Beginners and Beyond


2020 Dailies #218 (Read 25 times)


    How to injure yourself while sleeping, coming up!


      How to injure yourself while sleeping, coming up!



      Former Bad Ass

        Oh, oh.


        At 5am our smoke and carbon monoxide detector started beeping like we were on fire (not beeping like the battery is off), full blast, WTF is that beeping. We had to disconnect it and as there was no fire and we woke up alive, I assume something is wrong with that detector. Sheesh. It took me a while to go back to bed but at least I slept one more hour instead of 2. Sigh.


        I have 11 or 15 depending on how I feel later.



          So last night two guys were were pressing me for an unknown reason. I was dreaming, obviously. Things were heating up, my temper was getting short, and unless I backed off, fists would be thrown soon. It was 2 against one, and I didn't want to back down. The guys didn't seem so big and strong. So I decided to kick the guy closest to me in the head with the intention to knock him out. I threw the kick and...

          ... OOOUUUUCCCHHH! I woke up with my foot hurting like a mofo. I had kicked the wall with my toes. Geeeeezzuuuussssss!!! Took me a while before I could go back to sleep.


          This morning, I didn't know if I should attempt a run or not. I decided to give it a shot. After 400m I almost turned around. I was limping and compensating with the other leg so much that I was hurting my knee. So it was either I run "normally" and endure the pain, or I turn back. I gave a shot at running "normal", and although it hurt, it was bearable. Ran about 4 miles.


          I was thinking of taking it easy anyway, because of my feeling tired , so that is the signal for me to take it easy for a couple of days.


          delicate flower

            Some pretty good carnage throughout the Nutmeg State after the storm yesterday.  Trees and power lines are down everywhere, and a third of the state is without power.  It's weird how quiet work is this morning since everybody is on storm duty.  Wife and I got lucky.  We never lost power.  She did get a pretty good case of poison ivy though from our mountain bike ride Sunday.  Sad  I've never had poison ivy.  Look, I am not going to tempt fate and roll around in the stuff, but I appreciate my immunity.



              Cyber, lol about the dream and actually kicking something, but damn. That sucks you hurt your toes.


              Babs, I didn't know you could be immune to poison ivy. We have poison ivy in our backyard, and I didn't know that until I decided to weed a significant portion (some of our land is kind of wild). I did a quick google search, and poured rubbing alcohol all over it, followed by calamine lotion. Luckily that seemed to help. I'm sorry your dw is in pain.


              Docket, those alarms always sound in the middle of the night. Never during the day. 


              I've got 2 miles coming up. Big grin

              Half Crazy K 2.0

                4.6 with strides.



                Cyberic, ouch on the toes. I was expecting a stretch & calf cramp/instant pain for the sleeping injury.


                Docket, ugh on the early alarm. I can only recall one time where one of ours didn't go off in the middle of the night. Still scared the crap out of me. I love the 2am game find the intermittently beeping alamr.


                  How to injure yourself while sleeping, coming up!


                  I've always been fascinated with dreams. The power of the mind to create a virtual world is just incredible to me, always has been. Glad nothing is broken, and good thing you didn't kick the woman in the face. lol


                    Some pretty good carnage throughout the Nutmeg State after the storm yesterday.  Trees and power lines are down everywhere, and a third of the state is without power.  It's weird how quiet work is this morning since everybody is on storm duty.  Wife and I got lucky.  We never lost power.  She did get a pretty good case of poison ivy though from our mountain bike ride Sunday.  Sad  I've never had poison ivy.  Look, I am not going to tempt fate and roll around in the stuff, but I appreciate my immunity.


                    The quiet after the storm, after the storm and the quiet before the storm.


                    UM 45 Ohio 23

                      no sleep injuries here, or power loss, poison ivy or alarms... I'm boring!


                      did 40 minutes of leg strength stuff and 10 mins on the bike. Then 20 minutes of yard work, a dog walk and got a load of laundry done in the meantime while making it to work by 8:00am! My running sucks but I managed to feel productive at least!


                        I ran 8.


                        It was slow but I felt normal. Not sure what's been up with me since that 14 miler a couple of weeks ago but I've been dead legged with an extreme feeling of malaise ever since. Looking to turning the corner from that nonsense any day now...

                          Oh, oh.


                          At 5am our smoke and carbon monoxide detector started beeping like we were on fire (not beeping like the battery is off), full blast, WTF is that beeping. We had to disconnect it and as there was no fire and we woke up alive, I assume something is wrong with that detector. Sheesh. It took me a while to go back to bed but at least I slept one more hour instead of 2. Sigh.


                          I have 11 or 15 depending on how I feel later.


                          dust? Old battery?    Both have happened to me.



                          30min pool mix


                          Former Bad Ass


                            dust? Old battery?    Both have happened to me.



                            30min pool mix


                            I assume it's an old battery but we don't have any new ones to know for sure. Something hubby needs to do today!



                              WOW, y'all have had an exciting morning!  All I've done today is run 4.1 in gorgeous 58 degree weather.  It was nice out there!  I can't believe how many people I saw in tights and long sleeves


                              Cy, at least you kicked the wall and not your wife!  Sorry it hurt!  I have very vivid dreams, but I don't think I've actually acted out what I was dreaming while I was dreaming it.  That takes a special talent!


                              I have dreamed about arguments with my old boss and then a day or two later actually had that argument with him.  He was predictable and I was prepared !  He was fun to argue with and would engage at the drop of a hat, but he was also quick to get over it and then ask where we were going for lunch.



                                Just wanted to drop in to let y'all know I completed my "virtual" or solo marathon this morning. I just couldn't pass up on 59 degrees.

                                *Do It For Yourself, Do It Because They Said It Was Impossible, Do It Because They Said You Were Incapable*


                                5k - 24:15 (7:49 min/mile pace) 

                                10k - 51:47 (8:16 min/mile pace)

                                15k -1:18:09 (8:24 min/mile pace)

                                13.1 - 1:53:12 (8:39 min/mile pace)

                                 26:2 - 4:14:55 (9:44 min/mile)
