bad Ass




      so did you decide / find out for sure about Wisconsin? If you can come?


      Talking to me?




        Talking to me?



        Yes, it won't be a party without you 



          you didn't miss anything. it's all garbage.


          That was where I got the idea to cut the toe box open from my Adidas Bostons. So not ALL garbage 





              That was where I got the idea to cut the toe box open from my Adidas Bostons. So not ALL garbage 





                you didn't miss anything. it's all garbage.


                I did not look at it when it came up recently. But I remember that guy only because he put together some kind of matrix comparing the various marathon training plans. Which was interesting to me in my early days when I was trying to choose between Hansons and Pfitz.




                  What's up with the name change? Bored or mid-running life crisis?


                  I felt like it, just to see onemile's reaction after I told her about the fellrnr reference. 


                  But it confused some people in my miles game team, lol!

                  BTW, I've been running 80+ mpw steady for the past months, and my team keeps losing. I remember some of your comments when I was thinking of joining a team. They are all happening!


                    I got a Facebook message about my May marathon revealing the finisher's medals. They're squarish, can be worn around the neck (of course), but also have a stand in the bottom and can be kept on a desk, like a picture frame 





                      BTW, I've been running 80+ mpw steady for the past months, and my team keeps losing. I remember some of your comments when I was thinking of joining a team. They are all happening!


                      It's your welcome-to-the-game initiation. Mine lasted about 5 years.  But Baboon & I have a good team now! Of course a lot of extra miles have been coming from the two of us, which will end soon. Then we'll see.



                        I ran 9 with 4x1 mile with .25 recovery. Supposed to be at 6:45 pace (my 5K PR pace is 6:49 ) which I knew wasn’t going to happen, but my splits were 6:52,7:04,7:05 and 6:40. Middle miles were straight into the stupid wind which I specifically tried to avoid which obviously didn’t work


                        Former Bad Ass

                          Same old story with me, attempted 800m intervals and had an asthma attack.  My own fault for having run outside yesterday with the mold, pollen and tree levels high, so...  6 miles and barely.



                          delicate flower

                            I had a real good run and then Garmin went and fucked it up by hiccuping and going way off course. I know the route well enough to know it was 6.6 miles and averaged out to about a 6:40 pace (3 x 10:00 tempo). 


                              Yo.  I did 8x3 minutes @10K-ish, 2 min recoveries sandwiched between 2 easy on the front and 2 easy on the back end.  8.81 total.  It was actually quite a lot of fun.  Trying to catch up on all the stuff over the last few days here, I didn't have a chance yesterday.  I did 4 easy on Saturday, 14 Sunday with a fast finish, 6 with hill sprints yesterday, and then the 8+ today.  This plan finally has worked up to some decent mileage.  I didn't realize I would miss 50+ weeks, but there it is.  I can't imagine having the kind of time it would take for Cy type mileage, but then again, I'm not as fast as him and it all takes longer.


                              I've been angry with my watch the past month or so, it wouldn't update workouts I created on my phone through bluetooth.  It was doing this wonderfully forever, then just started to suck.  I could get them to show up if I plugged it in to my computer, but I don't want to deal with that BS every time.  Anyway, I spent some time poking around on the Garmin forums, and got it fixed it today.  Apparently I had too many workouts on the watch and it was full   I can't believe I didn't think of that way earlier.


                              It's almost time for wine.  I want some.  Actually, I want a lot.  Who's with me?


                                I ran 9 with 4x1 mile with .25 recovery. Supposed to be at 6:45 pace (my 5K PR pace is 6:49 ) which I knew wasn’t going to happen, but my splits were 6:52,7:04,7:05 and 6:40. Middle miles were straight into the stupid wind which I specifically tried to avoid which obviously didn’t work


                                Nice workout!