Beginners and Beyond


ThursDAILIES: Speaking of out of shape (Read 30 times)


delicate flower

    Also, I know it's not that bad an injury just based on my sneezing.  I sneezed like five times in a row this morning and felt nothing.  If you've ever pulled a groin, you know that sneezing can make you feel like you had a sword jammed through your pelvis. 



      Also, I know it's not that bad an injury just based on my sneezing.  I sneezed like five times in a row this morning and felt nothing.  If you've ever pulled a groin, you know that sneezing can make you feel like you had a sword jammed through your pelvis. 


      Indeed. At its worse, I would do everything in my power to stop a sneeze to keep from feeling it in my injured groin. People thought I was nuts when I would shake my head whilst snorting like a bull!



        Whatja go & do something stupid like that for?







          I've actually had PT every Tuesday for the past six weeks in dealing with a calf/hamstring issue and no doubt this groin flare up is all related.  I booked one more appointment for next week just in case I needed it, and I'll certainly keep that appointment now.  I've been texting back and forth with my PT guy and he's given me some exercises to do.  He thinks I'll be fine come race day.  It's nice having a guy who is very responsive and understands athletes.  He said right now we just need to get through the race, then we can deal with it long term.


          Excellent news!


            I ran 6 at a slightly faster pace than what felt comfortable, because I had some asshole on a bike cat-calling me again. I yelled loudly at him, "NOT NECESSARY!" I thought I'd had enough of that, but 2 miles later he and his friend rode past me again, slowly, turning around and looking at me, cat-calling me again but softly enough so I couldn't hear what he was saying, and then he and his friend erupted in laughter. WTF. Trying to not let that ruin my feel-good-running vibes.


              I ran 6 at a slightly faster pace than what felt comfortable, because I had some asshole on a bike cat-calling me again. I yelled loudly at him, "NOT NECESSARY!" I thought I'd had enough of that, but 2 miles later he and his friend rode past me again, slowly, turning around and looking at me, cat-calling me again but softly enough so I couldn't hear what he was saying, and then he and his friend erupted in laughter. WTF. Trying to not let that ruin my feel-good-running vibes.


              This type of situation can usually be resolved by a dose of pepper spray.




                This type of situation can usually be resolved by teaching guys not to be assholes.


                  ^good luck with that.




                    This type of situation can usually be resolved by a dose of pepper spray.


                    I do carry pepper spray, and that loud noise-maker as well. I should've sprayed those assholes.


                    Whiskers, I totally agree. I have 2 boys and I'm trying my damndest to teach them how to be respectful.


                    UM 45 Ohio 23

                      had a late work function last night so slept 30 minutes later and skipped the run this morning and did some leg strength and weights. Will try for Fri, Sat and Sun runs...might be just as well as arch was a bit sore yesterday and legs felt dead



                        I do carry pepper spray, and that loud noise-maker as well. I should've sprayed those assholes.


                        Whiskers, I totally agree. I have 2 boys and I'm trying my damndest to teach them how to be respectful.


                        I thought about that whole situation, and it's definitely a tough spot to be in for girls. I was never that kind of guy, and I'm sure my son isn't either, but it gets me worried a bit about my growing daughter who's forms are starting to show. In a couple of years she'll be exposed to that too, and I can't  be with her all the time to protect her, of course.


                        When I was younger I thought girls had the power. They decided if they wanted to kiss or not, and more. That worked with me and all the guys like me, but I guess that if guys want to be bullies towards girls, it's a whole different situation.


                        Tough spot, for sure



                          I thought about that whole situation, and it's definitely a tough spot to be in for girls.


                          My understanding is virtually 100% of women runners have similar stories, with varying frequency.



                          Former Bad Ass


                            My understanding is virtually 100% of women runners have similar stories, with varying frequency.


                            Yeap.  Might be literally, 100%, rather than virtually.



                            Are we there, yet?

                              Baboon - careful with that groin injury. They can be sneaky.


                              ROS - if you can get any clearly identifiable description, it might be worth giving  the local police a call


                              6 today.  Starting to play around with different run-walk ratios for Lean Horse 30M in just over two weeks.

                               2024 Races:

                                    03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

                                    05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
                                    06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour, 35.82 miles





                                ^good luck with that.


                                It kind of depends on if the asshole gene is dominant or dormant. If it's the former, not a chance. If it's the latter, there may or may not be hope. At that point it would come down to the person. Generally speaking. Not always. Sometimes. Okay maybe never. Usually. Who can say. 
