Beginners and Beyond


Time for Tuesdailies (Read 30 times)


Go figure

    Good morning! Thought I'd start this with a shoe review:


    Salming EnRoute - have always wanted to try the Salming, so when I saw these for cheap, I grabbed them.


    Pros - pretty snappy while still having enough cushion to feel like a trainer. also fairly lightweight...definitely felt like something for a quicker easy day or even some tempo work.


    Cons - very sloppy looking and doesn't really contour to the foot. i think a lot of the issue comes from the padded ankle collar. i know i don't need that! i hate looking down at my feet and seeing something that just looks like a boat.


    Overall - i'd definitely run in it if you gave it to me for free. would i buy this particular model again? no. would i consider another salming? yes


    As for runs, got in about 7.5 last night with 4x10 second hill sprints to finish. Holy heck am I weak and slow! Hoping for 6+ tonight with something like 6x30 sec pickups.

    Trying to find some more hay to restock the barn


    Former Bad Ass

      Morning!  I have Pilates and 7 miles tonight.


      SIAR, I think someone else here has either tried or wanted to try those shoes.



        Met up with both RP's for a track workout. 4x100 and then 6x800.


        (The workout was originally 8x800m at 5k effort but my coach (who lives in CO) emailed me last night saying she noticed the weather was not going to be ideal so she was changing it to 6x800.  How's that for customized training?)


        70DP this morning   RRP was not feeling good so sat out most of the workout while I ran with URP.


        Then we stood around and talked about how we can't wait for winter 


        delicate flower

          'Morning.  SRD.  Sleep was a bit spotty last night.  I am still very sore and achy.  I am glad to be home though.  Chores and errands today.  Need to restock the empty refrigerator!  I'll probably spend the afternoon watching my Endgame Blu-ray again.



          Super B****

            10 on the AlterG -- I was a little confused about this workout but I figured it didn't matter since it's not like it would be having the same effect as doing it on the road, so whatever, this was my interpretation.

            1mi w/u
            2x800m @HMP w/ 400m recovery
            6x400m @ 5K pace w/ 400m recovery
            2x1200m alternate HMP/MP w/ 400m recovery
            1mi c/d


            My lab results from last week were finally uploaded. My doctor told me it was normal but my ferritin is 19.5. Which, yes, technically is normal. But that's kind of a nosedive from the last time I had it tested!

            chasing the impossible


            because i never shut up ... i blog


              My lab results from last week were finally uploaded. My doctor told me it was normal but my ferritin is 19.5. Which, yes, technically is normal. But that's kind of a nosedive from the last time I had it tested!


              You are running really well on that low number!  Are you supplementing iron?


              Super B****


                You are running really well on that low number!  Are you supplementing iron?


                Yes! I've been taking iron ever since I was anemic (which was a few years ago) and I'd be scared to see what would happen if I didn't. But since my doctor seems to think I'm going to have a heart attack or something, I don't think she'd be very concerned that my ferritin level is not optimal for running...

                chasing the impossible


                because i never shut up ... i blog



                  Went to the gym, and then ran 5.3 miles.

                  *Do It For Yourself, Do It Because They Said It Was Impossible, Do It Because They Said You Were Incapable*


                  5k - 24:15 (7:49 min/mile pace) 

                  10k - 51:47 (8:16 min/mile pace)

                  15k -1:18:09 (8:24 min/mile pace)

                  13.1 - 1:53:12 (8:39 min/mile pace)

                   26:2 - 4:14:55 (9:44 min/mile)



                    Yes! I've been taking iron ever since I was anemic (which was a few years ago) and I'd be scared to see what would happen if I didn't. But since my doctor seems to think I'm going to have a heart attack or something, I don't think she'd be very concerned that my ferritin level is not optimal for running...


                    seems odd your levels are so low while supplementing... mine went from 16 to 92 after a year of supplementing with Hemaplex


                    Super B****


                      seems odd your levels are so low while supplementing... mine went from 16 to 92 after a year of supplementing with Hemaplex


                      Yeah, IDK... I never even managed to get it up to 40. Maybe I should try a different supplement.

                      chasing the impossible


                      because i never shut up ... i blog

                        Farouk says...


                        Shoes?😡  In addition to bone spurs on both heel spurs, I have knobby bone growths on the backside of both heels from wearing leather ski boots when I was little....many heel cup designs don’t work for me.    And then there the  5th metatarsal that sensitive to shoes even moderately stiff.
                        Usually when I find a model shoe that works the manufacture usually stops making them cause they don’t work for anybody else😡
                        NB517 right now, a tad heavy but they work.... with Spendco 3/4 length arch cushions which must wear.  IF I make it to a race I will look for lighter shoes but 50-50 chance they won’t work and I’ll have to chuck them out.

                        and the same goes for everyday shoes😡😡😡


                        UM 45 Ohio 23

                          slow, no energy, crappy run day for me...did 8 but felt like doing 12. 70 degrees and humid probably didn't help but I think my legs are still recovering from Saturday's LR. Hoping to do some 10 miler race tempo stuff (prep for 10 mile race on Sat) tomorrow but may push that to Thu.


                          Arch/plantar issues seem ok but left upper hamstring tendonitis (old injury) flare up is the new issue of the day. Was sore and tight even running really slow.  I think I sat at work and at a work dinner way too much yesterday. So, have done one standing desk rep this morning and will do many more and see if that helps like usual.


                          I've never tried or even heard of Salming shoes; so many more brands/models than there used to be. I have a pair of Hoka Hupana shoes on order. My brother has been running in them and likes them.  $67 at is tough to beat, assuming I keep them!


                            8 miles.

                            I rarely ever hit the snooze, but today I did. Twice. I guess I needed the sleep. Opted to be late to work rather than cut my run short. #priorities



                            UM 45 Ohio 23

                              8 miles.

                              I rarely ever hit the snooze, but today I did. Twice. I guess I needed the sleep. Opted to be late to work rather than cut my run short. #priorities


                              love the #priorities! my work arrival time has slipped from 7:45 to 8:00 to 8:15 this summer as I #prioritize training!



                                love the #priorities! my work arrival time has slipped from 7:45 to 8:00 to 8:15 this summer as I #prioritize training!


                                Ha, me too. I've gone from 7 to 7:45ish. And marathon training hasn't really started yet...
