Beginners and Beyond


Sleep-in or Up and At 'Em SaturDAILIES (Read 23 times)


    7 tonight


    Saw the new Tarantino movie. Typical Tarantino and I loved it. Still laughing.


    I have a friend who just saw it and really liked it as well. I told him I’d see it, if he assured me there was no violence or profanity.


    So I did 8 miles with 10 strides today. The strides felt like my body was going through the motions of running fast, but not actually moving any faster. Oh well, it’s a process. The main thing is that it didn’t seem to aggravate any injuries, so that’s good.




       The main thing is that it didn’t seem to aggravate any injuries, so that’s good.



        Seems like a lot of people have, Baboon most recently. I believe he reported it to be significantly more painful than the injury itself, but effective.


        I am glad everyone else seems to have positive PT experiences. Mine have all felt like a waste of time and money.


        For me, the PT was only necessary when I didn't know what was wrong, or couldn't figure out how to fix what was wrong. In both cases, once you figure it out or have a handle on the injury, it's deuces (slang for peace out).


        I did spend 4 months one summer working on strength training with a PT. That was an invaluable experience. I learned a lot and my body benefited from those sessions. But that's not something that's required.


          Long runs on tired legs from yesterday ( 11 miles on the mountain with 7 x 1K @T).

          Today way going to be 2 hours, with 8 x (5 minutes @ MP / 90 seconds at 10K pace).


          It's tough to go back to back, for me anyway. Nice job. 💪


            13 with RP at 6am,  should have done 530am. Super humid. Had 6 mi progression MP to HMP which I almost bailed on 265 times. 


            Those days are tough. I have never figured out if it's better to bail or complete the workout. I mean, if your mind is telling you not to do some shit, generally speaking, it knows you shouldn't. But in our sport, we're taught to overcome mental obstacles, so it's somewhat of a quandary. 


            Nice job getting it done. You've earned the, "I ain't trying to hear that stupid shit today coach" medal the next time she woofs at you for slacking.


              She did an assessment, and my hips are "very tight". 


              I've found the one legged frog pose (it's a yoga movement) to be effective and convenient because you can do it while sleeping.


                I ended up taking a nap. My legs were throbbing so bad I got up and left the house! Shit, it's better to be walking around than lying in agony.

                Half Crazy K 2.0

                  I am glad everyone else seems to have positive PT experiences. Mine have all felt like a waste of time and money.


                  My best PT experience was the $15 I paid at the local running store for their injury assessment. I was having lots of hip/ass/back pain, started doing the Myrtle routine, which made things worse. PT said SI joint, gave me some exercises & after time and lots of core work, I felt better.


                  The PTs I went to for shoulder problems were a complete and utter waste of time & money. PT place 1 was more interested in throwing every possible treatment (and billing my insurance). PT place 2 seemed like social hour between some patients and the very pregnant PT. I'm paying for you to watch me do these exercises that I can & did do at home. STFU and do your PT job.


                    I've found PT treatment helpful when it involves dry needling/graston or chiropractic adjustment but not when it's an evaluation of your running gait, muscle imbalances, prescribed strengthening or stretching exercises etc.


                      I'm paying for you to watch me do these exercises that I can & did do at home. STFU and do your PT job.




                        The PT I had for my shoulder helped, because I got the exercises I needed that eventually led to healing. The machines they used didn't really seem to help much (ice, e-stim) and after a while my progress slowed down so much I stopped going and just kept working the routine myself, which did the job. For my hamstring, I went to someone a few years ago and the exercises he prescribed actually did help. I only went to him once because insurance didn't cover it. Unfortunately, I stopped doing the exercises and the hamstring pain came back when I had ramped up the miles for marathon training. The guy I went to for the hamstring/glute pain most recently didn't really have any helpful exercises (he gave me 3 which require equipment I don't have) but he told me what was causing my dizzy spells (BPPV) and mostly fixed that, so it was worth the $85. The Graston he did felt good, but I wasn't willing to pay $85/session for more when the pain isn't that much of a problem.


                        Former Bad Ass


                          I have a friend who just saw it and really liked it as well. I told him I’d see it, if he assured me there was no violence or profanity.


                          So I did 8 miles with 10 strides today. The strides felt like my body was going through the motions of running fast, but not actually moving any faster. Oh well, it’s a process. The main thing is that it didn’t seem to aggravate any injuries, so that’s good.


                          It's a Tarantino movie so the chances of that are smaller than me winning Chicago.



                          Are we there, yet?

                            I've had PT prescribed on several occasions. In only one did it not seem effective, but I was never able to get a definitive diagnosis that time either despite seeing competent doctors, having an MRI and going through other tests as well.  Oddly it seemed to heal itself after I stopped formal PT but continued a couple exercises that I thought had helped a little.


                            6 hours running in the heat. It was a nice 73 when I started at 7:00 am, but by the time I finished at 1:00 pm it was upper 80s.  Ran 23+ miles including a lot of walking when the heat and sun hit.

                             2024 Races:

                                  03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

                                  05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
                                  06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.





                            Former Bad Ass

                              PT is great for post surgery. Without it, getting back to running post knee and hip surgery is almost impossible or too lengthy. For minor things, a massage therapist or other things might be cheaper and as helpful.



                                George - nice going in the conditions. Your training races seem to be going well this year.


                                I ran 6 late this afternoon. It was warm (88) but the humidity was low so it wasn't bad as long as I kept to the shade.
