Beginners and Beyond


So, I guess I'll start the SaturDAILIES! (Read 36 times)


    Good luck to those racing: Brrrrr, Zelanie, any others?


    And the rest of you - racing or not, you've got running to do! Hop to it!

    20,000 miles behind me, the world still to see.


      For me, another long recovery run. Shooting for 15 miles, very slow. I'll join up with a group for part of it, but the first three will be on my own. Followed by a busy day with DS and friends, then making a nice dinner tonight: scallops, fresh green beans, warm baguette and wine.

      20,000 miles behind me, the world still to see.


      Run to live; live to run



        off to run then puppy pool


        from yesterday, Damaris nope not going anywhere. Dh is off Monday on,y because he is working today to proctor tests for the city. They are hiring and had tons of people apply. He will be there most today administering the tests   I haven't been off since Oct so I am just taking a few days. Going to do stuff around the house since I've been in super painting mode might as well continue.



          Good morning ladies!


          I will be heading out to my loop soon for some easy miles and with current temps at 34 degrees, I just may be able to shed one or two or three of  the multitude of layers that have come to define this season.


          We shall see, I am certainly not banking on it.


          Up first though is some piping hot coffee with 3 sugar cubes and 1 teaspoon of non-dairy creamer.  'Cuz that's how I roll run.


          delicate flower

            Good morning and it is the WEEKEND!  I'm gonna go jog 20 miles or so but I need to load up on coffee and oatmeal first.


            Good luck to those racing: Brrrrr, Zelanie, any others?



            w00t w00t!  Kick some butt!




              Okay I have shorts, arm sleeves and a singlet (a boy can dream).  Pants, LS top and my running jacket.  Of course I carry five pair of gloves in my running bag so I am ready for whatever the conditions are.


              Time to roll, peace!




                Up first though is some piping hot coffee with 3 sugar cubes and 1 teaspoon of non-dairy creamer.  'Cuz that's how I roll run.


                You forgot to top with whipped cream, and drizzle with chocolate syrup.

                Just on my second-and-a-halfth cup (I generally do 2.5 cups in the AM) of black coffee, to which I have added more black coffee.

                Will go out a bit later.


                Good luck to the racers!


                Will run for scenery.

                  Good luck, racer-heads!


                  SRD for me today (cold and rainy forecast).  I'm saving my legs for more hiking tomorrow.


                  Oh, and coffee coffee coffee.

                  Stupid feet!

                  Stupid elbow!


                    Got my coffee right here.  Still have an hour or so until I have to leave.  It will be an interesting race today in that it's a fundraiser for the foundation at the school district where I work.  So a bunch of coworkers are coming to walk/run the 5K, more are coming to drink coffee and cheer, and my boss is also running the 10 miler.  Hopefully she doesn't find out that she's faster than she thinks she is, or I will have some running to do to stay ahead of her!  Then there should be a bunch of school board members and kids out along the course.  It's like my work and my hobby have just collided.


                    Step- Hope the 15 go well!


                    Marjorie- Enjoy the time off!


                    LRB- Hope you get some "warm" temps to run in!


                    Phil- Gogo 20 miler! Rock it!


                    Dave- You need a bigger cup.


                    jjs- Enjoy the RD!



                      Rocky and I got our 7.6 mile warm up in this morning, here shortly I'll be headed to the Run of Luck 7k race, going to just enjoy it and the social aspect of it. My right ankle is still giving me issues so I don't expect a superb race time.

                      *Do It For Yourself, Do It Because They Said It Was Impossible, Do It Because They Said You Were Incapable*


                      5k - 24:15 (7:49 min/mile pace) 

                      10k - 51:47 (8:16 min/mile pace)

                      15k -1:18:09 (8:24 min/mile pace)

                      13.1 - 1:53:12 (8:39 min/mile pace)

                       26:2 - 4:14:55 (9:44 min/mile)


                      Former Bad Ass

                        Morning!  5-6 miles later tonight.


                        Zelanie, Andrew, good luck!  Kill it!



                          GOOD LUCK, ZELANIE AND ANDREW. GO, GUYS!


                          Shari, 15 miles recovery after your fantastic LR yesterday? And you complain about little aches?  You are made of steel, woman!

                          jjs22, my best thoughts are with your sister. My little sis has to go back under the knife herself. The cancer clump they removed was bigger than they thought they would find. But they are still very optimistic. It's important for our sisters that they know we are there for them. You're a good brother.


                          I ran a little 4 miles at recovery early this morning. I'll run another slow 8 later today. My baby Esmee is coming to visit me. Yeah! She's grown by one inch since her birth 23 days ago and has gained more than a pound. She's now a solid 9lbs! Go girl!

                          PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

                                  Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

                          18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010

                          From the Internet.

                            Good luck racers! Big grin


                            8 miles with my club in 1:17 and change, I feel both awesome and tired, haha. I've had second breakfast, coffee, and a shower, I think I'm gonna ice and throw on compression sleeves as a precautionary measure and then take a nap. Have a good weekend all!


                              Okay I have shorts, arm sleeves and a singlet (a boy can dream)....





                                Holy crap, race weekend already?!?!


                                It's ok, I'm ready. Smile  Going out with the 3:15 pacer, hopefully I can hang, maybe even pull away at the end.  We'll see how it goes.


                                Good luck to everyone else racing this weekend!



                                My running blog

                                Goals | sub-18 5k | sub-3 marathon 2:56:46!!
