Beginners and Beyond


Do Penguins Like Corn Chips Wednesday? (Read 27 times)


Barking Mad To Run

    The "Penguin" daily threads were originally conceived to emphasize that all members of the community have a place on the boards. Encouragement, motivation, a little love nip (you will love one, give it a try!) or even a little kick in the pants when needed -- it can happen here. Basically, we celebrate just getting out there and moving our tails! What is "slow"? "Slow" is a perception but one of the common benchmarks is the 10:00/mi pace; but there's no firm line. In fact, there are many of us that have slipped past this, and just hope that no one notices and revokes their "igloo privileges." It can be confusing for the forum newbies, but we're not one of the teams in any of the fine games. It's a totally open group, so stop lurking, post an introduction of yourself dive in and join the fun! No application necessary! There might even be a lovely picture for Scotty (we love pics!)

    "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt


    Barking Mad To Run

      January 28th is National Corn Chips Day....



      It is also National Fun At Work Day...a good day for Damaris to 'have fun' with her office nemesis....  


      Well, I was wrong about my temp yesterday being 78 actually went up to 81 degrees!  Making for a SWEEEET run/walk.  Did 3.3 miles around the university campus under BRIGHT sunshine and blue skies.  "Chased" some of the ladies from the university running team....never caught them, of course they are SPEEDY...but still had fun...and got to chat with them after we were all back at the gym, nice...  .... I am a kind of 'familiar running figure' on the campus, as much as I run here and with what I wear when I run, lol, so lots of the other university runners, ROTC folks, and university staff often recognize me and the often chat with me, give me a wave or whatever...and sometimes I even get the occasional friendly and platonic "sweaty hug"...nice.    Good run/walk!


      Today weather will be the same...about 81 or 82 degrees again.   After work, plan on stopping on the way home and doing some trails in a local park. Or maybe the San Antonio Riverwalk today, beautiful weather, so a good day for that.   Shorts and singlet run again today, sweet!

      "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt


      Former Bad Ass

        Morning!  Cute penguin!


        6 miles for me tonight.



          Good morning Penguins!


          Scotty and Damaris, have a nice run tonight,


          Kathllen, good luck with working out the pictures; it baffles me too.


          zel, nice cake!


          Headed out for an easy 7 or so this morning.


            Hey, guys.  I have 6-8 planned for after work.  Gotta run off some of that cake.  DD just got a hoop in the top of her ear, nothing too drastic thankfully.  We also went out for pedicures, and I got scolded for keeping my toenails too short.


            I am serious about that WL challenge.  What was 7 pounds or so to lose is more like 9 this morning.   In general, I am doing better than I was last fall, but could use some accountability.


            So, everybody who is interested should weigh themselves on Feb. 1, 7, 21, and 28.  You don't have to post the weight here, but know what it is.  Then we can keep track of how it changes from your starting point.



              I am serious about that WL challenge.  What was 7 pounds or so to lose is more like 9 this morning.   In general, I am doing better than I was last fall, but could use some accountability.


              So, everybody who is interested should weigh themselves on Feb. 1, 7, 21, and 28.  You don't have to post the weight here, but know what it is.  Then we can keep track of how it changes from your starting point.


              Haha, since a couple of people posted their actual weight yesterday, I wondered if that was a requirement. Smile


              I'm in.  I'll be in a hotel the morning of February 1 (Surf City, yeah!)  so I'll do my first weigh-in Jan 31 or Feb 2.


                I was 173 on Jan 1, this morning 165, woohoo! I have an easy 6-8 planned for after work.


                Cake is not good for a diet, LOL!

                Singer who runs a smidge

                  Morning, Penguins!!  Well, I stayed home for a snow day yesterday, so of course I have a lot to catch up on today.  Quartet rehearsal tonight, which will be the first chance we've had to hash out issues with all four of us.  Should be interesting, I just hope I can keep my mellow going with all the drama and overdiscussion that will abound.  Seriously, why must we debate every decision for an hour?  Just spread out the options, point out the pros and cons, and decide already!

