Beginners and Beyond


Top of the Morning TuesDAILIES (Read 39 times)

    Morning Everyone 


    Whatcha got today?


    Been doing my Interval day on Tuesday for the past couple weeks but I feel like my legs have had some leftover fatigue in them. Did another super easy one to try and freshen them up. See how tomorrows workout goes. 5Mi 8:47 done.

    PRs:----- 5k: 17:48 (2019)   5M: 29:36 (2020)    HM: 1:24:37 (2017) Scheduled: ???


      Taking a RD today. It's tough, as I'm drugged on running, but my legs really need a a break, and hopefully it will help with my overall fatigue.


      Happy running to you all!



        Good morning!


        I rode 30 miles on another warm morning.  This might be the last dry morning of the week, so I'll get my run days in after today.


        Have a great day!

        Runner with a riding problem.



           I'm drugged on running


          I think I know exactly what you mean.  I get what I call the "warm and fuzzies" from a run or ride that lasts an hour or two.  It's not really a runner's high, but more a clear-headed and low-grade weed buzz with none of the paranoia.  And, instead of the munchies, I get the hangries.

          Runner with a riding problem.


          Go figure

            Good Morning!


            Had a nice 8.3 last night, and I'll shoot for something around 10 tonight. I need to be a little cautious of the pace though as my legs felt fatigued from the 8 yesterday.


            Jay...Good work on being flexible with your training schedule. People get so locked in to those things for some reason and then just end up getting hurt.


            Cyberic...Probably a good call on the rest day...hope it leaves you feeling ready to go.


            Pleasant...Glad you got to take advantage of the weather. Stupid rain!



            Trying to find some more hay to restock the barn


            delicate flower

              My morning so far:

              -Forgot to set the coffee timer last night, so had no coffee for my drive to the pool.

              -Dropped my beautiful Galaxy S8 phone on the sidewalk and cracked the screen.

              -Got stuck in traffic and was 30 minutes late to work


              FTS.  At least I didn't drown during my swim.  I am really bummed about my phone though.



                 It's not really a runner's high, but more a clear-headed and low-grade weed buzz with none of the paranoia.  And, instead of the munchies, I get the hangries.

                Haha. Pretty much a perfect description.

                PRs:----- 5k: 17:48 (2019)   5M: 29:36 (2020)    HM: 1:24:37 (2017) Scheduled: ???


                Former Bad Ass

                  Morning! I have Pilates and 6 miles tonight.



                    My morning so far:

                    -Forgot to set the coffee timer last night, so had no coffee for my drive to the pool.

                    -Dropped my beautiful Galaxy S8 phone on the sidewalk and cracked the screen.

                    -Got stuck in traffic and was 30 minutes late to work


                    FTS.  At least I didn't drown during my swim.  I am really bummed about my phone though.


                    You should take all this as a sign, go home & get back in bed.



                      Morning. I have a short fartlek here in a bit.


                      PR, you hit the nail on the head! Big grin


                      Cyber, with all the miles you do, I can imagine your fatigue must be intense.


                      JayB, sounds like a wise move.


                      SIAR, also sounds like a wise move to be cautious on the pace.


                      Baboon, I agree with Dave--go home and go back to bed!


                      Dave, how are things going with you--mentally & physically re: running?


                        Morning. I have a short fartlek here in a bit.


                        PR, you hit the nail on the head! Big grin


                        Cyber, with all the miles you do, I can imagine your fatigue must be intense.


                        JayB, sounds like a wise move.


                        SIAR, also sounds like a wise move to be cautious on the pace.


                        Baboon, I agree with Dave--go home and go back to bed!


                        Dave, how are things going with you--mentally & physically re: running?


                        ETA: Good morning, Docket! Big grin 



                          Dave, how are things going with you--mentally & physically re: running?


                          You mean, re:not running? I'm actually having a hip/groin issue that's causing quite a bit of pain just walking around. I was feeling it during my training cycle, but not nearly this bad; no idea exactly how/when it got aggravated. Anyway, I'm reluctant to try to start up again. Maybe it will be one of those things that's fine when running, but not going to push it yet. Maybe will try this weekend, IDK. I certainly miss "good" running, but I don't miss the shit running I was doing the last few months. So I don't feel too bad about taking the time off if that's what I'd be going back to. I am letting myself sleep in a little (till 5:30), although leaving the house around 6 puts me smack into rush hour, and I end up spending an extra ~20 min on my morning commute. So thinking about going back to getting up earlier, even if not running. 



                            I certainly miss "good" running, but I don't miss the shit running I was doing the last few months. 


                            Hmmm, that started a thought process in my mind. I've spent months not training for an event. The running was very good, most of the time. Now I'm training for stuff, so I try to do more, to be more ready, to have more improvement, to have more PRs and be more satisfied. Result: I'm more tired, and there's more shit running.


                            That was not the reason why you had shit running, but injury in your case. It's just that the words "shit running" got me thinking...


                              Dave, Sad I hadn't realized you were still dealing with the hip/groin issue.


                              Shit running is just that...shit running. Hoping that with this time off, your body will get a chance to heal up properly and you'll be able to start enjoying running again.


                              I did 6.5 sucky miles, including 10x1min of fartleks. It really took it out of me and my legs felt like burny lead by the end. The cottonwoods are spewing their shit all over the place so I felt like I kept inhaling on it/gagging on it. And I felt asthmatic today, too, which is a new development. #thumbsdown I have an appointment next week with my doctor so I'm going to ask her about that.


                              I am now rehydrating with coffee. #thumbsup!


                                Another rest day for me.  Finally feeling good going up/down the stairs, so I must be on the mend, though I still plan to take off most of the week.  I usually rush back to running a day or two after a marathon, but I'm trying something different this time and hoping for fewer injuries when I do start back up.  I think I never really let my body rest like I should have before, so we'll see how my little test goes this time.
