Beginners and Beyond


Finally FriDAILIES (Read 47 times)

    For those who are pressed for time and are unable to prepare Thanksgiving dinner; behold, thine salvation.



    LRB, you and I are leading parallel lives.  Behold, my score from Trader Joe's last week:



    There is very little in this world that I love more than stuffing, but the fact they put that shiz in/on a potato chip?  Mind. Blown.'


    Baboon, you are crazy fast, go kill this thing.


    JayB, dude, conquering hills at pace makes you confident.  This is an excellent plan.  Also, I meant to say this way before, but on the "my stomach is wrecked after a race," I'm in the same boat.  I was in misery after my 1/2 for about 5 hours.  Eating salty food (specifically chips, but not as awesome as turkey and stuffing chips, just boring ones) seemed to be the thing that turned it around.  I don't know if it gave my stomach something to work on that was non-threatening, or if I really needed sodium (which I doubt given it's in those gels, and I ate 4 of those), but it was the magic bullet.  The rest of the day was ok after that.  Next race I'm bringing post-race recovery chips.  Possibly those Pringles LRB found because, convenient package!


    Docket, I'm so sorry about the migraine.  That is the suck.  Many positive thoughts that that gets better fast.


    Onemile, how's Gracie?  Have they had to take out any more tissue, or is she doing better at all?  Poor girl, what a nightmare for both of you.


    SRD for me today.  Easy something on Saturday, then some mile repeats on Sunday, then some sort of quasi taper.  Cutting back next week will be the hardest for me, my mom is coming on Monday for TG and generally I cope with that by running many miles.




      Coach says 3:08.  I'd be fine with 3:15.  I will follow his instructions though and attempt the 3:08.


      Well TBH, if it were me, I'd go for the 3:15 like we discussed previously. But you're not me, and you don't want to be taking advice from me anyway.




        Hey buttheads, I posted about her like Monday damn it! She kicked ass at Tunnel Hill.

        Yeah, I'm told it's a great first time 50, relatively flat and on some limestone and road/asphalt or whatever and very, very, VERY scenic so I'm definitely considering it.

        The only reason I would be cutting back on my weight lifting is due to time, DH isn't on board with this because he thinks I won't have the time to train for a 50 miler, so I'll have to cut back on that in order to get in the runs. I figure if I can build a good base between now and June 2018, having an average weekly mileage of 35-45 by June, I will need to start training seriously for the distance in July.

        Dorian will be 6 by then, and he will be able to easily hike 4-6 miles with me in the afternoon/evenings, so I won't have to get all my mileage in by running. If I can run 40 miles a week, then add 12-16 miles of hiking with Dorian and whatever else.... I should be alright. All that really matters is time on feet.

        We will see how it goes.... what is mostly important though, is that it's given me back that hunger to get out the door and get the miles in.

        *Do It For Yourself, Do It Because They Said It Was Impossible, Do It Because They Said You Were Incapable*


        5k - 24:15 (7:49 min/mile pace) 

        10k - 51:47 (8:16 min/mile pace)

        15k -1:18:09 (8:24 min/mile pace)

        13.1 - 1:53:12 (8:39 min/mile pace)

         26:2 - 4:14:55 (9:44 min/mile)


          First run done: 10.06 @ 8:18. Did 6 up then 4 around Half pace-7:06,03,01,6:56. Smile


          Baboon: You??? Follow what the coach says???  Go home or go big. Or, go big or go home. 


          CY: You should of done it! With your stride length, that would be like a normal person running a 50K.


          ROS: Victory shower!  Happy B-Day!!!


          Berto: Show that turd who's boss buddy!


          Bread: Good luck on the grand opening!


          SUS: Nice pace! We were about the same. Smile


          LRB: No beer at a Bar???!!!   What the hell? Didn't smell fishy did it?


          Jay: That 8% grade Wal-Mart hill is just like that. 1 mile @ just under 10mm, and taking baby steps.  My heart was maxed out and sounded like a choo-choo by the top! 


            CY: You should of done it! With your stride length, that would be like a normal person running a 50K.



            ^^^^That made me laugh so hard!!


            Also, ditto on the happy birthday to ROS! 




              LRB: No beer at a Bar???!!!   What the hell?


              OFR, I thought you would have posted a link to Slim Dusty singing "A pub with no beer"

              Started running at age 60.

              AG 60-64 PR - 5K 25:45, 10K 53:28, HM 1:57:39, Marathon 4:32:09

              AG 65-69 PR - 5K 26:11, HM 2:02:39, Marathon 5:04:47


              Upcoming race: Four on the 4th 7/4/24 maybe.


              delicate flower


                Well TBH, if it were me, I'd go for the 3:15 like we discussed previously. But you're not me, and you don't want to be taking advice from me anyway.


                I have back up plans in case I fail spectacularly, so I am ready to give this a go.



                Super B****

                  A. Houseguests are the worst.  Especially when they flood your bathroom.  BADLY.  Good thing I got up early to run because another couple of hours worth of water and the ceiling would have fallen in.

                  B. My legs are also the worst because they've been hurting for weeks.


                  C.  In conjunction with B, I now own Hokas.

                  D.  The aforementioned may be too big, but I won't know until I try them, which, should my stupid legs cooperate enough, I will do during a race on Sunday.  What's the worst that could happen?

                  chasing the impossible


                  because i never shut up ... i blog



                    OFR, I thought you would have posted a link to Slim Dusty singing "A pub with no beer"


                    Is that the flip side of "A sheep with no name"?


                      Blue, Dave, Damaris, and anyone else racing. Good luck!


                      Baboon: Is this your backup plan?


                      Image result for pictures of ambulances


                        A. Houseguests are the worst.  Especially when they flood your bathroom.  BADLY.  Good thing I got up early to run because another couple of hours worth of water and the ceiling would have fallen in.


                        I didn't know my kids were staying with you.


                        Half Crazy K 2.0

                          A. Houseguests are the worst.  Especially when they flood your bathroom.  BADLY.  Good thing I got up early to run because another couple of hours worth of water and the ceiling would have fallen in.



                          BTDT. "We didn't want to wake you up". Gee, thanks. It was better I wake up on my own to water from the bathroom dripping on the kitchen table.


                          Former Bad Ass

                            My migraine is low enough now for me to run. But first I need to hydrate because it leaves me



                            Forgot to mention we watched the Justice League last night. I loved it but I also loved Batman v Superman. Different than Marvel but good still.



                              Last night was bar night with the thugs and thugettes from work. Unfortunately, the bar that was selected (Wild Woody's) had no beer on tap.




                              Nope. Not my beloved Two Hearted Ale that I had been fixin' my lips for all week, nor my fall back, All Day IPA. No Fat Tire, not even Bud Light geezus.




                              Anyway, I ended up with a couple of warm cans of Norm's Raggedy Ass IPA and two bottles of Labbatt's. That left me feeling like complete crap this morning, but by some miracle, I managed to get out there and surprisingly, had a great run.


                              Go figure!


                              People. Read carefully. He did not say there was no beer. He said there was no beer on tap. How can "I ended up with a couple of warm cans of Norm's Raggedy Ass IPA and two bottles of Labbatt's"  be interpreted as no beer in the bar, I have no idea.



                                People. Read carefully. He did not say there was no beer. He said there was no beer on tap. How can "I ended up with a couple of warm cans of Norm's Raggedy Ass IPA and two bottles of Labbatt's"  be interpreted as no beer in the bar, I have no idea.


                                Some people don't read so good.

                                That said, lack of draft beer is complete bullshit. For me to not go with a draft option, there would have to be really awful draft selections, or an extremely interesting bottle/can available.