                  Scotty -- I think we're supposed to get all the way up to 40 today.  Not counting the wind chill, of course.  Le sigh ...

                  Docket -- have a good 6!!

                  Brilliant -- enjoy your 7 or so!!

                  Zelanie -- If y'all don't mind, can you start a separate Penguin weight loss thread?  I've done a lot of research on the science of weight loss, only to realize that long-term significant weight loss isn't possible (this is the SCIENCE speaking).  So I don't do weight loss at all, but it's somewhat triggering for me to read about it.  I know this is a selfish request, but if y'all could put it in a different thread, I can ignore it.  Otherwise I may need to leave the igloo for February, which would make me sad.  Ok, off the soapbox now!

                  hog -- have a good 6-8!!

                  When it's all said and done, no one remembers how far we have run.  The only thing that matters is how we have loved.


                    Scotty - Have fun at the Riverwalk, if you go there.  Will you stop at the Brewery?


                    Damaris - enjoy your six later.


                    Brilliant - hope your seven went well.


                    Z - no such thing as too short, if you're a runner.  I've come home from a long run with blood in my socks because of a nail that was too long.  Short is better.  I'm in on the weight loss challenge.


                    Mitch - good job on the 8 pounds.  Enjoy your run later.


                    HM:  Good luck with your meeting this evening.  I hope it's more congenial than you're expecting.


                    I've kept off 40 pounds for 4 years.  I know Melanie and others have lost 100 or more and kept most of it off.  I agree it's difficult to sustain large weight loss, but not impossible.


                    AFM:  I'm supposed to do seven miles later. It's cold (23) but sunny, so I may run outside.  The problem is finding a safe place to do that many miles.  Our neighborhood is small and we're surrounded by rural roads whose shoulders are buried in snow.


                    Return To Racing

                      I'm in, Zel.  I'm up 20 from my low point after losing 75.


                      Recovery run this afternoon. Knees a little sore today from the SL run yesterday.


                      Thanks for the weather report, Scotty ;(


                      Jack K.

                      uʍop ǝpᴉsdn sǝʇᴉɹʍ ʇI

                        5 recovery miles later. I'll play in the weight loss challenge but I won't win. I just like participating in things. Smile

                        Singer who runs a smidge


                          I've kept off 40 pounds for 4 years.  I know Melanie and others have lost 100 or more and kept most of it off.  I agree it's difficult to sustain large weight loss, but not impossible.




                          You're right, I shouldn't have said impossible.  According to the science, anywhere between 85-95% of people will regain the weight they lost within 5 years, no matter what method they use to lose it in the first place.

                          When it's all said and done, no one remembers how far we have run.  The only thing that matters is how we have loved.

                          on my way to badass

                            Hola Penguins!  This is a fly-by.  Still streaking and trying to boost the mileage.  Mileage boosting is not going so well.

                            Still waiting for the perfect race picture. 5K PR-33:52 , 10K PR 1:11:16, First HM 2:42:28

                            From the Internet.

                              Hi pens!


                              As always happens when I'm sort of-injured, I have approximately zero desire to run right now. Not sure what to do with myself. I did try to get out for a bit today, made an older pair of shoes into screw shoes and wanted to try them out. My street was plowed so badly that I was still rolling ankles and stumbling all over the place so I came back inside before I even broke a sweat. The shoes were great on the few patches of packed snow I encountered, felt just as stable/secure as dry pavement. Treadmill city for the next few days - since there will be no hills I may even be able to get in more than 2 miles at a time.


                                hey Penguins Smile


                                I love Fritos in Chili.  Yum.


                                Ive already started my weight loss "plan" but will join in Feb also. Feb sounds far away but its only like 4 days off, ha.

                                I was really good yesterday about not overdoing sweets. I still ate ONE Reeses cup heart as a treat for being good.  But I only had 1 Reeses as opposed to half the bag so thats progress!


                                I did 4M easy today.  I also did a 5 min plank routine.  Lots of rolling and the stick on the calves.  Ankle is still in a brace.


                                Has Lauren checked in about her ITB appt?



